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03-06-2003, 08:24 PM
from yamaha, now i can work for HONDA......yea right

03-06-2003, 08:29 PM
Why did ya get fired ???

03-06-2003, 08:36 PM
huh...im confused :confused: :huh :confused:

03-06-2003, 08:37 PM
I worked for a Yamaha and Honda shop for over a year and just fu#cking walked out on them one day. Got tired of the owner trying to belittle me and *****. Best thing I ever did.

03-06-2003, 08:43 PM
Id work for yamaha for about a year now................and i realized its not all peaches and cream working for a motosports business, it blows!!!!! dealing with stupid people makes the job suck!!!
All day stupid people in, stupid people out! all day for 6 days a week, 50 hour weeks..............there is alot of really good people in this world.........but half of them are butt wagons!!!!

i got laid off because there is no snow in minnesota, no snow, no job they told me when i started........we've gotton one snow fall this year..........sooooooooooo when yesterday when only about 8 people came in to yamaha, then things started to get a little hairy................then tonight...............they told me, you were the last one hired........so we gotta let you go!!!!!!!!

but whatever............NEVER NEVER NEVER BE A PARTS GUY!!!!!!!!!

03-06-2003, 08:47 PM
lmao a butt wagon..haven't heard that one. anyways that sucks bout gettin fired. hope ya can find a new job soon but hey at least you have more time to ride now.

03-06-2003, 08:50 PM
hahahhahaah riding, i wish i got PAID to ride, i'd put in 50 hour weeks then!!!!

damnnnnnnn where am i gonna go.............the nut wagons never gave me a warning................sooo now i get to loook fur another job soon, hey is ben hiring!??? hahah lol jk

03-06-2003, 08:59 PM
i just got a job at our yamaha shop in parts, but i wont get fired because of no snow lol. i should be fun since i own one.

03-06-2003, 09:03 PM
i hope you dedicate you whole life to being a parts man!!!!!

03-06-2003, 09:22 PM
we'll i got my first part-time job set up, wes wants me to help him shoot for H6 up in duluth! not to bad for being unemployed 3 hours lol

03-06-2003, 09:40 PM
i wish i would get fired.. i work with a bunch of old smelly ladies at a drug store and vacum the floor and wash windows all day:grr

03-06-2003, 10:00 PM
hahhaahah i love old lady smell

sniff sniff

03-06-2003, 10:13 PM
Hey Wiredmini what were the bad parts of workin in the motocross buisness. thats the field of work im planning on goin into. i love motocross and motocross bikes atvs, sleds etc. when im in a motocross shop i dont want to leave. so what was wrong with it. other than the idiots. Idiots are part of every job. unless your filmin for a flick with wes or somthin. so whats the deal

03-06-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by MILF_HUNTER
Hey Wiredmini what were the bad parts of workin in the motocross buisness. thats the field of work im planning on goin into. i love motocross and motocross bikes atvs, sleds etc. when im in a motocross shop i dont want to leave. so what was wrong with it. other than the idiots. Idiots are part of every job. unless your filmin for a flick with wes or somthin. so whats the deal

You have no IDEA what you are about to embark upon, sure it sounds like a GREAT job and is for the first month or so and then it just starts to slowly eat at you. Especially if you work the parts. I worked in a *****ty place (tranSPORT motor sports) that was as organized as a piece of ***** and I guess that did not help my experience either.

03-06-2003, 10:48 PM
You may love the sport as much as i do............but never, never work for the store!!!! everyday goes by, people constantley arguing with you, WHY ARE MY PARTS BACK ORDERED, WHY THE HELL DOES THAT COST SO MUCH, GIMME A DEAL, I KNOW SO AND SO........bla bla bla.............people become real jerks......and dealing with them every day makes you wanna kill yourself

when i first started, i though i was in heaven!!!! man being surrounded my bikes, wheelers, sled, eye candy all over the place.............................wow.....i had the job!!!!!! NOOOOOOO its like a model, shes damn hot, but there not a damn thing you can do about it!!! then the stuff starts to piss you off...........then you don't want to look at a sled bike ...ect when your not working, you wanna stay far away from the crap as possiable!

You answer 100 phones calls a day..........you go home and you don't wanna talk to no one..............you hear a ring of a phone, and you wanna strangle someone!!!!!!!! not cool!!!!!!!!!

and in about 4 months of working you want out, but you can't cause you got bills, that nice bike you put on the credit card, "i gotta work that off" I can't quit......so you keep on working, DAY AFTER DAY, SAME BS, DAY AFTER DAY

then you quit/fired and you start acting sane again, and thats where im at

03-06-2003, 10:49 PM
damn brian, you said it before i did!!! LOL

tru story by the way

03-06-2003, 10:55 PM
That is freakish scary what you are saying! It is like you have lived my life! Man it was exactly like that for me. I feel your pain my brother.

03-06-2003, 11:01 PM
Well thanks for the insight guys. im only a young pup still (20) so i have plenty of time to think of what i want to do with life. im currenty inrolled in Buisness. gettin my diploma then gettin my bachelors in marketting. so i guess i have plenty of options in life.

03-06-2003, 11:02 PM
Don't get me wrong, the guys i worked with where fun.......the others were fine with a few exceptions....................


now tommorrow i get to wake up to a bright future!

Do not base you life working for a motorsports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

i'd rather be a mexican picking up rocks all day, than working for yamaha.........yamaha blows, i alwayz was a honda fan anywayz

03-06-2003, 11:06 PM
congrats on your new begining Wiredmini. Good things come to thoughs who pay there dues.

03-06-2003, 11:06 PM
Man u guys hit the nail on the head!!! I used to always think working in a bike shop would be SOOOO awesome. WRONG. It was cool for a while, but ppl make it a HORRIBLE job. Like Mini said. "why are my parts backordered" "Why is that so much" "comon man i buy so much from you, cut me a break" to all of you ppl that say that to your local bikeshop..........EAT ONE! I hate my job anymore!im the manager of a parts shop. ANd ppl dont understand that i have NOTHING to do with parts being backorderd. Call Parts unlimited or honda, and B#TCH to them! I hear ya Mini, and im about to walk out. I wanna get out of dealing with customers, and just do Labor. Atleast everynight when u go home your tired and can sleep, instead of just brain fried and worried about whos gonna come in a B#TCH you out tomorrow.

03-06-2003, 11:16 PM

its like we all live the same life


I AM SOOOO GLAD TO GET OUTA THERE..........i seriously think, working there made my retarted...........first off..........working 50+ hours a week is PURE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i never had a saturday off till this last week when i got sick!!!!!!
and they got pissed!!!!! ITS BS

the business is BS

"Parts please? PARTS, ARE MY PARTS IN, BACKORDERED!!! WHAT???? I DON'T WANT OEM IF I CAN GET IT AFTERMARKET, CAN I EXCHANGE THESE, I DON"T HAVE MY RECEIPT, yes sir, i know you special ordered that CDI box..........CAN I RETURN IT, I DON"T NEED IT..............."

i wanna punch those people

03-07-2003, 08:11 AM
Yeah ll the ppl wanna $hit on yuor face, until they want a good price on a part, then they are your best friend!! Its BS, i couldnt even get off to go to FL and GA to race!!! I work at a bike shop and cant get off to race!!?? *** it!i dont even have time to ride. I work 10-6 everyday except sunday. Its too early to get up and ride b4 work cuase th eneighbors *****, and its too late when i get home, cuase its dark. And ppl think that if u give them a 15-20% discount, then bikeshops are still making a killing. Let me inform you guys that always want to get $hit for cost or free. The markup on ATV and Bike parts is not very high!! Its not like the automotive world. Where this is usually around 75-100% markup. Usually 30-35%. So if someone gives u a 15-20% discount, be happy with it and stop your B*TCHING!!

sorry had to vent