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View Full Version : Drinking games?

02-25-2012, 01:06 PM
Looking for some fresh ideas, what do ya bunch of party animals recommend?

02-25-2012, 01:12 PM
Ever ride the bus

02-25-2012, 01:22 PM
Haha actually yea but i havent played that in a while, might try it out. If you guys have a game that can easily be explained, go for it :cool:

02-25-2012, 03:33 PM
this should help.


02-25-2012, 05:21 PM
I already googled and wha tnot, just figured there might be some people on here with their own games that were fun. Bunch of squares on here a guess haha

02-25-2012, 05:32 PM
anytime you hear someone cuss on the radio or tv you take a shot, it's perty simple lol.

beer pong, you just cannot go wrong with beer pong...everz.

the one i like the most is when your feeling down you try to put down a fifth before you pass out.

kids, don't drink the cheap stuff please. leave the Distillers Pride, Tvarscki and Canadian LTD for the alcoholics and choose wisely:)

02-25-2012, 05:34 PM
battle shots

02-25-2012, 05:41 PM
Speed quarters is/was my game.

02-25-2012, 09:51 PM
Mario Cart drunk driving...


My favorite :devil:

02-25-2012, 09:59 PM
Pit bike tag drinking relay race

02-25-2012, 10:20 PM
go into the 400ex section and every time a dumb thread pops up you take a drink. you'll be having your stomach pumped in no time.

02-25-2012, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
go into the 400ex section and every time a dumb thread pops up you take a drink. you'll be having your stomach pumped in no time.
Hell every time a jetting thread shows up

02-25-2012, 10:36 PM
Couple of different versions of Beer Pong.

Regular 10 cup, the classic.

3 cup. Take three glass cups (like a pint glass) full beer in each one. A sink removes the cup. But, if you hit the lip of the glass it will bounce upwards, you can catch these and if you do there is no drink. If you don't, you drink roughly 1/4 of the glass. You just keep track like you do in regular pong but it might be like a 4 3 vs a 4 4 1 if you can envision that, fun game cause you can play defense and dive and save drinks.

Bozo buckets. 10 cups straight in a row. Have to hit the first one in order to go on to the next, and hit that one before the next, etc.

A great game with girls though, and probably one of the most fun, is the "Tour de Franzia"

Get you a 9 dollar box of wine and a big wheel. Pick 4 person teams. Grab you a glass. You gotta pound a cup full of wine, and then do a lap on the big wheel. Pull back into your team, and tag out next person drinks a glass of wine and does the same til you run out.

b0rn c0nfused
02-25-2012, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by buck440
the one i like the most is when your feeling down you try to put down a fifth before you pass out.

I did that the first time I ever drank alcohol. Stayed up til about 3 in the morning drinking and playing call of duty. Almost drank it all to I might add...then I tried to walk to the bathroom to take a pis*. Lets just say me and the wall became very close friends. Don't remember what happend after I stood back up. Lol.

02-26-2012, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by b0rn c0nfused
I did that the first time I ever drank alcohol. Stayed up til about 3 in the morning drinking and playing call of duty. Almost drank it all to I might add...then I tried to walk to the bathroom to take a pis*. Lets just say me and the wall became very close friends. Don't remember what happend after I stood back up. Lol.

it without a doubt makes cod a lot more fun. my best memories of cod were while drinking but not like really drunk. kinda sad lol.

02-26-2012, 07:57 AM
edward 40 hands.....duck tape to 40oz in each hand and cant take the tape off till there both empty!:macho

Tommy Warren
02-26-2012, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by 2004400exa
edward 40 hands.....duck tape to 40oz in each hand and cant take the tape off till there both empty!:macho
remember to dial 911 on your cell phone so all you have to do is hit send after the game:eek:

02-26-2012, 02:46 PM
F the dealer
Pass the trash
Circle of death
Liquid hell
High, low, red, black
Watch karate kid, drink when you hear wax on wax off
I will give details about any you wish to play. And I have some more if that's not enough to get you started.

02-27-2012, 08:27 AM

02-27-2012, 08:39 AM
I like Flip Cup myself.

Bar Golf is fun but logistics are usually hard to come by.

Need 9 bars within walking distance. 30 minutes each bar.

1 shot and 1 beer=par
2shots and 1 beer or vice versa=birdy
2 and 2 =eagle
1 beer or 1 shot= bogie
nothing = double bogie

Best score was a -2 but I've personally witnessed a -14 by a girl.

02-27-2012, 02:50 PM
You only managed -2. That's not even drinking hardly. Lol

02-28-2012, 09:23 AM
Dude That was 20 drinks in 4 and a half hours. The first year I did it I made it to the 7th hole and passed out in the street.

02-28-2012, 10:36 AM
A card game I used to play in college.

You deal one card to the right, and one card to the left. The person "bets" in number of sips/drinks/etc that the next card from the deck will be between the two cards dealt.

Get it correct, and you give the bet drinks to anyone else.
Get it wrong, and you have to drink the bet.
Get a match to either end card, you drink double.

With the right group of people, it can be a really fun game.

02-28-2012, 11:04 AM
we played a game called 'Wisest Wizard' where you keep ducktaping your empties under you're open beer until you have a "Wizard Staff''. Pretty funny to see a bunch of guys waliking around with a 7' tall stack of beer cans trying to drink from it.

Or Century Club: A shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes.
Harder than it sounds, lol.

02-28-2012, 12:15 PM
Just a perspective the Century club if you're drinking 1 oz shots (which no one does they're usually bigger) is 8.333 beers in an hour and a half.

02-28-2012, 01:30 PM
Times have changed. The Century club used to be 100 beers in 100 hours.

02-29-2012, 11:14 AM
We made Jenga into a drinking game.

You write on very other block some kind of command like:

drink two
give away a shot
all girls drink
make a rule

etc.....whenever someone pulls a block they have to read it and do what it says.

King's Cup is also a favorite, but it has been the reason I can't recall several New Year's Eve parties.....lol

02-29-2012, 01:08 PM
President-@$$hole....but you have to have some good friends who get along well and can take a joke or it's no fun.
One we used to play that we just kinda made up one night and it turned into a regular game....get a quarter and some beer. spin the quarter on a table, have the other person call heads or tails, slam your palm onto the quarter to stop it from spinning. If the person called it wrong, then you spin the quarter on the table again and that person has to drink the entire time it's spinning. (your call to let it rip and spin forever or have mercy and just do a quick spin) Again stop the quarter from spinning with your palm and have the person call heads or tails again. If wrong again, drink again while the quarter spins again. Repeat. If/when the person calls it right, then it's their turn to spin the quarter while you call heads or tails. Hope that makes sense....simple game but seems hard to explain when typing it out. Depending on the heads/tails call, it can get one person really drunk, really fast. :D If you spin the quarter for the person to drink and the quarter goes off the table, it's automatically the other persons turn to spin the quarter and for you to call heads/tails.
Speed quarters was always my favorite game to play. First time I learned to play was years ago in deep South Texas in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of Mexican Cowboys and a few chicks that talked us into coming to their party. :bandit:
Thumb master!!

03-01-2012, 11:47 AM
Someone on Reddit made a Reddit drinking game. By the amount of alcohol you'd consume it'd probably knock you out before the end.

03-01-2012, 01:18 PM
as lame as they are, BP and flip cup will still always be my favorite games..

we used to play speed pong....4, 15 cup (15 each side of table) games, side by side with teh tables touching, going at once..if a ball bounced onto another table, they wre allowed to shoot at what ever game they wanted....ball wasnt allowed to touch the floor and if it did, the team that just shot got to shoot that ball again. cups had to be drank before you could shoot..... you definitely needed kegs to play that game :devil:

cases races are always dope..me and my four college roomates were always god at that! we used to do it, 5 guys, a case of natty light or key light, gallon of wine, 5th of cheap *** rum, and a 6 pack of redbull......we went to a party once that was 10 teams. 5 freshmen teams, 2 sophs, a jr and 2 sr teams......we polished all that **** off in 24 mins 32 secs and flat out won......freshmen were begging us to slow down............ahhh, the good ol' days :D

03-04-2012, 10:01 PM
Battleshots is where its at or beer ball