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View Full Version : Impatient, bad temper, anxious...

07-29-2012, 12:11 PM
Sorry to be a post whore here in open forum lately, and also sorry to come on here and get mushy with personal issues but I just wanted to know if anyone else felt the same way. I know this is a quad forum and not Dr. Phil but hey theres some smart people here.

Ive felt like this for the last 6 years and it seems to be getting progressively worse. I'm always in a hurry, 24/7. Anything I do. If I'm going fishing or riding I cant get packed up fast enough. Then I cant get there fast enough. Then when I do get there I'm checking the time on my phone constantly. I guess I just feel like the clock is always ticking and I'm being timed. It makes it impossible to live in the moment or enjoy anything.

I'm to the point where I can't absorb any of the information that I read because I'm basically skimming thru and looking at the next line while I haven't even finished the one I'm on.

I dont know if this is a severe case of ADD or what, and it's def got worse since I had a severe concussion but I spend so much time looking for my phone, keys and wallet everyday its ridiculous. And this kills my performance at work when I'm running around looking for tools and whatnot that I just had.

And I think the temper thing just stems from always feeling like I'm always late for something. But like I said this isnt just a feeling that I'm only worried I'm gonna be late to work or something it carrys into absolutely everything I do.

I have seen a few different docs and all they ever want to do is give you and anti depressant, which I'm not depressed.

I know 99% of people are just gonna say slow down relax and take it easy but if it were that easy I would've dont that a long time ago. I really do think its some sort of imbalance. I read that at over active amygdala (part of your brain that controls fear/agression) will cause problems like this.

Your mind is such a powerful tool I just want mine to work with me and not against me

07-29-2012, 12:23 PM
I'm very impatient and get frustrated very easily. I'm always checking my phone at the time hurrying around everywhere. About the only thing that relaxes me is riding. When i get frustrated a million bombs go off in my head. I was changing my steering stem the other day and couldnt get something with the tie rod ends and ended up throwing wrenchs

07-29-2012, 12:27 PM
Get a bag of MMJ and chill lol.

From your post about your room mate, Id be depressed looking at the **** hole he makes you live in. Its not all about how you feel, The depression pills could balance out what your dealing with. Have you ever tried any of them? IMO id try and get a couple xanex and next time you start to go bat **** take one and see if there is a differnce in your temper and your mind going 100mph.

Or have them scan your mush mellon, You could have a bleed etc in your head. I had a couple done, They just add dye into your system and monitor it to see if yu have a leak or block etc. Ya never know.

07-29-2012, 12:57 PM
I wish there was one thing that I could point to and blame it on but really its more of a frame of mind than a reaction to something I've been thru. And i was on zoloft for 2 years, wellbutrin, lexapro and paxil. I eventually weened myself off of them for alot of reasons, the main one is that they just gave me a dull lethargic feeling. When the lows arent as low anymore the highs arent as high either.

I have also been prescribed to xanax and multiplied my anxiety tremendously. I dont wanna sound like a junkie but pain killers are the only thing that relax me and make me feel like I can slow down and focus on something. Its amazing the difference it makes, my normal self I see the negative in everything and therefor pass up so many opportunities but when I have taken one I can focus in so intently I am so into whatever I'm doing I dont have time to ponder all the "what if's". It makes me alot more productive, outgoing, patient and friendly. And no, I dont have a dependency problem Ive been prescribed to them a handful of times by a dentist, never taken any otherwise. And yes, I know this isnt the intentions of a pain killer. If I went to a doc and told them this it would land me in some sort or drug rehab.

Ive done so many stupid things that I'm embarrassed to even mention in a fit of rage. Broke my hand, truck is beat to death... nothing good ever comes of it but I will admit that I can stop myself from doing stupid things like that but sometimes I feel like its the only way to let out my aggression.

Ive been dealt my share of bad hands and I wont get into it, but I am pretty blessed. Im able bodied, have a beautiful healthy daughter, got a loving family, got a quad and dirt bike I can ride, the best gf in the world... thats more than most people can say. I do have a ton of things that stress me out but theres people with alot less than me that are much happier and thats all I want is to feel content. The guy I work with has the most "poor me" attitude of any human being on the planet, is always the victim, is constantly cussing yelling screaming and complaining so I'm exposed to that 24/7 and its draining.

My gf came to me once and said occasionally my negativity puts a huge damper on the mood and I know its true but she also knows Im trying my hardest. I try not to be one of those people who complain about everything and put no effort into solving my issues, if I have an issue I will do everything I can to put myself in a better situation. But, if I was a millionaire, didnt have to work, had every material possession Ive ever wanted, I know I'd still feel this way.

I feel like life is passing me by and Im just kinda trudging thru everyday. The happiest people dont usually even have a reason to be they just are.

07-29-2012, 01:00 PM
Could be anxiety. Do you ever feel like your heart is racing for no reason? Or do you ever get nervous for no particular reason? I used to have anxiety really bad about two years ago. I still get it every once in awhile, but for the most part it has gone away. I never got on any meds for it but I have heard they can really help.

Edit: Didn't see your last post when I typed this lol

07-29-2012, 01:50 PM
To me all the anti's would have me feeling like a drunk in the morning with brew shakes lol. I too stopped taking them.

Yeah pain pills are the do all wonder drug. They are opiates just like herion and you feel no pain, Phyical or mental. They slow ya down and gives you the "who gives a ****" type out look.
I was hooked on them for 15 years. They gave me my bad attitude and alot of other problems. I was up to taking 20 give or take a day, All from the doc, But a few doc's. When i quit cold turkey a year ago last feb was the best thing i ever did. They are no good and will cause you more problems.

Hell i get mad and through **** all the time. I have punched things that dont move, Threw my pit bike for no reason other than it was in my way. Endless amounts of stupid on my part and if you asked why, I couldent tell ya other than pissed at nothing.

If your gf has seen you at your worst and shes still there, Work off of that and try to make it your daughter never sees it. Its hard and im not going to say i havnt blew up on my son, But im trying too.
Just keep your head up and try and find a method to vent. That and try to bite your lip around the gf/family, Last thing you need is yelling through a phone.

07-29-2012, 04:58 PM
i hear you i was working crazy hours and never had time for myself wich i was fine with for the simple fact that money buys toys. but ive noticed i can never get things done fast enough like you said i miss place tools ect and for get to do stupid little thing wich at work can be a major screw up. nothing can ever get done fast enough at work i dont have an issue because i run a cnc mill so i have nobody there to bother me. out side of work i have issues with large crowds and working with other. half the time people end up just getting in my way and i tell them to sit down 100 feet away from me because id have had it done already if they wernt there. i dont know if its everyones lazyness or what. but what happens is when i am working my *** off on something and i miss place something simple im anal about finding it and loose focus when i could do other things. (this is the reason my hybrid is not done yet. ) i have an organized clutter in the grage with fourwheeler parts but when someone at the house looses hardware for something and digs thew my stuff to find something i have to reorganize everything before i can get started and by that point im to pissed off and loose my patients. so your not the only one most of the time i feel like im just spinning my wheels for the benefit of others. just like i stopped by my buddys house to bs with a few old friends for 20 mins on my way home and some dumb chick decided to drag her mirror down the side of my freshly washed and waxed truck. so i ended up being up till 4 am last night buffing the living hell out of my truck until it was damn near unnoticeable.

MX MaNiAc 06
07-29-2012, 05:10 PM
Guess I'm not the only one. Lol

Ruby Soho
07-29-2012, 05:36 PM
i can relate to the reading lol.. always been a small issue for me, i read far to fast and dont gather the information half of the time. so i have to read twice. i find myself thinking about other things ill be doing in the day while i read. unless of course its something helpful or something im really into.

07-29-2012, 05:59 PM
Might sound a little odd, but get your testosterone level checked. Seriously, low testosterone can drastically screw with your body and mind.. just a thought.

07-29-2012, 06:15 PM
dude my test level is stupid low and im 23.

I just had it tested a few weeks ago, normal level is like 132 to 900 and mine was 150 something. That's equivalent to around a 70 year old man. And of course I pay $300 out of pocket with no insurance for the visit and the test and my doc says "its within normal range I can't help you"

The low T thing is absolutely killing my quality of life, take away the things that make you a man at the age of 23 when you should be in your prime and it's alot to deal with

07-29-2012, 06:21 PM
Dude, you need to see a different urologist... 700-900 is normal. Dr's are leary about testosterone replacement because once you start, you're stuck on it for life. But.... is it really worth it when you are so out of whack? Go somewhere else, and get a second opinion. You would be amazed at how much better you feel.

07-29-2012, 07:51 PM
I wish I knew of a place I could go to that would for sure help me instead of spend a fistful of money and hope they give me something and I'd be on my way

07-29-2012, 07:59 PM
I also wonder if i will even be able to afford it without health insurance

07-29-2012, 08:01 PM
dude, i would start by quiting your job. money is not the be all end all to everything in life. self happiness is worth far more than having a few extra dollars per pay check. im sure if you looked hard enough, you could find work in your area or someithng that just sitn so hard on you psychologically and emmotionally.

07-30-2012, 12:40 PM
well it all came to a head today at work. I punctured my lung a couple years ago with a crash and everytime it gets extremely humid I can hardly breathe. We worked 64 hours last week, the heat index has been 100+ everyday with 90% humidity and all week I felt short of breath, no appetite and weak as can be. Im down in jackson mississippi (Im from Indiana) and today it was 112 degrees and I just could not breathe. I sat in the truck for a minute and turned the AC on and it wasnt doing much. Dunno if youve ever felt like your being suffocated and dont know why but it'll provoke an anxiety attack and thats what it did. I told my foreman, he told his boss, then that guy told his boss that I aint gonna be able to continue on down here.

I feel somewhat soft for not being able to hack it but when I cant breathe, I cant help that and I'm gonna remove myself from whatever is causing the issue. I didnt want to go to an immediate care for them to tell me I'm overheating and slap me with a $500 bill so I just went back to the hotel. What a day.... This living in a hotel 12 hours from home is killin me, literally

07-30-2012, 12:42 PM
and I dang sure dont wanna get fired, and really dont want to have to quit here until I have found something else and I want it to be a good reference.

But as of now I dont really have the option to quit about to get custody of my daughter from her strung out high school drop out unemployed mom and if I'm also unemployed I wont look much better to the judge

Ruby Soho
07-30-2012, 02:58 PM
just look at it from maybe the only brightside left man.. you have a job, thats decent paying. look how many are out of work, and your working. it may suck but hell your getting a pay check and some other guys arent.

thats what i tell myself. laying and welding deck on a 100 degree humid florida summer day at 2pm. sometimes you just want to say **** it but you know what im working, and i think of the times when i was out of work or it was slow and i was wishing that i could be busting ***. its a ****ty economic time to be in, for everyone. but eventually times will be okay and we will all be doing good.. just have to keep your chin up and make that money

07-30-2012, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
well it all came to a head today at work. I punctured my lung a couple years ago with a crash and everytime it gets extremely humid I can hardly breathe. We worked 64 hours last week, the heat index has been 100+ everyday with 90% humidity and all week I felt short of breath, no appetite and weak as can be. Im down in jackson mississippi (Im from Indiana) and today it was 112 degrees and I just could not breathe. I sat in the truck for a minute and turned the AC on and it wasnt doing much. Dunno if youve ever felt like your being suffocated and dont know why but it'll provoke an anxiety attack and thats what it did. I told my foreman, he told his boss, then that guy told his boss that I aint gonna be able to continue on down here.

I feel somewhat soft for not being able to hack it but when I cant breathe, I cant help that and I'm gonna remove myself from whatever is causing the issue. I didnt want to go to an immediate care for them to tell me I'm overheating and slap me with a $500 bill so I just went back to the hotel. What a day.... This living in a hotel 12 hours from home is killin me, literally

in living in a hotel currently, 7429 miles from home, i can sympathize a little....but your case just sucks man

07-30-2012, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
well it all came to a head today at work. I punctured my lung a couple years ago with a crash and everytime it gets extremely humid I can hardly breathe. We worked 64 hours last week, the heat index has been 100+ everyday with 90% humidity and all week I felt short of breath, no appetite and weak as can be. Im down in jackson mississippi (Im from Indiana) and today it was 112 degrees and I just could not breathe. I sat in the truck for a minute and turned the AC on and it wasnt doing much. Dunno if youve ever felt like your being suffocated and dont know why but it'll provoke an anxiety attack and thats what it did. I told my foreman, he told his boss, then that guy told his boss that I aint gonna be able to continue on down here.

I feel somewhat soft for not being able to hack it but when I cant breathe, I cant help that and I'm gonna remove myself from whatever is causing the issue. I didnt want to go to an immediate care for them to tell me I'm overheating and slap me with a $500 bill so I just went back to the hotel. What a day.... This living in a hotel 12 hours from home is killin me, literally

Damn man. I thought it sounded a lot like anxiety. Sounds like you need to take a little time off to just sit back and relax. I feel for you though. Anxiety is one of the worst things to have to deal with. I used to literally think I was dying when I was on the verge of a panic attack.

07-30-2012, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by madskrillz2
Sounds like you need to take a little time off to just sit back and relax.

I wish that were a possibility :ermm: lol

07-31-2012, 01:26 PM
I have the same problems, plus heart palpitations. Have an appt with a doc in a few weeks. I have a few weeks of vacation saved up, wanted to take it this summer but I cant because there's no one to fill in for me!

07-31-2012, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by chucked
I have the same problems, plus heart palpitations. Have an appt with a doc in a few weeks. I have a few weeks of vacation saved up, wanted to take it this summer but I cant because there's no one to fill in for me!

I feel for ya man. To me the most frustrating part is when people act like I choose to feel like this or that it's as simple as "just be happy"

They wont let me go back to work they think I'm a liability now so I'm stuck sitting in the hotel till we go home this weekend, hopefully I dont go home and get canned :ermm:

07-31-2012, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I feel for ya man. To me the most frustrating part is when people act like I choose to feel like this or that it's as simple as "just be happy"

They wont let me go back to work they think I'm a liability now so I'm stuck sitting in the hotel till we go home this weekend, hopefully I dont go home and get canned :ermm:

You can only hope they fire you for a medical condition they caused. You can get un employment for the mean time until your lawyer sues the chit out of them and no more money worries for awhile.

No matter what, Even if you had any of this before, They caused it to come back and are 100% liable for any and all costs. No matter what its a win/win for you.

07-31-2012, 07:37 PM
I didn't read all of this thread but I've had a lot of the same issues for years. I get pissed off over stupid things, very bad anxiety, and like you said always watching the clock and worried about the time to do things.

I finally said its time to go to the doctor. So I went to one and was put on some meds that did nothing but give me side affects and all he said was "sounds like you have some issue in your life causing these problems" "I think you need to go talk to someone" Which is not true. So I went to another doctor that my father goes to and was put on prozac. Takes your body a wile to adjust to it but it has made a good difference in my issues. Not 100% better but my doctor told me I'm on a low dose right now and in a couple more weeks he will put me up to a higher dosage and it should be even better.

Try going to the doctor and just give some meds a try. If you don't like them all you have to do is stop taking them. You never know it could make your life much better.

Good luck with everything. Hope everything gets worked out for you :)

08-01-2012, 07:33 AM
Smoke more weed! You'll be fine!lol

08-01-2012, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Smoke more weed! You'll be fine!lol

:D You'll feel muuccchh better :bandit:

08-01-2012, 02:07 PM
I've also heard for alot of people weed will multiply their anxiety.

Heard from my supervisor today, originally they were just going to switch me out with someone back home and let me work there because of my breathing issue and I was really relieved. They wouldn't let me work any this week cause they were scared I was gonna fall out on them (I know they could care less their just worried about a lawsuit because I've made it clear to everyone I've had a breathing issue down here from day one) so I've been sitting in the hotel room 24 hours a day with no transportation, and I will get a 5 hour check next week...

So he calls back today and basically says if it's a health issue that I've had they cant keep me and Im gonna have to sit down with our safety guy and throw everyone under the bus, then probably get laid off or get placed on a horrible job with some douche and get weeded out.

He basically persuaded me to say it was just anxiety and to tough it out if I wanted to stay a working employee, which fine whatever I guess you cant work with me after lying to me non stop since I was first hired. Never heard a word about travel, not in the hiring process or in orientation. All summer they rushed us at home saying we will never catch up, are swamped! so we stormed thru everything then not 2 weeks later... "sorry we are out of work here, you can take a lay off or move to the south"....

Basically Ive just been laying around in this hotel all week for no reason. But do you think they care that Im gonna get a $100 check to live out of town on for the next week?

08-01-2012, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I've also heard for alot of people weed will multiply their anxiety.

Heard from my supervisor today, originally they were just going to switch me out with someone back home and let me work there because of my breathing issue and I was really relieved. They wouldn't let me work any this week cause they were scared I was gonna fall out on them (I know they could care less their just worried about a lawsuit because I've made it clear to everyone I've had a breathing issue down here from day one) so I've been sitting in the hotel room 24 hours a day with no transportation, and I will get a 5 hour check next week...

So he calls back today and basically says if it's a health issue that I've had they cant keep me and Im gonna have to sit down with our safety guy and throw everyone under the bus, then probably get laid off or get placed on a horrible job with some douche and get weeded out.

He basically persuaded me to say it was just anxiety and to tough it out if I wanted to stay a working employee, which fine whatever I guess you cant work with me after lying to me non stop since I was first hired. Never heard a word about travel, not in the hiring process or in orientation. All summer they rushed us at home saying we will never catch up, are swamped! so we stormed thru everything then not 2 weeks later... "sorry we are out of work here, you can take a lay off or move to the south"....

Basically Ive just been laying around in this hotel all week for no reason. But do you think they care that Im gonna get a $100 check to live out of town on for the next week?

quit your job! dude, quit making excuses why you dont want to quit it and why you cant, just do it! go flip burgers, wash dishes, do somehting else closer to home till you find another job that suits you familys financial needs.......you gotta quit making excuses and take action to control your own life. money is not the be all end all in life. you will survive, you will get by...just quit, evaluate your situation, and move on....

08-01-2012, 04:32 PM
Im going to once I have another one lined up. Ive done nothing but make a resume and fill out apps today. 95% of the places I can think of arent hiring :ermm:

08-01-2012, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
Im going to once I have another one lined up. Ive done nothing but make a resume and fill out apps today. 95% of the places I can think of arent hiring :ermm:

never hurts to stick your resume out there, never. you never know when some joe blow is gonna quit or get fired from a place, and if htey got your resume, you got that much more of a chance over a dude that ddintd give them his.

id also stick you resume on monster jobs or career builder or something like that ....it would never hurt to try

08-02-2012, 07:04 AM
my past 3 jobs my employer called me out of the blue cause my resume was on career builder and monster.com those sites are great!

08-08-2012, 02:33 PM
I'm not going to sit here and tell you to "Man Up", or tell you that your problems and issues aren't real. But you're headed in the wrong direction, with the wrong frame of mind, and you're setting yourself up for hardship and failure for the rest of your life.

I call it Loser Talk, and just as the name implies, it's the talk of losers. The perpetual Victims, where every problem they have is somebody else's fault.

Now, that doesn't mean you get to flip a switch in your brain and suddenly you don't have anxiety, you don't have breathing problems in humid environments, and you get along splendidly with your roommate. It means you start finding solutions to problems, rather than comlain about them. If you find yourself wasting time looking for your keys, get a tether and put them on your belt, or establish a routine where you put them in the same place every night and you stick with that routine.

Ain't none of this going to be easy, because the world isn't going to wait for you to figure your issues out, and certainly isn't going to PAY you and support you while you're at it. But the first thing that needs to change is your attitude.

I know it sounds cheesy and cliche, like an after-school special, but it's the first step. I know that I can't run a marathon, but if life required it of me for some goofy reason, I'm not going to just throw up my hands and say "I can't". I'm going to jog a little each day, and a little further each week. Saying "I can't because..." is loser talk, it never gets anywhere.

08-10-2012, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I'm not going to sit here and tell you to "Man Up", or tell you that your problems and issues aren't real. But you're headed in the wrong direction, with the wrong frame of mind, and you're setting yourself up for hardship and failure for the rest of your life.

I call it Loser Talk, and just as the name implies, it's the talk of losers. The perpetual Victims, where every problem they have is somebody else's fault.

Now, that doesn't mean you get to flip a switch in your brain and suddenly you don't have anxiety, you don't have breathing problems in humid environments, and you get along splendidly with your roommate. It means you start finding solutions to problems, rather than comlain about them. If you find yourself wasting time looking for your keys, get a tether and put them on your belt, or establish a routine where you put them in the same place every night and you stick with that routine.

Ain't none of this going to be easy, because the world isn't going to wait for you to figure your issues out, and certainly isn't going to PAY you and support you while you're at it. But the first thing that needs to change is your attitude.

I know it sounds cheesy and cliche, like an after-school special, but it's the first step. I know that I can't run a marathon, but if life required it of me for some goofy reason, I'm not going to just throw up my hands and say "I can't". I'm going to jog a little each day, and a little further each week. Saying "I can't because..." is loser talk, it never gets anywhere.

I know. Half the people that read everything in here would probably expect me to get mad and say your wrong but I know what your saying is the truth. But what I'm getting at is I don't understand why it's like this. I certainly haven't been this way my whole life. Maybe a series of crappy things happening but the most minor things irritate the hell out of me and even inside my head im asking myself why the hell I'm mad over nothing.

Regardless of my issues I feel I can deal with anything, and I feel like I've accomplished alot for someone my age, and I have never had anyone call me lazy. we put in 68 hours this week in the mississippi heat. I never meant to come off as "oh poor insignificant me".

Remember when you were a teenager, say junior high age, and everything your parents did annoyed the hell out of you, and everyone was always wrong about everything? Thats how I feel. But it's like I never came out of that stage. And the thing is, I can tell you the exact second I started feeling this way its like someone flipped a switch in my head. Which does make me wonder if it is hormone related...

Every issue I have, before I even think of complaining about it I will ask myself if there is a solution to fix this problem? And I also learned that nobody wants to hear someone elses complaints all the time. But I feel like someone that doesnt/never felt the same way wouldnt understand, I dont feel like Im making a choice to feel like this. If it was as easy as "snap out of it, and put on a smile", I couldve done that on my own long ago

But I'm commited to getting it resolved because like I said it sucks the joy out of life and I've been dealing with it for a long time. I know there isnt a pill thats gonna fix or probably even help anything if it means I have to go to therapy to change the way I think then so be it but obviously I cant sort it out myself. I can grin and bare, but I dont want a "if I can just make it through this" attitude forever

08-12-2012, 08:38 AM
the long term effect of pain pills is depression you feel happy on pain pills cuz it over revs the part of the brain that makes u feel happy... "kinda like a moter its bad to over rev" :p its really not good bc over time it can make u hate life an since it has to do with the brain once u **** it up it cant really be fixed...