View Full Version : So this is it, I'm giving everyone a heads possibly selling my bwr 250r

05-10-2012, 12:55 PM
So this is the deal I am possibly parting out my entire bwr (Broque ward racing) laeger 250r.

The setup is one that I doubt any one has and I built it this way on purpose.

1. It has a very rare laeger frame with 250r geometry and propeg mounts along with a chrome fliptop subframe

2. It has a laeger Protrax +3 (not +3 +1) front end however the difference here is front end width, it is wider then a +4 Protrax with a narrow frame thus giving it more stability over the rough stuff and giving it the ability to turn harder without high siding as easy as a notoriously dippy narrow frame pro trax

3. It has a laeger - 3/4" swingarm that takes a 250r linkage and shock. This combined with the +3 front end without the +1 forward makes the bike a total of 1 3/4" shorter then any R thus making the bikes ability to go over whoops easier with the reduced length.

4. The bike has a dominator race axle that makes the tires with a 3+5 offset around 49-50" wide when this is combined with a front end that the width can be adjusted by the camber and height the front end can go from 50-55" wide mine is set at 53" wide. Since the rear isnt as wide as the front this also improves hard cornering as well as stability it is kind of like having a bombardier 3 wheeler(rear single wheel)

Everything else on the bike is like other r's except for the custom one off quick change clutch cover and the featherlite hood and rad shrouds and bwr race graphics

So the point of this is to let everyone know this combo is possibly the only one I'n exsistAnce set up this way..

If I sell it it will go on eBay In a parted out piece by piece auction and also a single full quad auction with a disclaimer noting if the bike is bought for the price it's auctioned at all other part out auctions are null and void..

The reason I'm doing it this way is because I hate to see all the forethough of design I put Into this bike go away and it shows when riding it... The main part of riding this bike the way it's set up is that you can go right I to a turning berm close to full steam and while at the beginning of the berm go wot and turn a little bit and the bike seems to turn while accelerating with barely any effort as long as your leaned over a bit..

I've ridden every brand quad frame and setup even the supposedly Cadillac 250r that my friend sAys is better then laeger or roll, his Walsh and that bike never turned like my setup, no r I have ridden turns or has the stability of this setup. So for me to part it out gets me All emotional because it's a one of a kind and it was built by me when I stArted my bwr company to show everyone what I was capable of In terms of building a bad *** R with more thought put into it where it counts, geometry and it has the looks as well but if u heard what I did the first ride I had with the bike u know I like a good looking bike but I dont care after it's built it's all about riding as hard as you cAn for as long as you can and doing it over and over agAin...

The first day I rode it with my 265 motor and a couple of us raced on a hard packed road, I let everyone pull ahead and then hit it hard and passed all but one guy and I was pulling on him from behind, he went to move over to the left to block me from passing cuz he heard me coming and I swapped to the right and went right I to his roost that had dirt and gravel mixed into it and I stayed wot even while being pelted with grAvel got over to the right and finally went by him. Why this story? Because it was the first day riding and I knew the gravel would be knicking the pcoat I still stayed I'n the throttle because that's what it's all about. If your gonna build an all out pro caliber bike you better ride it like that or what is the point???

So yea this whAt may possibly go down with my bwr bike keep your eyes on the lookout I'll more then likely post to let everyone know... If I get a good job I won't have to do it