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View Full Version : timing chain

06-10-2012, 07:36 PM
Is there only certain years for the crf450 timing chain that should be used or will any
year work..? My quad just quit on me today...I never did a HD timing chain when.i rebuilt so I'm hoping that the timing is only off ..it still turns over but the rockers are really loud and it won't start....as I was riding they got really loud and then I turned it off when we took a break and then it wouldn't start again.....I'm gonna open the motor up tomorrow or Tuesday...any input?

06-10-2012, 09:17 PM
I used an 02 CRF450 one as did a few others, I know it fits. Not sure but I think its 00-04 maybe?

06-10-2012, 09:35 PM
Ok thanks ya my 400 is an 05...but I guess I'm buying a new timing chain most like and who knows what else...anything else suggested?? The sliders or tensioners or anything? Or does that depend in if their worn or bad first.?

06-10-2012, 09:42 PM
The tensioner id just replace, its not worth the headache if its bad or going bad and leaves you stranded. I took a gamble with mine and its ok but I still worry.

The chain sliders only need to be replaced if they are worn, so Id hold off ordering them unless you wanna replace them for GP anyways. I will warn you they aint cheap.

As for changing everything: Your gonna need a clutch holding tool and a clutch side gasket b/c the clutch has to come off iirc.