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View Full Version : Diablo 3

05-25-2012, 07:39 PM
Is there anyone else that's not ashamed enough to admit they bought the game? lol. I had to buy it simply for the nostalgia.

05-25-2012, 07:48 PM
Ashamed? I am currently on act 3 of hell on my 56 wizard...solo.This game is pretty amazing.

If you need some help, I would be happy to give you pointers and/or run with you through some content.

05-25-2012, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by 89trx250r
Ashamed? I am currently on act 3 of hell on my 56 wizard...solo.This game is pretty amazing.

If you need some help, I would be happy to give you pointers and/or run with you through some content.

Oh believe me I know what I'm doing lol. I used to play D2 for WEEKS at a time.

05-25-2012, 09:56 PM
I don't even know what Diablo is. But I bought TCs Ghost Recon Future Soldier and it is bad ***.

05-26-2012, 07:09 PM
I bought it and was disappointed that it didnt go first or third person and more character control. After playing Dungeon Lords and DDO were you can actually make your enemy miss you with a well timed roll, somersault, or jump it disappointed me that I just click on my enemy and my character justs hacks to the enemy dies. My buddies wanna play SW KOTOR but I hear it is the same way.

05-26-2012, 09:55 PM
K-Dub Just wait untill you get to the higher difficulties it gets rough man. What class are you playing? And madskrillz I wasnt trying to say you didnt know how to play I just was offering some tricks I have picked up from playing to the lvl im at.

05-27-2012, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by 89trx250r
K-Dub Just wait untill you get to the higher difficulties it gets rough man. What class are you playing? And madskrillz I wasnt trying to say you didnt know how to play I just was offering some tricks I have picked up from playing to the lvl im at.

Ah I gotcha. Well yeah add me. My name is Leweygi and the numbers are 1792. I'm up to lvl23 Demon Hunter. What are you at?

05-27-2012, 09:13 AM
Alright friend request sent! I am up to lvl 57 and im a wizard. I am on hell difficulty.

05-27-2012, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by 89trx250r
Alright friend request sent! I am up to lvl 57 and im a wizard. I am on hell difficulty.

Oh damn! Well if I keep playing like I have the last few days I'll be up there soon. I got home at 9 last night and played until 4 this morning lol. Forgot how addicting these games are.

05-27-2012, 05:25 PM
Im a level 24 barb on act 4 on normal. I know it will get harder, the thing I dont like is not as much control, cant control when I jump, and crouch. Cant do rolls to make people miss. Games like Dungeon Lords, DDO, and Oblivion I have more control over my character. I like the game just wish all the RPGs would give me more control. Have you ever played Dungeon Lords? The game had lots of bugs that never got fixed, but it had the best control system. If you were quick at moving you character you could make the enemy miss alot. And lvling up took more than just getting exp, you had quest to complete and the class's it offered wow. It had all the normal stuff knight, paladin, wizard, thief, and etc but also samurai, ninja and exotic class on top the normals. If they would of fixed the bugs Id prob still be playing it. But you could not finish the game do to a bug.

06-09-2012, 06:14 PM
So have any of you been hacked? I think I have been because the email for my account was changed and I have a feeling when I get it back, all my stuff will be cleared out. Apparently this has been pretty common so hopefully they can roll back my stuff

06-10-2012, 09:42 AM
Dude that explains a lot....Last night I joined your game cause it looked like you were just farming...I typed like 5 things to you and you didnt respond then all of the sudden you just left the game and im like wtf...I was offering you a upgraded crossbow so I thought it was weird you didnt say anything...

But yeah they are good about restoring the account and the items they just do a rollback.

06-10-2012, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by 89trx250r
Dude that explains a lot....Last night I joined your game cause it looked like you were just farming...I typed like 5 things to you and you didnt respond then all of the sudden you just left the game and im like wtf...I was offering you a upgraded crossbow so I thought it was weird you didnt say anything...

But yeah they are good about restoring the account and the items they just do a rollback.

Well whoever it was changed my log in too so I can't even submit a ticket. I've been trying to call but their lines are always full. Apparently this has been pretty common. Is all my stuff gone?

06-10-2012, 02:32 PM
No he was just farming nightmare act 3 over and over with your toon...Keep calling you will get through eventually and get yourself and authenticator they are free..As long as you have an iphone or droid which most of us do now a days.

06-10-2012, 02:44 PM
Damn. Well maybe I will still have my stuff. Not getting my hopes up though. I'm on hold with them right now so maybe I won't hang up this time. I was on hold last night for what was supposed to be 45 minutes. Ended up being 2 hours, got pissed, and hung up lol.