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03-26-2012, 07:03 PM
Do it.

03-26-2012, 07:06 PM
Didnt we figure out this didnt work the last time? If you read it it doesnt even make sense. How will they not get the money if you still buy gas the day before or the day after?

03-26-2012, 07:28 PM
This never made sense to me. That's like saying I'm going to protest racism by not using racial slurs for one day...

03-26-2012, 07:39 PM
you can get extra gas money by cashing that check from the prince of Mozambique...for a small fee

03-26-2012, 07:42 PM
The gasoline and oil supply line in this country is not a train. If you stop the first car of a train, even for a brief second, the whole train will crash.

However, if you stop the first car in the normal flow of traffic for only a brief second, you're not going to cause a gigantic crash. Maybe the next couple cars in line will need to slow down, but the last car won't even notice.

A normal gas station receives a fuel delivery every couple of days. If their normal delivery schedule is Tuesday and Friday, they don't care if you buy it Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, they won't notice any change at all, that that's the ONLY place it would possibly be felt. Not buying gas for one day wouldn't automatically bring the fuel trucks on the road to a screeching halt, it wouldn't automatically stop the tankers on the ocean, none of that is going to happen.

If you really want to affect the price of gas, convince everybody on the internet to cut their driving in half for a week, whether it's by carpooling, riding a bike to work, or some other ridiculous method. Actually use less gas, not just this other ridiculous concept of using the same amount just on a different day. If you can do THAT, you'd have the oil industry eating out of your hands.

03-26-2012, 09:34 PM
If you really want to hurt the gas company and the station just pick one gas station in your town and nobody buys gas or any thing else from him for ONE month. In that month he makes no money to pay for the gas delivery,the rent,if he has a mini mart and nobody buys theres no money comming in at all he mite have to close his doors. If that works for one station then you move on to the next one and so on. The oil companys will start to take notice sooner or later. We did it in New York and got two stations closed. #1 was a Shell and the other was an exxon. It took a little over tree months but it worked.

03-26-2012, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r

If you really want to affect the price of gas, convince everybody on the internet to cut their driving in half for a week, whether it's by carpooling, riding a bike to work, or some other ridiculous method. Actually use less gas, not just this other ridiculous concept of using the same amount just on a different day. If you can do THAT, you'd have the oil industry eating out of your hands.

and we are as a whole we are using less gas (or so I read) but not enough to cause I dent at the pumps.

No worries it's a re-election year with a president that has a poor approval rating.

Last time that happened with GeoB gas went down to $1.29 a gallon at one point around here.

03-26-2012, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Hornbreaker
If you really want to hurt the gas company and the station just pick one gas station in your town and nobody buys gas or any thing else from him for ONE month. In that month he makes no money to pay for the gas delivery,the rent,if he has a mini mart and nobody buys theres no money comming in at all he mite have to close his doors. If that works for one station then you move on to the next one and so on. The oil companys will start to take notice sooner or later. We did it in New York and got two stations closed. #1 was a Shell and the other was an exxon. It took a little over tree months but it worked. So to beat gas prices, your proposing we increase the unemployment rate?

03-27-2012, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by ryan243
This never made sense to me. That's like saying I'm going to protest racism by not using racial slurs for one day... No, to be the same thing you will need to use more racial slurs the day before or the day after

03-27-2012, 05:57 AM
im all for trying to get gas prices to go down, and i will give her a shot, i mean i usually only gas up once a week anyways, so i will post the picture on fbook and what not.

If it works, yee haw, if it doesnt then Oh well.

03-27-2012, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Warnerade
So to beat gas prices, your proposing we increase the unemployment rate?

my thoughts exactly..

by protesting and not buying anythign from one gas station, if it works as he hand planned, that person would go out of business, increasing unemployment and hurting the local economy...all while not effecting the profits of gas companies in the slightest, cause one gas station is probably .00000001% of an oil companies total profit...

the smart thing to do would be to proactively let congress and this dead beat president of ours to actually do something worth while for once.....you know obama veto'd the keystone pipeline bill, after it passed both chambers of congress? or that we produce 3 million+ less barrels of oil per day in the US than we did the last year bush was in office...you know, that last time gas prices were this high.....how about the day that obama was sworn into office, the national avg was $1.84 per gallon. yesterday it topped at $3.90 for the national avg...thats 2.12 over double the price....thats a 112% increase in price in three and a half years.....

im not saying obamas to blame, or that congress is to blame (yet im trying to say thtye dont help, wink ***cing wink)...but they sure as **** dont do ANYTHING to help us middle class americans ....

i usually fill up ever 5 days...i have a 12 gallon tank in my jeep...at $3.90, that costs me $46.80....if i fill up ever 5 days, for a year (73 times), that'll cost me $3,416.4 a year (this excludes vacation trips, extra driving, and such..its jsut a figure for every five days)....now lets say gas was a cheaper, more modest price, like $2.45....if i filled up ever 5 days for a year, that'd cost me $2,146.2 a year ......it'd save me $1,270.20 a year......if gas was cheaper, americans like me could take that extra money, and invest it back into the economy, for say things liek, oh...a house, or paying off school loans, or investing, or saving for my future kids college payments, or i dunno, buying american made goods...

so essentially, by, pushing through his anti fossil fuel, pro green and environment agenda, because he wants to pander to environmentalists, obama has essentially been killing our economy..i know he supposidly CARES for the middle class...but he doenst, and if he did, he would try and help this country out so that we could help ourselves out.....not to mention, if he didnt veto the keystone pipe line, not only could we have cheaper gas, but that pipeline was estimated to create 20,000+ jobs in the US per year! PER YEAR! 20,000 jobs, with a vast majority of them being industrial, high wage paying jobs, could have severly boosted our economy!!!! i mean, like i don know about you, but if im trying to help a struggling economy with struggling middle and lower class.....im gonna to pass this ****, to help us out....its a no brainer to me

you also have to look at this to..three of our biggest suppliers of imported foreign oil...iran, saudi arabia, and venezuela.....ALL HATE US AND EUROPE...and they'll do anything to hurt us....and they're biggest way of hurting us, aside from bombing us with nukes....is to create false demand for a good that we need, and that is oil....htese countries have purposely created false oil shortages in order to increase oil prices and demand.....this is one reason why oil is so hgih.....sure speculators control oil prices ot a point...but when you have a country, that produces a huge portion of the global oil market supply, purposely producing like only 40% of what it could per day, just to jack prices, you have a problem.......adn heres whats worse....they do this, because they know, people like our president, dont really care, dont really have the guts to do anything, and know that the citizens of countries like ours, and canada, and the european nations, will essentially bend over, grab our ankles, and take it like the prison *****es we are to them...

so we can continue to buy into the liberal and progressive scheme of, sure, lets blame the oil companies, because theyre making profits (isnt that what a company is supposed to do?:rolleyes: ), or we can start looking at other causes to this situation.....im not saying that oil companies arent to blame, but there are other a holes out there making big profits too,and theyre just sitting back and enjoying it.

end rant..

(ps, between state and fed tax on oil, we're paying like $.48-.5x per gallon of oil on tax)

03-27-2012, 06:17 AM
oh and canadians, love you guys, but i dont wanna hear "oh well you could come here adn pay what we pay"....cause when you do the math, its not htat much more...i was just in toronto over the weekend for the supercross at the rogers centre and gas on the way up adn back was just slightly more than what it was driving from north of Pittsburgh, PA to the US border.....

03-27-2012, 06:25 AM
If we had a president with a Nutsack, he would tell those countries to blow him, use OUR AMERICAN OIL for 1 week, dont buy from them and use our own for one week, those other countries would knock thier crap off.

03-27-2012, 07:09 AM
Steven Chu, Obamas energy secretary has said multiple times he doesnt care about how high gas prices are as they are using gas prices as an excuse to force us to seek alternative energy. Read about it here: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/energy-sec-steven-chu-backtracks-i-no-longer-want-europe-gas-prices/

Face the fact idiot-not everyone can afford let alone be able to drive a prius because of their line of work or whatever.

Say what you want about Dubya, but gas was NEVER EVER EVER this high during his apparent "tyrannical" reign as many seem to demonize him.

Its an election year and I pray to god anyone guy obama wins!

03-27-2012, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by dxcody
If we had a president with a Nutsack, he would tell those countries to blow him, use OUR AMERICAN OIL for 1 week, dont buy from them and use our own for one week, those other countries would knock thier crap off.
You havent studied this much have you, nothing here is valid

03-27-2012, 07:19 AM
Gas prices first went crazy the last year of gw's last term

03-27-2012, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by chucked
Gas prices first went crazy the last year of gw's last term

ya, it peaked at around $4.00/gal and then went down...once again as stated above... gas teh day obama took office was at a national avg of $1.84........

like i said its not all obamas fault...but he istn doing anythign to help

03-27-2012, 09:55 AM
There is currently a surplus of gas here in America, so much that we are starting to export it.

Reasons the gas prices are so high are two fold...

1) Iran unrest and speculators on the market. They are betting something will happen and buying gas shares now betting the price will go up. Nothing happens with Iran, price will come back down in a market correction.

2) And this is the big one. Oil is sold on the market in US dollars. Right now the dollar is very weak. What that means...you need to spend more dollars to buy a barrel of oil. Get the dollar stronger and the "price per barrel" will come back down.

Too many people just believe all the hype on the internet and media without really looking into what is going on. It is so much easier to blame Obama (or Bush) than to try and understand what is actually going on in the world.

03-27-2012, 12:13 PM
Lasher is correct, dollar is quite worthless right now and purchasing power of the dollar is at an all time low really.

Good example: 8-1 years ago I went to Niagara falls in CA. Each dollar was worth something like 1.25 CA, now its just the opposite.

D Bergstrom
03-27-2012, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Hornbreaker
If you really want to hurt the gas company and the station just pick one gas station in your town and nobody buys gas or any thing else from him for ONE month. In that month he makes no money to pay for the gas delivery,the rent,if he has a mini mart and nobody buys theres no money comming in at all he mite have to close his doors. If that works for one station then you move on to the next one and so on. The oil companys will start to take notice sooner or later. We did it in New York and got two stations closed. #1 was a Shell and the other was an exxon. It took a little over tree months but it worked.

Problem is, the oil company doesn't own the station, an individual does. He buys his gas from the oil company at the oil companies price. I have known people who have owned gas stations, they only mark the price of fuel up a few cents a gallon, so that is the most they could drop the price. If the owner dropped the price say $1 a gallon, he would be loosing money. I don't now to many people that could stay open while loosing money. Then if the oil company doesn't sell their gas to that station, they will sell it to another, they will still make money. The only person that was hurt was the guy trying to make a living who has no control over fuel prices anyway.

As Wilken said, the only way to truely affect the oil companies is to use less gas over a long period of time, say months. Not buying gas on just one day won't do anything.


03-27-2012, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Lasher is correct, dollar is quite worthless right now and purchasing power of the dollar is at an all time low really.

Good example: 8-1 years ago I went to Niagara falls in CA. Each dollar was worth something like 1.25 CA, now its just the opposite.

the us dollar right now is $.94 to every canadian dollar...i was jut in Toronto saturday

Tommy Warren
03-27-2012, 05:58 PM
Gas is really not the major cause of oil consumption... every day in the winter my company delivers 100,000 litres of furnace oil, 350,000 litres of coloured diesel, and 80,000 litres of jet fuel.....thats just for the small city of Ottawa and there are 4 other fuel delivery companies working in ottawa as well.

Ruby Soho
03-27-2012, 06:07 PM
what kills me about the fuel usage is the fact that everyone *****es about it being so high, but they still burn it and pay for it as much and fast as they would if it were 1.00 a gallon.

ill be the first to admit, i cannot afford 4.15 for fuel on what i get payed. yeah i can swing it but its VERY unnecessary that i spend so much on fuel a week. so with that said i drive like a granny. if i ***** foot my powerstroke i can manage 24mpg highway on my economy tune. but that is never ever opening it up.

just about every driver i see daily romps the **** out of their cars, burning the 4.15 fuel like its nothing.

it doesnt really bother me because i control what i consume but i just dont understand what goes through peoples heads sometimes.

03-27-2012, 06:11 PM
I just bought a focus instead.. 35 mpg. :macho

Tommy Warren
03-27-2012, 06:25 PM
KIA RIO for me.....50MPG

03-27-2012, 06:37 PM
my economy ride of choice :chinese:

03-27-2012, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
KIA RIO for me.....50MPG

How are you getting 50? The EPA highway rating is 40 MPG.

03-27-2012, 06:50 PM
Energy is one of the most ridiculous industries in the world. Back in the old days it was governed by supply and demand. Then the oil companies all banded together and created a world market. They manipulated the market by turning down the production to drive up prices. Now they use speculation to determine the price of oil. Nothing but a bunch of crooks getting rich in an environment they created.
I really don’t think any protest of any kind will do any good. Even if we reduce our consumption, it will only have a temporary effect if any. They know sooner or later we will want more oil.

03-27-2012, 06:54 PM
Scary when your gas bill is higher then your car payment and your insurance combined.lol

03-27-2012, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by ben300
my economy ride of choice :chinese:

With the higher price of fuel hay to feed your ride is getting much more expensive lol.

I can't stand the push for "well if you don't like the price of fuel, get a prius ect." I'd really like to see my dad run his cattle hauling business pulling a 40 foot goose neck trailer with a Kia Rio!

03-27-2012, 07:13 PM
Another issue is we export alot of our oil, if we kept it all here we would have gas that was cheap as dirt. But then the big wigs dont make money. But if the govt regulated it-that would be govt intrusion in private industry. Really slippery slope.

Tommy Warren
03-27-2012, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Another issue is we export alot of our oil, if we kept it all here we would have gas that was cheap as dirt. But then the big wigs dont make money. But if the govt regulated it-that would be govt intrusion in private industry. Really slippery slope.

canada tried to run a pipeline from alberta into the usa to save transportation costs and to get fuel cheaper from us instead of from Iran....Obummer didn't even consider it....he shut it down without thought. which leads me to believe that he is getting a lot of cash in hand for whatever deal he has now.... maybe if we tell him that black people will get a discount on fuel as well he will consider it:ermm:

03-27-2012, 07:21 PM
Obamas a puppet, he does whatever his handlers tell him to do. How else can you explain how a community organizer who isnt even a US citizen became a prominent lawyer, then politician then the prez?

Obama wants high gas prices

03-27-2012, 07:43 PM
Are you guys purposely being dense?

03-29-2012, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
canada tried to run a pipeline from alberta into the usa to save transportation costs and to get fuel cheaper from us instead of from Iran....Obummer didn't even consider it....he shut it down without thought. which leads me to believe that he is getting a lot of cash in hand for whatever deal he has now.... maybe if we tell him that black people will get a discount on fuel as well he will consider it:ermm:

Scary isn't it.

Ruby I feel ya on the diesel. It sucks that it actually requires less man power to produce yet costs more than highly refined premium fuel, but diesel is taxed so much more than gasoline. Not to mention but globally in a higher demand as well.

03-29-2012, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
Scary isn't it.

Ruby I feel ya on the diesel. It sucks that it actually requires less man power to produce yet costs more than highly refined premium fuel, but diesel is taxed so much more than gasoline. Not to mention but globally in a higher demand as well.

yah my dad was just saying that the other day. before you know it raw crude oil will cost more than vp c12 lol. he isn't too worried about diesel prices yet since his farmer brother sells us the red fuel;)

03-29-2012, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by buck440
yah my dad was just saying that the other day. before you know it raw crude oil will cost more than vp c12 lol. he isn't too worried about diesel prices yet since his farmer brother sells us the red fuel;)

Don't get caught! That's a nasty ticket if they check your tank!

Tommy Warren
03-29-2012, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by buck440
yah my dad was just saying that the other day. before you know it raw crude oil will cost more than vp c12 lol. he isn't too worried about diesel prices yet since his farmer brother sells us the red fuel;)

I run furnace oil in most of my diesel stuff now....it has a bit more sulfur but its a lot cheaper

03-30-2012, 06:23 AM
the stuff we use is the non low sulfer diesel which is rare anymore since most offroad fuel now is low sulfer.

03-31-2012, 12:39 PM
Yeah but if you burn heating oil or off road diesel in your trucks you will get fined HEAVILY if you get caught.

Heating oil and off road diesel is not taxed. That's why it's cheaper than regular diesel. Just don't get caught or you'll wish you never did it.

As for the OP post. Not buying gas for one day with do nothing. Even if it did the gas companies would just increase gas price's even more to cover their loss the next week anyway.

And as for the other posts about not buying from a certain station for 3 months. That's not very smart making a guy lose his business and his livelihood because you were trying to make a point to a gas company.

Hate to break it to you but most gas stations are BIG OIL owned. Some are private but those private guys have no control over what gas prices are. They go with the flow because they are in it to make money also.

They can't buy fuel and sell it for less then they paid for it. Not too business smart. At the most these guys make 2-3 cents a gallon. Selling gas these days don't pay like they did 20 yrs ago.

I can't find where I read it or maybe even heard it. LOL But it had something to do with depleating the world oil and then using our oil at home and for export. Not sure if thats true but maybe we should start using our own home oil first and then substitute what we need with oil from other countries..


03-31-2012, 09:30 PM
You said the station owners have no control over pricing. Just watch your local station for about a week watch the price go up right before your eyes he got no delivery that week but his price just jumped up. For no reason at all.

03-31-2012, 09:30 PM
You said the station owners have no control over pricing. Just watch your local station for about a week watch the price go up right before your eyes he got no delivery that week but his price just jumped up. For no reason at all.

03-31-2012, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Hornbreaker
You said the station owners have no control over pricing. Just watch your local station for about a week watch the price go up right before your eyes he got no delivery that week but his price just jumped up. For no reason at all.

The price goes up because he has to pay more for his next delivery. If his price went up today and then in 3 days it went up again that's because he got the price sheet from the oil company saying how much it will cost him to purchase the fuel from them. So for him to be able to order his next delivery he has to raise prices along with what the big companies are selling it to him. If not he is losing money. Nobody is in business to lose money


03-31-2012, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by JForestZ34
The price goes up because he has to pay more for his next delivery. If his price went up today and then in 3 days it went up again that's because he got the price sheet from the oil company saying how much it will cost him to purchase the fuel from them. So for him to be able to order his next delivery he has to raise prices along with what the big companies are selling it to him. If not he is losing money. Nobody is in business to lose money



i worked at a gas station (just as a fill in) and they sent us emails. Sometimes they would send us 3 or 4 per day just depending on what changed.

Luckily for people around here the gas station's (Stuckeys) owner is a really old lady and her 2 sons that work there are Meth Heads and lazy as sh*t so even if gas prices went up $.30 a gallon it may be a few days before they would actually get off their as* and change it, being how as they dont have the Digital ones.

03-31-2012, 11:15 PM
It’s not only the gas station that goes up on prices, even before they take a new delivery.
If a grocery store has stock on there shelves and the price goes up before they sell what they had, then the price goes up on the stock in the store, even though they paid less for it.
Most gas stations don’t make there money on gas, they make more money on all the snack food we buy when we are there.
The company stations get there fuel at a lower price then the independent stations do.

There was a case here locally where a guy stopped for gas and the price changed while he was pumping. He refused to pay the higher amount because the price was advertised on the pump as one price when he started. The station caved and he paid the lower amount.

We are not dependant on any oil from other countries, as they claim we are. We use there oil in order to save ours. Sure it is expensive, but saving our oil is a strategic strategy we have been doing for a long time.

It doesn’t mater how good your army is, if you can’t get fuel to run it, it doesn’t do much good.

If Hitler had been able to fuel his army, the war may have turned out much deferent.

I wish I could tell my customers that I think tomorrow there will be a shortage on material so I have to charge more for what I have. Even though I have no proof or evidence that it will. That’s how oil is priced today; it’s based on speculation not fact.

04-01-2012, 12:44 AM
Yep thats how it is at Stuckeys, the owner told me she makes almost no Money on gas. Its all in the snack bar and things she stocks on the shelves.

But If it werent for the gas then you wouldnt get near as much business so you cant really do away with it.

04-01-2012, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
It’s not only the gas station that goes up on prices, even before they take a new delivery.
If a grocery store has stock on there shelves and the price goes up before they sell what they had, then the price goes up on the stock in the store, even though they paid less for it.
Most gas stations don’t make there money on gas, they make more money on all the snack food we buy when we are there.
The company stations get there fuel at a lower price then the independent stations do.

There was a case here locally where a guy stopped for gas and the price changed while he was pumping. He refused to pay the higher amount because the price was advertised on the pump as one price when he started. The station caved and he paid the lower amount.

We are not dependant on any oil from other countries, as they claim we are. We use there oil in order to save ours. Sure it is expensive, but saving our oil is a strategic strategy we have been doing for a long time.

It doesn’t mater how good your army is, if you can’t get fuel to run it, it doesn’t do much good.

If Hitler had been able to fuel his army, the war may have turned out much deferent.

I wish I could tell my customers that I think tomorrow there will be a shortage on material so I have to charge more for what I have. Even though I have no proof or evidence that it will. That’s how oil is priced today; it’s based on speculation not fact.

I've heard of stations changing prices while you are pumping but they can't force you to pay the higher price once you are already pumping. You agreed to the price before pumping. They can't just change it in the middle. That's like changing the cost of you new fridge while your paying for it. Lol


04-01-2012, 09:04 AM
Will someone please explain this. I have a sunoco station selling his gas for $3.69.9 a gallon and not a half mile away another sunoco station selling his gas at $3.57.9 a gallon. They didn't just change there prices, it's been this way for the past two weeks. Now you tell me what is going on. These station owners are nothing more then thieves and where letting them get away with it. I say no more!!! Time to shut them down!!!!!!!!

Tommy Warren
04-01-2012, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Hornbreaker
Will someone please explain this. I have a sunoco station selling his gas for $3.69.9 a gallon and not a half mile away another sunoco station selling his gas at $3.57.9 a gallon. They didn't just change there prices, it's been this way for the past two weeks. Now you tell me what is going on. These station owners are nothing more then thieves and where letting them get away with it. I say no more!!! Time to shut them down!!!!!!!!

the price of $3.57.9 is still making the company money and they are advertising the higher station to make people believe they are getting a deal at the cheaper station.

04-01-2012, 10:31 AM
The big oil companies have certain geographic strategies they use to determine pricing. I see that all the the time by me. 2 Exxon station less than a 1/2 miles from each other and one is 10 cents more than the other. Not sure why they do that but the gas companies have a way of figuring it out
