View Full Version : Saturday's Ride

03-03-2003, 02:05 AM
Started out as a normal muddy day to ride with nobody hurt. Then that changed. A buddy of mine that I ride and work with had a nasty tumble with his quad. Ended up at the emergency room about an hour an half after it happened. He's alright just bruised real bad and a concussion. First accident I have seen like this. Alright here's some pics of Saturday's ride. Enjoy.


03-03-2003, 02:06 AM

03-03-2003, 02:07 AM

03-03-2003, 02:12 AM

03-03-2003, 02:14 AM
My ride to the trails. Thanks to Hans of HMF and Johnny G for the trailer.

03-03-2003, 02:16 AM

03-03-2003, 02:18 AM

03-03-2003, 02:22 AM

03-03-2003, 02:38 PM
Dang Brother, Where are the good pics with some good air off them Jumps?

03-03-2003, 06:45 PM
I will post them tonight after work. Thought they were posted, but I was tired when I post most of the ones here.

03-03-2003, 11:09 PM
Where's the pic of Josh going airborn. Hope he ain't to beat up.

03-03-2003, 11:31 PM
Josh feels like he has been beating with a bat. Bruised bad that's about it. The nut in his had is fine. Just sleeps alot.

03-03-2003, 11:33 PM
Sweet pics:devil

03-04-2003, 02:19 AM
Who is the gay looking dude on the yellow ex?

03-04-2003, 02:23 AM
I think it might be this guy you are talking about. The guy in the red fox jersey.

03-04-2003, 02:26 AM

03-04-2003, 02:27 AM

03-04-2003, 02:29 AM

03-04-2003, 02:30 AM
they gay one is light on his feet. Happily jumping

Just don't get him around any steep hills

Oh and he is catching h&ll right now cause he can never call anyone back and leaves them hanging:D:scary:

03-04-2003, 02:32 AM
to bad Ryan isn't going to see these threads untill tomorrow morning.... LOL

03-04-2003, 02:35 AM
Gonna sit there with his jaw dropped. Don't worry we won't tell anyone your secret........

Oh and russ thanks for telling me his finger is broke so he can't call:rolleyes2

03-04-2003, 09:53 AM
Alright Mr. baller! I had some things to do last night. Sara said you called me. I came and picked her up and we went and watched a movie and when I got home you had called 3 times on my cell and 3 on the House phone. But it was late and I didnt want to wake the fam up on top of the fact I didnt know if you were off yet. Homo!!!!

03-04-2003, 01:55 PM
Damn now you got a shady caller id to?? I see how it is. I know I only tried once at like 8:30 or so cause I was busy. And last night I was at work till 2am so you would not have woke the fam up. I need to know if you and Jug are interested in some Cam 2? I need to know fairly quick.

03-04-2003, 03:02 PM
Noce Pictures

Ham Sandwich
03-04-2003, 08:07 PM
cool time riding with you guys, It only took me 3 times to wash my bike down. Straight mud and water in my airbox. But she's all clean and pretty again waiting till next time.

03-04-2003, 08:10 PM
Next time is this Friday for a couple of us. Josh has his quad all tore apart and he's not really up for riding yet. Still has some serious bruises.

03-04-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by HondaRancherES
Noce Pictures

03-04-2003, 09:19 PM
Looks like you all had fun. Nice car! :D Are those hydro towers still in use? They dont let trees grow within 50feet of hydro towers here :confused:

03-04-2003, 09:24 PM
I'm not sure if the towers are still working or not. For some reason I knew there would be a comment about the car in the background.

Ham Sandwich
03-08-2003, 02:59 PM
So how was riding this weekend? I had to work :grr

03-09-2003, 03:10 PM
Was alright untill we got chased out by the Park Ranger. Warning ticket for riding there. There's one spot unable to ride no more.

Ham Sandwich
03-11-2003, 06:11 PM
great another spot bites the dust......:mad:

03-11-2003, 06:31 PM
Yep... already have a new one lined up though. Almost at the boarder of North Carolina, right before the toll booth. I will give ya directions when I get them.

Ham Sandwich
03-12-2003, 03:54 AM
are you going this weekend? Did you hear about the races on VA beach in may?

2003 Virginia Beach ATV Extreme Weekend
May 2-4
Event Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Track Location: Atlantic Ave & 6th St.
The National Quad Racing Association,
(Formerly the Mid-Atlantic ATV Association)
(866) 861-4415