View Full Version : DRR 70 rear brake pedal set-up help?

06-18-2012, 03:24 PM
Can we use the existing brake line or do we have to purchase an additional nrake line? I just bought the pedal kit for my sons DRR70 however need to know if I need to buy anything to have him race ready for this Sunday. Thanks

06-18-2012, 03:42 PM
You can use the stock brake line. Just make sure to coil it up and zip tie it securely out of the way. A shorter brake line is better as you will have less fluid weight, hose swell and less of a chance of something grabbing the coil and ripping out of the frame. But if time is of the essence, the stock will work fine. Most of the online vendors or a local NAPA can get/build you the proper length line for around $25.00.

06-19-2012, 03:57 PM
Haha, man and I just paid $70 for one..... Oh well, it's worth it. Can't buy enough safety for the lil ones. Thanks for th ereply.