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View Full Version : DG nerfs?

12-10-2001, 10:42 AM
well ive been planning on getting AC pro-pegs but after hearing about them bending and being loose, im not sure about it. on huevos 4, Creech and i think Sermini both have DG nerfs on their 400s, so they cant be that bad. does anyone have anything good to say about DG nerfs? i know there are a bunch of people on this site that have them so could you guys fill me in? later

12-10-2001, 06:53 PM
Oh me too.... can't decide on the propegs or the DGs....

12-10-2001, 11:42 PM
i'm sorry but the DG nerfs are junk.do not waste your money on them or you will regret it in time.i only heard of 1 person(RICO) bending a set of AC pro-pegs and that was off one sick jump after the nefrs were used and abused many times:D .if he would have had DG's they probably would have snapped or bent to the ground.i also never heard of them coming loose but if that is the case,that is what loc-tite is for.i would suggest AC or Graydon.if you decide on the DG's,you will be back telling me i told you so.;)

12-11-2001, 05:24 AM
i have the DG nerf about 2years and one is bend, if i have te buy nerf again, i surely check for other nerf thant DG, maybe the AC, i heard good things on it and looks good.

12-11-2001, 07:12 AM
I bent my DG and would NEVER buy another. Go with the AC Pro Pegs.

12-11-2001, 11:38 AM
My friend bought some DG nerfs, the second day he had them his quad tipped in a corner. Now, i don't mean a full fledge ROLL or a hard impact, just tipped. And the nerfs bent. Also, i think the AC's look a lot better.

12-11-2001, 01:51 PM
well im sold on teh propegs! thanks for hookin me up wit the info. later

12-29-2001, 01:21 PM
I have only killed one set of AC Pro-Pegs, and that was after a bad get off. I will stay with AC.

12-29-2001, 01:48 PM
yeah DG's suck! i got some pro pegs and these things rule. their tough as hell. way tougher than any other nerfs i have seen.

12-30-2001, 02:34 PM
on all my d.g. part's they seem to be built ok and havn't bent or broken- now my pipe is messed up at the moment- but thats my fault- i came back in a wheelie and it hit the ground- weakend the
piece of metal that bolts it to the- grab bar.. then the other night i rode in some mud and my chain came off and i had to push it outa the mud with my big bear couse i didn't have a tow-rope-
i tried to keep it lined up but it slipped hit the pipe and broke that piece the rest of the way off- and the pipe was hanging out to the side on the way home- looked kinda neat though- kinda like a v.w. bug with the pipe sticking up in the air- only differant-
it's going to be rewelded next week and all's well- right now it's
hooked up with a bungey chored haha-