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View Full Version : Shorty silencer

03-03-2003, 12:44 AM
My friend has a blaster with fmf pipe and silencer. Would cutting the fmf silencer give him more bottom end and is it worth doing?

03-03-2003, 01:39 AM
All cutting the exhaust really does is help make it sound cooler. So, if he wants it to sound more "racey" then feel free to cut.

03-03-2003, 07:48 PM
A guy I was racing with (he was actually in a different class but the classes were combined) had a CRF450 in a Houser frame and it had a GT Thunder shorty silencer on it and that thing was soooooo friggin loud. I don't know if cutting the silencer like that always makes it so much louder but this one was so loud I couldn't tell if I was just hearing him or if there was another racer right next to me. He said he didn't like it to much cause it's the only silencer that actually hurt his ears... I'm all for a loud race bike or quad but that thing was just to loud, IMO.