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View Full Version : wheel is wobbling on front end of my 300ex what needs to be fixed??

03-07-2003, 10:58 AM
My buddy flipped over my 300ex on pavement and now the front right wheel is wobbling. I looked at the front end briefly noting that the right tie rod was now in the shape of a U:mad: . What other things should i be looking at to find any other damage that may have occured in the front end when i tear it all apart to fix it?? Are there any not so obvious spots i should check?? Any info would be great thanks.

03-07-2003, 11:52 AM
more than likely a bent rim

03-07-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by UglyMotha
more than likely a bent rim

if your riding and its wobbling then its bent, also check:

1.get the front end off the ground a little bit, grab the wheel and shake it a little bit, if it wobbles separetly from the hub then you need new bearings

2. put the quad back on the ground, turn the bars back and forth a little bit, does one tire turn and the other doesnt? does it seem like it takes a little bit more handlebar turn to move the tires like it use to? have someone turn the bars a little bit while you look a the tie rod ends (where they bolt into the steering stem and spindle) if there's play tighten them up

03-07-2003, 01:48 PM
Front wheel bearins could have blown out too.