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View Full Version : HELP red light flashing

02-28-2012, 01:09 AM
hey guys I need some help I was riding my quad the other day and it died like it ran out of gas. It ran fine all day for about 4 hours then I was in about 3 gear 3/4 throttle on flat ground it just quit after I got towed back by a yamaha of all things I noticed the red light was flashing the bike will turn over just fine just won't fire. Can you guys help me out. I have a built 07 13.75:1 cp piston hot rod crank and rod stage 2 hotcams bigger vaules and spring head intake and exuast honed out all was done by donny norman yoshi exuast and cherry bomb and a pc5 on it. Thanks hope you guys can help kinda new to zukis love the power but hate the eletronics lol

02-28-2012, 07:49 PM
I think the red light flashes to tell you a code. There are different codes that it flashes for example blink twice, two second pause and then blink twice again. You need to figure out what code is flashing, the full manual explains the codes otherwise I think you can look them up online. There is also a safe mode that the LTR can go into, but I think safe mode still allows you to start the engine and keep low RPM's. Lastly you didn't crash before it happened did you because you may have gotten the tip over sensor stuck. Hope this helps.

02-29-2012, 12:43 AM
well I looked in the manual and the codes are like one flash then a delay then like 3 flashes but none of them match mine mine just flashes the same every time and it don't stop constant flashing and no road it all day never crashed it and when it quit it was on smooth flat ground. No I have one more question I have an 07 and when I was looking at the power comanders every on told me to by the pc5 for an 09 - 10 but the only thing I had to do was disable the crank sensor on the PC5 but I could never find it to disable it could this be the problem and if so how do you disable it thanks again guys

03-04-2012, 06:57 PM
hey man it might be air locked check your radiator if it was recently built/ new anti freeze it might have air bubbles in the radiator

03-04-2012, 06:58 PM
hey man it might be air locked check your radiator if it was recently built/ new anti freeze it might have air bubbles in the radiator

04-23-2012, 03:50 PM
Ever find out what it was cause mine did the same?