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View Full Version : feel awkward cussing in front of parents?

02-26-2012, 07:18 AM
my friends say i'm kinda odd because i don't cuss/drink in front of my parents. i never have and never want to but they always do. i just feel awkward when they find out i've been drinking and could never even say damn in front of them. anybody else like this?

02-26-2012, 08:21 AM
My mom would tear me a new one if ever cussed in front of her when I was younger, most of the time being well deserved. My dad...he just understood Lol.

Ruby Soho
02-26-2012, 08:34 AM
i can infront of my parents. thats the way they raised me though. but they also taught me respect, and with that i have and never will cuss AT them.

02-26-2012, 08:53 AM
im 14, and anymore 14 year olds are bad, crazy, due to lack of parents and always swearing AT there parents. i guess you could say i swear "with" them? theres no way in hell i could swear at them. ive been brought up better than that. i kinda started swearing around my dad first, and he said it was cool only in the garage, barn, or woods. im like alright and even then i didnt swear around him. my mom heard me swear a couple times and laughed(bout 8 months ago) and ive come around to saying what i really feel in the garage when a wrench slams my finger or when i die in temple run. my mom doesnt care as long as im not swearing at her. my dad still likes me to keep it in the barn garage and woods though.

02-26-2012, 11:11 AM
With my dad logging wrenching cutting firewood or whatever its fine. I work hard and somthing pisses me off, oh well. In front of my mom? haha.no.

02-26-2012, 02:14 PM
The way my dad raised me, was if its around him.. Its OK. (still not reccomended BTW) but if something slips, he wont say anything.

BUT there is no cussing around my mom.
I have dropped the ball a few times due to getting into it with my sisters, but the old saying "If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy" and momma aint happy if i throw around cuss words.

b0rn c0nfused
02-26-2012, 02:23 PM
My family is religous. Cussing is frowned upon. Still happens when there not around though.

02-26-2012, 03:19 PM
My father and I have an excavating business together so you can bet that there is some cussing. Out of respect I try to never cuss at him but sometimes it happens as it can get quite stressful and dangerous very fast and thats the first reaction. Outside of work I try not to at all. My mom gets mad because sometimes it slips but again I try not to out of respect. I'm 24 going on 25 and I feel this way, it does amaze me how some teens talk to their parents though. If I had done that when I was 14 my parents would have made sure I knew I was way out of line on that one.

02-26-2012, 03:21 PM
i use no profanity at all and will make sure i never do.


02-26-2012, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
i use no profanity at all and will make sure i never do.


agreed, minus the occasional slip up, but never in front of family. i think the inability to come up with something else to say says a lot about the character of a person.

02-26-2012, 05:05 PM
In front of extended family never. Around parents and people I see every day, Its all good. Working class family so we all do it.

02-27-2012, 08:34 AM
They are words that allow me to accurately express my frustration at any given object at any given time.

With that said, the "F word" can be used for almost any thing you can think of. I don't really mind swearing, but there's a limit. There are people that you just don't do it in front of.

I just don't see why people get so uptight over a word or phrase. After all, it's doing any physical harm is it . It just grinds my #@$^ing gears :rolleyes:

02-27-2012, 11:03 AM
Blink 182 - Family Reunion

02-27-2012, 12:18 PM
Well there was this one time on christmas after we picked up our christmas tree. We had a flat and mom told me to help dad, so i got out and watched he put all the lug nut's in the hub cap and i accidentilly knocked it over. And i said F****. I still got a red Rider for Christmas tho!

02-27-2012, 06:11 PM
anyways, the f word isnt really tolerated. i get slapped upside the head for that one.

02-27-2012, 06:35 PM
My old man was a miner , so I grew up with the f-bomb and the rest of the swear words all around me and 90% of the time he didn't even realize he was swearing (he still doesn't realize it) .... BUT I do not swear in front of my parents.

02-27-2012, 09:10 PM
When logging it seems to come naturally..haha

02-28-2012, 05:24 AM
tied 17 to 17, interesting. it's not that my parents don't cuss because they sure do. i guess we all have different reasons why we do/don't..

mine is because i don't want to be like my father. most of my memories are of getting cussed at while he was drinking lol. i just don't want them to think of me like that.

02-28-2012, 07:51 AM
Simple, don’t do it! Problem salved.

02-28-2012, 08:43 AM
Certainly some good examples from both sides. I cuss like a sailor but try not to no matter who its in front of. I openly cuss infront of my parents on a daily basis but I can see where people wouldn't want to or dont. Also I can see where it isnt a big deal because it is after all just another phrase of words nothing to wrong. The f word is definatley a unique word it can be used in almost any circumstance stance. Although I cuss I think it makes people come off as ignorant or maybe less proper idk. It really shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is though.

02-28-2012, 09:00 AM
Not really in front of the rents, unless I'm raging about something.. (bashed fingers, broken parts, or serious agony)

My rents don't swear at all unless something big happenes.

But I do cuss with my friends if we are dicking around..

02-29-2012, 07:59 AM
I can't say that I've really ever given much thought to it before, but I don't cuss in front of my parents, or anyone other than friends. But I'd say I cuss less than the average guy too.

02-29-2012, 11:59 AM
only seems to slip at work when i have something happen or when im at home turning wrenches and the process gets repeated four times because i forget something stupid or drop something down in and have to dissasemble again.

02-29-2012, 08:53 PM
I was raised in a Christian home, and no cussing was ever gonna be tolerated. Then, I gained the Vocab of a Soldier, When i'm on base, everything is a little F'er and everything that isn't cool is a POS. So i cuss up a storm, not proud of it, but its our culture. I go G-Rated when i go to the rents house.

02-29-2012, 11:04 PM
Cuss words are emotional words, and I'm fairly non-emotional in general, so I rarely cuss at all. But the occasional situation when I'm describing a scenario (or more often a PERSON) that invokes a strong emotion of frustration, I'll drop several F-bombs to really drive the point home. In that situation, it doesn't matter if it's my parents or a casual friend.

03-01-2012, 05:53 AM
My wife cursed the other evening.....

Cody hollared out ..."Hey watch that language!"

I bellowed..."Shut the F up!"

Everyone laughed.

Its all about context & respect. You can usually pick out those that are just foul mouthed and vulgar versus those who may use vulgarities in a humorous way or to drive home a point.

My mother in-law is a foul mouthed person. She curses because she thinks it makes her appear bigger, and her son follows her path. Both are just morons.

There is a time and place for everything.....

MX MaNiAc 06
03-01-2012, 11:28 AM
My mom always told me they're just words. When used in the wrong context anything can be offensive. But F this, F that, who cares. What is more offensive? You're an effin a-hole, or you're worthless?

03-01-2012, 12:47 PM
i swear all the time..infront of mostly everyone, mom and dad, grandparents, friends, strangers, aunts and uncles, priests, teachers, buddha and chewbacca alike..

to me they're just words. simple as that. growing up, my father, being a cop, and a blue collar guy, openly swore infront of me adn my brother. does that make him a bad parent, NO. he was/still is agreat father and is an outstanding person in our community. my mom never swears, but thast cause my grandma never did..plus my mom is religious, and my dad kinda is, at times....and i am not...

the only time i dont swear, is at work. its not that other ppl around me dont, cause they do, but i just try to seem professional, being im the youngest in my engineering group, and the fact that i work with a pretty big group of religious ppl (a couple mormons!). i try and show them respect.

honestly, they're just words. it drives me nuts when ppl get so insulted by swear words. you can really, seriously hurt/insult a person with words other than just swear words....

03-01-2012, 12:59 PM
I never have really gotten why any word is a "bad" word... its just a word.

I think its funny how some people will say "Oh who gives a freak!"

Your obviously meaning the "F" word.. SO how does it make it any better to say freak then just saying it.

03-01-2012, 02:05 PM
I grew up around it. So I obviously picked up the habit. I started swearing around and with my friends around idk like age 8 or 9 lol. I'm 14 now and will openly swear around my rents kinda

03-01-2012, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by ben300
i swear all the time..infront of mostly everyone, mom and dad, grandparents, friends, strangers, aunts and uncles, priests, teachers, buddha and chewbacca alike..

to me they're just words. simple as that. growing up, my father, being a cop, and a blue collar guy, openly swore infront of me adn my brother. does that make him a bad parent, NO. he was/still is agreat father and is an outstanding person in our community. my mom never swears, but thast cause my grandma never did..plus my mom is religious, and my dad kinda is, at times....and i am not...

the only time i dont swear, is at work. its not that other ppl around me dont, cause they do, but i just try to seem professional, being im the youngest in my engineering group, and the fact that i work with a pretty big group of religious ppl (a couple mormons!). i try and show them respect.

honestly, they're just words. it drives me nuts when ppl get so insulted by swear words. you can really, seriously hurt/insult a person with words other than just swear words....

Exactly, if somebody an M'fer i'd just be like so??? I get called that all the time, ha ha welcome to the life of da police!!