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03-09-2003, 07:02 PM
what kind of goggles do all of you GNCC guys use for goggles? in the wintertime mine always fog up and after 5 mins of racing i cant see cause the mud...so ill need a antifog and maybe tear off system or something? how exactly do the roll off systems work? fixin to buy goggles just need some opinions

03-09-2003, 07:07 PM
i have always wondered bout the roll offs too. They seem too expensive to me then u have to buy the refils just too much $. I got some spy goggles and ill never go back they don't smear as much as others and don't scratch.

03-09-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by TRX_Thumper
what kind of goggles do all of you GNCC guys use for goggles? in the wintertime mine always fog up and after 5 mins of racing i cant see cause the mud...so ill need a antifog and maybe tear off system or something? how exactly do the roll off systems work? fixin to buy goggles just need some opinions

I've got both the roll-offs and tear-offs. After riding with both, I can say that, personally, I like the tear-offs better. With the roll-offs, you have about a 1.5 inch strip that gets "rolled off". I've had bad luck with them in muddy or wet conditions, where they get caked up bad and just cease working correctly.

With the tear offs, you get a full-size new view every time you tear a sheet off. You can get several of the tear-offs on for one race that will normally last you.

I will say that the roll-offs seem to work decent in dry conditions, but you didn't seem to be concerned about that.

03-09-2003, 07:29 PM
For GNCC the tearoffs just aren't enough. It is only possable to get a few tearoffs on a pair of goggles. With the rolloff's you get about 30 pulls per roll. And at about $1 per roll it is way cheaper than tearoffs.

03-09-2003, 08:35 PM
what brand an model for rolloffs do you recomend? and razorback theres some cover i just saw in the new rockymountain catalog for rolloffs that helps in wet weather maybe that would help?

03-09-2003, 08:45 PM
I had the Smith roll off kit on my Oakley's and took them off because they are a pain to clean. If water gets between the lens and the film it takes a long time to dry.
Also it cuts down on the view out of the sides of your goggles which can be very bad when racing or riding if someone comes up beside you and you can't see them.
I plan to try tear offs this season. Never used them so we will see. :confused2

03-09-2003, 10:38 PM
When I first got back into riding I just picked up a couple pairs of Scott goggles where I was buying parta local.

Saw a pair of ProGrip goggles with the light sensitive lens and graphite frame and just had to have them, and they have fog and scratch resistant lens that really does work. These are so much better than the Scott POS that I would never even think of going back. I have since purchased another couple pairs of the Progrips and have liked every one of the diff styles I have tried. The one pair is a mirrored type lens and its about the best of the bunch and all the frames are top notch.

I have heard that Smiths are good also but never had tried them.

03-10-2003, 07:46 AM
SCOTT has something called a mudflap that goes above the rolloff. It keeps mud and water from getting behind the rolloff. It works too. I have NEVER had water get between my lens and film. So, Scott is definately the way to go.

03-10-2003, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by GNCC#829
SCOTT has something called a mudflap that goes above the rolloff. It keeps mud and water from getting behind the rolloff. It works too. I have NEVER had water get between my lens and film. So, Scott is definately the way to go.

I have that exact system. What happened to me two weekends ago, on a very muddy race track, is that my goggles got a lot of mud on them, and somehow the mud caused the roll-off to get stuck (unbeknown to me) and when I pulled the string the film broke, leaving me totally screwed.

When I got home and got everything cleaned up and fixed the problem, there was muddy water all in the canister. I'm just a little disappointed with the roll-offs, but my expectations may have been too high. They seem to work "OK" in the drier mud situations, but not when it's soupy and there's water involved. Again, that's just my experience.

On the cost issue, I think the roll-offs are cheaper in the long run, because they last a long time, as long as you're not pulling the string constantly ;)

03-10-2003, 08:53 AM
I use the Smith Warp goggles with roll offs and a dual pane lense. I saw 100's of people take their goggles off at FL and GA. I kept the same pair of goggles on for the entire race at both of those 2 wet and muddy races with no problems at all.

03-10-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
I use the Smith Warp goggles with roll offs and a dual pane lense. I saw 100's of people take their goggles off at FL and GA. I kept the same pair of goggles on for the entire race at both of those 2 wet and muddy races with no problems at all.

jeff, do those warp's have that mud flap thing that goes up top so mud an water doesnt leak in?
i just bought a pair of smith goggles with roll offs but there not the warps.
i have warps with tear off's for mx, but i wasnt sure how the roll off warps would work due to the funly shape of the lense.
does anyone have any opinions of smith roll off's?

03-10-2003, 09:47 AM
All of the rool-off systems are made by Smith and Scott just puts there sticker on the thing. They make a mud/water visor to go on top of the goggle lense to keep the water from getting under the flim. but, the water will still get in from the bottom side. the roll-off system costs at first but in the long run it pays for itself. One roll is suppose to be equal to 100 tear-offs.
Try the Progrip goggles if you are having a problem with the lense foggying up. Non of there lenses will fog up and they are the same price as the rest. They are now making the light sensetive drilled for the roll-offs.

Team Country
03-10-2003, 09:50 AM
Ditto on what Jeff said. There is no comparison. Your field of vision is great also. The dual pane clear lense really works in the wet conditions.

03-10-2003, 09:58 AM
i never had good luck with Roll-offs. So i run the Scott High Voltage with tearoffs. They are a GREAT goggle for anti fog. And u can actually feel the cool air hitting your face frome there new style vents.

03-10-2003, 11:19 AM
I put a No fog solution on mine, and the only time that they ever fog up is when you are stopped and the motor is steaming because it got wet.

03-10-2003, 11:19 AM
I put a No fog solution on mine, and the only time that they ever fog up is when you are stopped and the motor is steaming because it got wet.

03-10-2003, 12:35 PM
I had Jeff order me some of the smith roll offs and they work great I think...last 2 races I've been at were muddy as heck and they worked great....tryin to avoid mud from hittin your face helps too......:o

03-10-2003, 12:43 PM
has anyone tried the lense with the raised bumps? my only complaint with the rolloffs is they do tend to stick in real wet conditions. i like the smiths more so than the scotts, scotts seem to tight across the nose area. does anyone else have a problem with contact lenses when their wearing googles, mine tend to pop out of my eyes. not good!

03-10-2003, 02:05 PM
i just got a set of spy goggles, they are very comfortable and I have the tear off posts, i can put more than one on at a time but the end straps are all bunched together so if i were to grab the strap thing to tear them off i'd end up ripping them all off

heres them

03-10-2003, 02:11 PM
I run Spys. They are great.... I won't run anything but them...

03-10-2003, 02:11 PM
i run pro-grip with tear-offs and they haven't dissappointed me yet... never seen em fogged and the light sensitivity is nice too

03-10-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by quad041
jeff, do those warp's have that mud flap thing that goes up top so mud an water doesnt leak in?
i just bought a pair of smith goggles with roll offs but there not the warps.
i have warps with tear off's for mx, but i wasnt sure how the roll off warps would work due to the funly shape of the lense.
does anyone have any opinions of smith roll off's? Ya, the warp racer pack comes with them. I can order you some of the mud visors for your goggles if you want, their really cheap.

03-10-2003, 03:39 PM
thanks guys..im leanin towards gettin the smith warp stars...the racer pack is $52 at rockymountain that comes with the roll off system, is that a good deal? i had some pro grips and there awesome about the no fog...only problem is the actual tear offs would fog up...will the smith warp goggles fog up or should i get some no fog wipes?

03-10-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by MEL
scotts seem to tight across the nose area. does anyone else have a problem with contact lenses when their wearing googles, mine tend to pop out of my eyes. not good!

My brother has the smith warps and i noticed they are tight on my cheeks and mess up my contacts sometimes making them fall out. i had better luck with my thors ( i think they are scott 89x's) but they are garbage and fog and scratch like crazy.

Team Country
03-10-2003, 05:13 PM
The Warp Stars are new for this year and they are just an updated version of last years Warp. If you try them I guarantee you'll like them. They have a new way of securing the covers on the film holders. You don't have to tape them on. I would get a dual pane lense (they only come in clear) for muddy races and get a tinted on for sunny days. I have a red pair and they come with a rose tinted lense. They work great in the sunlight too.

03-10-2003, 05:13 PM
i use the smith warps and my oly complaint is the crappy single pane lens, i mean that thing is a joke, its scratches really easy fogs fast and smears mud, but if you replace the lens the goggle themselves are good..

Hey Lenny: how much did you pay for the progrip im thinking im gonna be ordering them really soon :D and which model did you like the best ? thanks

03-10-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
Ya, the warp racer pack comes with them. I can order you some of the mud visors for your goggles if you want, their really cheap.

well the goggles came with one, that i put on, is it a good idea to have extra's???

03-10-2003, 08:24 PM
ive got scott goggles with roll offs,
if you have any roll off systems, get a set of scott holeshot tearoffs. it gives you a tearoff over your film for the start.
its really nice to have in a muddy start. like GA!

guess if i would get a better start i wouldnt have to use it.

03-10-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by 240GNCC400
ive got scott goggles with roll offs,
if you have any roll off systems, get a set of scott holeshot tearoffs. it gives you a tearoff over your film for the start.
its really nice to have in a muddy start. like GA!

guess if i would get a better start i wouldnt have to use it. Me and you both!!!:mad:

03-12-2003, 08:53 PM
im a goggle freak and my favorite 2 pairs are the smith warpstar and the scott no sweat 3. the warpstar just plain looks good and is very comfortable and has very little scratching from where i have been getting sprayed with dirt and pebbles by my buddys rear tire for the past 3 months, it also never fogs to the point where you cant see. the scott no sweat is my favorite on the days where the sun is really shining because it comes with tinted lenses and is the best at absorbing that nasty sweat