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View Full Version : off set wheels?

08-21-2012, 06:00 PM
what exactky do off set wheels do? and what off set should i get?

08-21-2012, 06:06 PM
Offset wheels can make you quad a little wider or narrower depending on what you have now. What type of riding do you do and what do you want to change, width?

08-21-2012, 06:09 PM
The offset of a wheel indicates how far in or out the centerline of the wheel is compared to the spindle/hub. A 4+1 wheel will be 4" to the inside of the wheel, 1" to the outside of the wheel. A 3+2 wheel is 3" to the inside, 2" out. Ideally, you want the center of the wheel as close to the pivot point of the spindle as possible (where the a-arms attach). The stock wheel is close to 3+2.5, so a 4+1 wheel will theoretically handle better. But you loose a little width. That's why most people go with a wider a-arm, with 4+1 wheels. You get the better handling of the 4+1 wheel, but you gain the width back in the a-arms.

08-21-2012, 06:24 PM
ok im goin to be doin trail riding in open fields and tight stuff....what wheels should i get?

08-21-2012, 06:32 PM
3+2 wheels are 100x easier to find than 4+1. The extra inch gained isnt a heck of alot either.