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03-06-2012, 06:20 AM
Got My stuff to do my rebuild I am going 407 10:1 comp piped with big funny slip on I will hopefully get it done this week what's best way to break it in ?

03-06-2012, 06:34 AM
Turn it over and let it warm up for about 10 mins, then go ride it like you stole it for like 20 mins to 45 mins. This will ensure the rings properly break in.

Once you do that, change the oil, good to go.

03-06-2012, 04:04 PM
You have to change the oil even if it is brand new?! And also if you get the jetting pretty close but not perfect is it okay to break in? Thanks

03-06-2012, 06:27 PM
Shavings my friend, a brand new cyl will always have some minute shavings in it. Why else do you think they tell you to drive a car 6000 miles then change the oil, you brokeit in over that time.

When i say riding it like you stole it, I mean ride it for a good bit. making sure to go thru all the gears and whatnot.

03-06-2012, 07:00 PM
so just curious, how do you break in an engine like this if you have to haul it somewhere to ride it? i mean would it be ok to start it to make sure it runs, then take it somewhere to ride it? or would you say dont start it until you are ready to ride? Just for future reference...

03-06-2012, 07:19 PM
me, Id take it to whatever spot and let it warm up.

Ring break in is critical for sealing everything. I usually wamr mine up for 10 mins and make sure its running ok and then go rip it around near my house for a good bit.

03-06-2012, 07:39 PM
unfortunately i do not have that luxury... I live in a heavily populated sub-division, and riding on the street is a no no... altho i do occassionally for certain purposes (if i make an adjustment on something or after i wash it to get a lot of the water off) but I am never beating on it because it is pretty dang loud, and my neighbor is an a**hole... so i would have to trailer it somewhere. guess i will worry about that when the time comes.

03-06-2012, 09:31 PM
So get jetting close.. Take it to where your gonna ride.. Warm in up.. Best the crap out of it.. Then change the oil :devil:

03-09-2012, 04:00 PM
warm it up good (this should always be done) but don't let it idle during that period.when you take off never lug it,never rev it all the way out (like pinned and hold it there) and be sure to let your engine do the work on decel,it's critical.don't be afraid to pour on the power going through the gears tho.ride it like you normally would making sure not to do the above mentioned things.ride like that for 30 mins or so then let it cool down completely (i change the oil here to get the initial metal shavings and junk out,cools quicker too)and repeat.should be good after that but i always get atleast one tank through it b4 i get comfy.i attach a magnet to the left rear side of my crankcase too just in case something happens it helps to gather any steel from something breaking or whatever.

03-10-2012, 12:23 PM
How do you warm it up with out letting it idle? What's wrong with letting it idle?

03-10-2012, 12:27 PM
um,by revving it and not let it just sit at idle.u don't ride it at idle so letting it idle doesn't accomplish what you're trying to accomplish which is seat the rings the way they will run.

03-10-2012, 02:21 PM
But you can let it idle before you run it?

03-10-2012, 03:29 PM
once the rings are seated i guess you could.i haven't done it prior to break in since i read on here not to.that's the critical time.this was way back in like 2002 when i had a dif account i lost the info to so i don't remember the circumstance to the conversation.i personally never let my machine idle,i just don't see a reason to.to me it wastes fuel and engine life/oil hours but to each their own.if its runnin i'm gunnin has always been my mantra.i'm sure i'll here 500 reasons y it generally doesn't matter but its just what i do after break in time has passed thats all.don't get me wrong i do warm up prior to every ride i just don't let it idle for longer than say 3-5 seconds approx.