View Full Version : Need engine help!

06-28-2012, 12:34 AM
Went to start putting my 87 motor back together and was trying to remove the 4 studs that hold the cylinder down and wow are they in there ! Any helpful hints on getting them to move ? I double nutted the first one and am almost ready to round the nut , even put just a small amount of heat with zero luck ! Need sone suggestions please !

06-28-2012, 01:16 AM
buy a socket that doesnt use the corners of nut, ie snap on mac etc.

try pb blaster on them and a impact electric on medium or low

06-28-2012, 01:22 AM
Impact won't work just takes the top nut off , there soaking now with pb blaster so hopefully tomm goes better but there very tight and haven't moved at all !

06-28-2012, 01:48 AM
are you trying to remove the studs from the case or the cylinder from the case?

if the studs from the case, double stack nuts and run them together with a deep well socket and then tap on end of a breaker bar or long ratchet with a small hammer not a sludge.

06-28-2012, 03:45 AM
Studs from case .

06-28-2012, 02:31 PM
i had this problem. the nut trick didnt work broke one of the studs trying it with heat on it also. go to sears and buy a stud removal tool its about 20 bucks. it is a life saver trust me . you can put studs in with it also. after you use it you will never try the nut trick again. you may still want too use heat to be safe.

06-29-2012, 11:35 AM
Headed to Sears shortly thanks !

07-06-2012, 10:18 AM
did you find the tool yet

07-10-2012, 01:20 PM
No my local sears did not sell them , looks like I can order online but I may just take this to my local machine shop !

07-13-2012, 07:00 PM
thats funny because the sears i went to told me the same thing. after i looked and couldn't find one. so i ask someone else there and he didnt know what i was talking about he ask another person and he took me right to it. i think it was in with the sockets and ratchets i think. i hope you get it out somehow good luck

Grande Huevos
07-15-2012, 10:37 AM
take a heat gun or torch get the studs nice and hot and then take a birthday candle and touch it to the hot stud and the wax will melt and run down into the threads then crank on it with the double nuts and it will come right out!! I had this prob once and nothing i tried worked even the machine shop couldnt break them loose with 3 guys messing with it. Then he showed us the candle trick and shazam it came right out with ease. I have since then done it myself on 3 motors and its worked flawlessly every time