View Full Version : That One ***hole Neighbor

03-14-2012, 08:48 PM
Alright I know everyone on here has one so I figured this would spark a pretty entertaining rant thread.

This is just one of many...

Today me and a couple buddies took our cars out for the first time since before winter. So we all met up at one person's house to go for a cruise. He lives on a pretty secluded road where the houses are spaced out and not many people are around. So after a little bit of **** talking and peer pressure a few of us ended up doing some burnouts in front of his house. Then my one friend had to run to his house to grab something and laid a nasty burnout halfway down the street which we all knew was a little bit too much. Well sure enough a little while after he comes back a cop comes driving down the street and one friend flags her down because her gas cap door was open. The cop stops and he walks up and shuts the door for her and the cop just says thanks and drives away after she saw 4 modified cars sitting in the driveway.

So as we're pulling out one neighbor flags us down. He comes up to us and turns out he's a volunteer firefighter. He ends up telling us he heard the call over his radio and told us what house called (the one we all suspected had called). Then the guy tells us that he loves and said do one in front of my house if you want.

So don't get me wrong burnouts are illegal and we were doing something wrong but really, who are we bothering? We always make sure nobody is walking down the street or that no cars are coming before we do them and it's not like we were doing them in a sub-division or anything like that.

So now let's hear some stories/rants!

03-14-2012, 09:06 PM
Today me and 3 buddies were riding at my house around the flat track, having a ball. Well my neighbors wife has a little beauty shop back behind their house, which is right next to my flat track. About 35-40 ft from the track.

We all have fairly loud quads, so i can see why they got upset that we were riding when they have a salon full of people (most of whice are old ladies.)

Well Bornconfused lives about 5 houses down from me. He was one of my friends that was over. (Born if you are reading this you are probably going to get mad because YES IT IS YOUR FAULT!) :D

Anyways the neighbors come over and ask us nicely to cool down a little. Which is fine, ya know. Whatever... I say its their fault for putting a business in a residental area but whatever.

Well Born always thinks he has to be wide open. Down the road, on the track, etc. He rides wheelies (pretty decent ones i will say) all the way down the road. And i have been riding in the neighborhood alot longer than he has, so i know that if you ride down the road, the cops come... and FOR SOME REASON HE WONT LISTEN TO ME! and i have told him a million times, slow down on the road, dont ride wheelies etc..

While the neighbor is over B*tching at us, a sheriff pulls in the drive. And says he got a call saying 4 quads were flying up and down the road.. (I never ride on the roads, and i have $220 rear tires on my fourwheeler, im not gonna ride on the roads.) Well none of us had rode on the roads today but he tells us keep them off the road blah blah blah... (THANK YOU BORN!)

Damn neighbors...

03-14-2012, 09:19 PM
Thats funny cody, they complain report thier biz is being run out of a house-I done it before.

I have WAY too many stories since my neighbor that lives behind me is the self professed jerk of my block, the guys a drunk, causes trouble and EVERYONE hates him and his family. So much so that no one will be friends with the entire family-including the kids...which is a damn shame. I will admit in his defense the houses are fairly close, maybe 100 feet apart and sound travels very easy since it used tobe a huge farm.

Heres just a small snippet of stuff thats happened over the last few years....

He has called the police (lied to them as well) for things like us using a gas pressure washer on a summer day (the noise ruined his vacation apparently and he called the cops and lied about why he called them-he heard yelling apparently. they told him off), to me tuning my quad-let alone riding it, to me fixing our yard equipment, me using a chainsaw to cut down trees, working on my OWN car in my OWN driveway (the cops came and asked if I was running a repair shop??), fireworks (the entire block was doing it..of course he has an issue, mowing our lawn on sat/sun (we should pay someone to do it during the week like he does!), me taking out my corvette, and the final straw was he told off and lied to my cousin (who is jacked to the hilt, cant believe he told him off-but he was drunk) that his girls who are all under the age of 5 were making too much noise playing outside in our backyard. He apparently didnt like the noise so he set a boombox up right at the back property line as loud as possible. My cousin tried to reason with him but he said he was a state trooper and would call some of his buddies (the guys a corp lawyer or I mean LIAR!), my dad called the cops who practically arrested him.

Thus far he hasnt done anything to us lately. Im not sure if its the fact my mom screamed at him a month later when I was out on my quad in the yard and he was protesting or maybe it was a special present someone left in his driveway (no it was nothing to bad) or maybe it was me yelling at him to go back inside, talking to him like hes 5 that did it. Course summers not here yet..still plenty of time for problems. Next time he starts something I had enough, Im pressing charges.

b0rn c0nfused
03-14-2012, 09:30 PM
Ya I know Cody....I heard all about it today from everybody about it being my fault. :rolleyes:

03-14-2012, 09:34 PM
We have A-hole neighbors that wont put up a proper cattle gate or fence so theyre cattle usually end up tearing through our front field/yard. Plus they seem to like our grass better so they knock down our fence to get it. Oh well, hopefully he fixes it..Thats out house in the country..no Biggy.

Place in the burbs where we live primarily..I hate. Its a great house but our neighbors get mad if we have our nice enclosed trailer outside for more than 3 days (can be there legally for a week) and get mad if our grass gets to long or garbage cans sit out too long. Not to mention starting 4wheelers after washing them.

Place in the woods..We have *** hole neighbors that come vandelize our woods, ransacked our homestead house, Tear up our shooting range, Make trails through wherever they please, and also poach. But ofcourse we dont live there and theyre pretty hard to catch..but dont get me started on that can of worms.

03-14-2012, 09:46 PM
Well dude the problem isnt that the cops got called on us, the problem is that they didnt go to YOUR house... Whose house did they come to??? MINE! SO now anytime they get called back out about a fourwheeler, they are going to come to MY house right off the bat, and they arent going to let ME off so easy next time.

When the cop walked up he asked "Who lives here?"

So now he is gonna be on the lookout for ME not YOU!...

SO now we are basically screwed from riding. Even if we get permission to ride right down the road in that woods we cant ride down there. ;We will have to trailor them, for the whole 1/4 mile down the road. .

ANYWAYS back to the thread!

Ironic you posted this today.. haha :devil:

CJM- im glad my neighbors arent that big of as*holes!

Finster- People like your neighbors are the reason no one will let people ride on their property and hunt and stuff. It burns me up when people vandelize others property.

03-14-2012, 09:57 PM
We used to called on all the time for doing burn-outs and donuts in an abandoned sub-division a few miles down the road from my house, so we found a great alternative... My hometown is built along a river, so there is a riverfront park and water access, but the catch is that to get to it there is only one way in and out which just so happens to require you to cross some railroad tracks on your way back to main street... So since nobody ever goes to the riverfront, we just sit there until the next coal train comes by and then we make sure no cops snuck in, then we go at it!!! ha ha They can't see us, can't hear us, and can't prove who it was... One cop came in after a train went by and saw the smoke he said " you guys have us figured out don't you... ha ha as long you don't do it when kids are around i'll look the other way... " he proceeded to get out of the car and write down all the specs on my cam-shaft so he could put it his grand national... ha ha I love small town cops!!

03-14-2012, 10:16 PM
How about the my friend built a track in his backyard and another friend showed up on his 400ex he just put an hmf on. Then the next day we found the dick neighbor put nails all over the track

03-14-2012, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by beastlywarrior
How about the my friend built a track in his backyard and another friend showed up on his 400ex he just put an hmf on. Then the next day we found the dick neighbor put nails all over the track

If my neighbor EVER did anything like that.... It would be a war he didnt wanna get into.

Thats horrible.

03-14-2012, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by beastlywarrior
How about the my friend built a track in his backyard and another friend showed up on his 400ex he just put an hmf on. Then the next day we found the dick neighbor put nails all over the track

Where I used to live the guy buried boards with nails in them on this one kids trails (trails were on the kids property). Kid got flats, figured out it was the neighbor and then went over and REMOVED all 4 tires off the guys car..it was very funny. The guy wasnt happy tho.

03-14-2012, 10:52 PM
Well I'm not sure who they were, they live within a few miles anyways. But I live on a highway, theres a sideroad right beside my house, only 1 field away and I have permission from the neighbour who owns it to drive through his fields when they arn't planted to get to the road. So as I was pulling up to the sideroad one day these people drove past in some damn civic or something, looked at me, turned up thier noses and sped off to the owner of the fields house. I was going to my grandmas which is directly accross from their house, so close they share a mail box post haha, they have a fairly short laneway also. I shut it off and pretend like I was getting the mail and I hear these people open the door and start telling the guy off about how this kids driving through his fields and he shouldn't let me do such harmful things being dangerous to everybody. It was pretty funny when he started telling them off at the top of his lungs and slammed the door in their faces. They now always see me and turn up thier noses and I have no doubt they've called the cops quite a few times but since I don't live on that road they never find me :D Not really much of a problem but really just leave people alone.

03-15-2012, 08:36 AM
I have an acehole neighbor that I myself have never even got a chance to speak a word to. Anyone that knows me knows Im one of the easiest ppl there is to get along with and not hard to talk to...Well my next door neighbor refuses to even look at me, he Looks the other way when he goes past my place. I live on the corner of my in-laws family farm. A farm that has been in my wifes family for decades. When we got engaged her grandpa come to me and offered me a piece of the farm, told me I had my choice of any plot of it i wanted as long as it had access to county water. So we chose, well come to find out the land we chose was land that my neighbor had been trying to buy since he moved in 8 years ago, thats where it all started. Me and the wife decided to buy a mobile home that we could pay cash for. We set a goal to make ourselves 100% debt free and THEN borrow money to build a house we can be in forever since we plan on taking over part of this farm one day. Well he started his B/S....went to the township and told them he didnt want some junk ace trailer settin even close to his house, how bad it makes the area look blah blah blah blah. Called my grandfather in-law calling him a backstabber cause he was suppose to have first chance to buy that land. My grandfather inlaw told him no land was sold it was a gift. So then he turned it into that we were spoled brats that would never take care of anything and yadah yadah yadah some more. So now we have been there 2 years and still to the day he wont speak, wave or even freaking look at me no matter how close we get to eachother. Im to the point to where this summer i may stop him and inform him that i am proud to say I am 100% debt free so he wont have to look at that "junky trailer" very much longer.......The other day his son come home with a Z400 that he must have just bought, It would barely run, Popping and cracking, wouldnt idle he couldnt keep it running. The wife said go over there and help that kid get that thing running....I said F*** him!!!!! haha

03-15-2012, 09:34 AM
A while back when we all lived home and had lots of friends coming by parking could be tough for a family that has five cars.

My youngest sister was usually the last one home at night so she wouldn't get a parking spot. She would park in front of our driveway which lines up with the neighbors driveway. The people renting the house didnt mind but when the landlord moved back into the house he started breaking stones because it's a tight turn, even though I managed to get my 21' speed boat in and out of there with np. Rather then knock on our door and explain his issues he decided to park his car right behind my sisters so she only had inches to back her car out. Keep in mind he hes two cars, a three car dr iveway and 3 spots in front of his house.

So the next time he blocks my sister in I get in my truck and block him in. I told my brother to keep an eye out of his bedroom window and let me know if that miserable SOB hits my truck (he had to i left him a few mm's to get out).

Sure enough he backs into me and I go flying out the front door. I'm in his face telling him what a DB he is, my sisters are on the front lawn yelling, my mom is screaming from the front door and then my brother delivers the line of the fight when he yells from the second floor bedroom window " Hey pal you're just one A-hole, he have a whole house full of A-holes, never had a problem with him again.

Oh and cody you are a very considerate young man, it takes some sac to not blame the neighbors and to call out your buddy online, much respect.

03-15-2012, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by OldGuyonaQuad

Oh and cody you are a very considerate young man, it takes some sac to not blame the neighbors and to call out your buddy online, much respect.

i enjoy giving him crap very much.

03-15-2012, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by blacknblue#2
I have an acehole neighbor that I myself have never even got a chance to speak a word to. Anyone that knows me knows Im one of the easiest ppl there is to get along with and not hard to talk to...

Sounds like my neighbors. Our lot runs along side a subdivision so we have probably 15-18 houses that back up to our yard. Well we'be lived here for almost 8 years and only 3 of the neighbors have ever talked to us and the one moved. The rest won't even wave to you and call the cops for riding quads and sleds, having bonfires, and even one time because my headlights were shining in their window for 2 minutes while my car was warming up in the winter! The cops showed up at my house and told me I had to park differently or they'd charge me for harassment! So I said **** it and kept doing it till they put a fence up hahaha

03-15-2012, 01:23 PM
I recently bought some tannerite its an mix of chemicals that explodes when shot... I mixed it up put it in an old dishwasher shot it, and the dishwasher was nothing but a plastic pulp and bits of metal... flying every direction for 300yds... I've never seen something pack a punch like that outside of a military base... Well my neighbor calls me up and says " WTF!!!! Why the heck didn't you warn me you were gonna do that!!! Because I would have loved to come watch it!! " gotta love livin in the hillbilly heaven... Everybody will invite you over for a beer and some redneck fun!!

03-15-2012, 02:32 PM
I usually don't contribute to a thread like this because I am always on a motocross track. I did start out trail riding though and did some pretty dumb stuff lol. We used to run from the cops all the time on purpose just because we knew they couldn't catch us. Not smart but hey we've all done some dumb stuff in our lifetime.

The worst one I can think of was when I was maybe 13. I actually feel absolutely terrible about this one. We used to go riding on the mountains around my grandparents house and we had a trail that ran around the outside of an old graveyard leading up the mountain. Well someone put a huge mound of dirt in the middle of the trail thinking that would keep us out and all it did was make the trail more fun. Keep in mind this mound of dirt is HUGE. It was big enough we couldn't see the grave yard until we were on top of it going down. Well one day we were doing the usual. We were gonna ride on the mountain all day like we always did. Well I'm leading a group of about 8 people through this trail. I crest the top of this dirt mound and there is a HUGE funeral going on. I mean the entire graveyard is covered with people. What's worse is it was like a scene out of a movie and every single one of them turn around a just give me this death glare. I sort of froze for a second and then just took off. Haha I didn't even tell my friends what was going on they just got the idea they needed to run too. I rushed home and put my quad in the shop and not 2 minutes after I shut the shop door, a sheriff comes flying by the house towards the trail we were on.

03-15-2012, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
I recently bought some tannerite its an mix of chemicals that explodes when shot... I mixed it up put it in an old dishwasher shot it, and the dishwasher was nothing but a plastic pulp and bits of metal... flying every direction for 300yds... I've never seen something pack a punch like that outside of a military base... Well my neighbor calls me up and says " WTF!!!! Why the heck didn't you warn me you were gonna do that!!! Because I would have loved to come watch it!! " gotta love livin in the hillbilly heaven... Everybody will invite you over for a beer and some redneck fun!!

We have been using tannerite for years!!!!!

03-15-2012, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Longdong
We have been using tannerite for years!!!!!

I love tannerite, its fun blowing stuff up.

03-15-2012, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I love tannerite, its fun blowing stuff up.

I've probably been through atleast 50 pounds since then..

03-16-2012, 06:36 PM
You know really other than the one person that lives wherever the hell and calls the fuzz on me sometimes and complains, the rest are pretty good! Place beside us we own and they love watching me mess around, accross the road is a factory that I work at and you can't hear me in there anyways, or see me and he doesn't care, the other people that are close are in florida half the year and don't really care either. The people that can't see or hear me most of the time are all good too, they let me rip through their fields and bushes and don't mind when I do wheelies down the road infront of their houses. Just that one set of people. And another guy down the road is a bit of grouch but never really had a problem.

Tommy Warren
03-16-2012, 07:18 PM
tannerite, I put that SH%^ on everything!

03-16-2012, 08:00 PM
This is the first I've heard of this "Tannerite"....boy it sure can do some damage!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cqomN9ghOQU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


03-16-2012, 09:12 PM
I have it alright around here other than the 2 a holes that live in front of me. My house sits wayback off the road, and theres these 2 people with these little houses that live in the front that own like an acre when we own like 30. they always try and sneak back on our property, im always kickin em off. id be different if they just asked. they started driving through our front yard, so we got our property surveyed, turns out we own like half of both there back yards. so we tore out everything in ther eback yard we owned to pissed them off and we are putting a fence up. never had cops called on me. we have these other cools neighbors that let me ride on there property, other than they stole my cats. my other neighbor is prob the coolest ever. he pulls diesels. he lets me ride whenever whereever on his property. hes always in his field spinnin cookies, he rides quads, started buyin ponies, hes always workin on them. best part is hes half assed menanite lol.

03-18-2012, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by beastlywarrior
How about the my friend built a track in his backyard and another friend showed up on his 400ex he just put an hmf on. Then the next day we found the dick neighbor put nails all over the track

Had a neighbor do that one time so I returned the favor and scattered a box of 250 fine point roofing nails in his shale driveway. Hope he's keeping count so he can get to 250