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View Full Version : Sparks Rev Box Review

04-08-2012, 11:35 AM
I know a lot of you say rev boxes don't make a difference on a 400ex which is true in most cases. But if you have a good built motor then a rev limiter will help you. I put the Curtis Sparks rev box on my recently built 406 high compression strokes and wow. I love being able to be fast on a straight away but especially in the woods and not hit the limiter. It's makes you feel and ride so much faster. I know someone's gonna comment and say well it just wears your motor faster but that's not the case if you know how to ride. Anyways, this was for the guys who were curious about the Sparks box that a put on my build. I give it an A on a good built motor. I haven't compared it to white brothers or Big Gun yet. Thanks, Steve

Nettles 400ex
04-10-2012, 11:15 AM
i was looking into one of these. once i read more on it i'll decide :P

04-10-2012, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by quadmanw
I know a lot of you say rev boxes don't make a difference on a 400ex which is true in most cases. But if you have a good built motor then a rev limiter will help you. I put the Curtis Sparks rev box on my recently built 406 high compression strokes and wow. I love being able to be fast on a straight away but especially in the woods and not hit the limiter. It's makes you feel and ride so much faster. I know someone's gonna comment and say well it just wears your motor faster but that's not the case if you know how to ride. Anyways, this was for the guys who were curious about the Sparks box that a put on my build. I give it an A on a good built motor. I haven't compared it to white brothers or Big Gun yet. Thanks, Steve

by not hitting the limiter you mean you have enough power without banging the limiter or it does away with it....reason im asking is bc i just built a 416 and was thinking about getting one while building but didnt wanna F up my new motor.


04-10-2012, 04:51 PM
I just got mine rebuilt to a super fast high compression stroker and it has enough power to not hit the rev box I guess you can say.. I think it is well worth it. I rode last weekend in the woods and fields and I did not hit the limiter once!

04-10-2012, 06:46 PM
I felt that with a worked motor its worth it, your not gonna ruin the engine from it b/c your gonna shift it way before the redline anyways-least I do.

04-10-2012, 07:42 PM
Yeah lol. I'm sure you can feel it with your motor

04-12-2012, 11:48 PM
I used to run to a Sparks CDI but it wouldn't start fast enough for XC so I switched to a GT Thunder. It ran just as good if not better, and it started way faster too.

04-13-2012, 06:46 AM
These things do anything for a piped EX with stock internals? Or waste of money?

04-13-2012, 07:43 AM
Probably wouldn't work too well and yeah it doesn't start that quick lol