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View Full Version : Snow, Snow, SNOW!!!

12-08-2001, 07:40 PM
there's about 2" of snow on the ground now, I'm really tempted to go outside and ride, but I bet the neighbors would call the cops since it's almost 10pm... I don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight...

12-08-2001, 08:37 PM
sweet, were supposed to have a chance of flurries tonight but its been like 70 all winter in KY!!!! Thats like a record or somin b/c usually by now its freezin and its snowed a few times. I doubt we get much snow this winter :( Have fun, dont mind the neighbors...theyll live. lol ;)

12-12-2001, 10:56 AM
im so mad,, usually by now we would have had a buch of snow!! we have none!! this is also ruining snowboarding season and that sux. i miss riding in snow, i cant wait for some to fall!!

12-12-2001, 12:28 PM
Well I went out that day and it was alot of fun, although I was only going about as fast as I do in 2nd, in 4th cause it was spinning so much, maybe I should try chains, but that would really tear up the yard :D I had fun doing dougnuts and powerslides. I got tired after about half and hour since your always fighting the slide.

12-12-2001, 06:08 PM
we got snow here too. I went out and it was nuts. I was going down a strait completely sideways cuz my left side was in fresh snow and my right was on the pavement.

12-12-2001, 06:19 PM
Kinda feel sorry for the snowmobilers around here. We still havn't got any snow and its dec 12, lol I am still wearing short sleeve shirts along with lots of other peeps at my school. I wear a jacket to school in the morning though. A guy I know a few blocks away just got a new mx type snowmobile and is dieing for it to snow, just so he can have maybe a month if he is lucky to ride it this year. Heck me and my dad are planning to go to bussey this weekend if the weather is nice.:D

12-12-2001, 06:58 PM
NAusty, my friend Joe just got a 99 Polaris 700 and his friend has a 800 Polaris with 135hp!! they are both dying to ride, he took the 700 out in the 3" of snow, but didn't ride very long.