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01-24-2012, 07:40 PM
Just want your opinions


I am an avid hunter, guess I have to buy some coffee once in a while now.

01-24-2012, 08:13 PM
Sadly they got the worst coffee I ever had, but a thumbs up to starbucks!

01-24-2012, 08:41 PM
I'm not a coffee drinker, but the hot chocolate is good

01-24-2012, 09:50 PM
I don't drink " 4bucks coffee" ether, But thumbs up to them for doing what's right!

01-24-2012, 10:30 PM
My mom goes there, i'll go in with some browning or marlin clothes valentines day and buy a cup. Just mounted up the scope on my new varmint gun.

01-26-2012, 11:30 AM
I am not a Starbucks coffee drinker. I am going to spread the word though and make sure I try to get out there and patronize them even though I'm from Illinois.

01-26-2012, 04:10 PM
I live close to the illinois border, there laws are pretty over the top. I live for my guns, my truck, and my Atv. My gf is thrown in there somewhere too.

01-26-2012, 05:09 PM
I live close to the illinois border, there laws are pretty over the top. I live for my guns, my truck, and my Atv. My gf is thrown in there somewhere too.

lol. Yeah Illinois is a joke (the state where the tail wags the dog) but atleast I'm nowhere near Chicago.

01-27-2012, 04:54 PM
Keep spreading the word guys and gals. I stopped at Circle K this morning and was quite suprised when I looked at my change.


Aarons 01 400EX
01-27-2012, 10:00 PM
I get my Venti White Chocolate Mocha there a couple times a month.

01-27-2012, 11:36 PM
I laughed at that with several of my buddies who i read that to here in the Barracks... ha ha First off, Starbucks could make a rule saying no guns, but its merely a rule, they can't stop you... Its a constitutional right, the only place you can't carry is a city/county/state/ or federal buildings... so that sum's it up!!! Unless its one of the above, feel free to legally open carry, or concealed with a permit wherever you'd like.

Aarons 01 400EX
01-29-2012, 11:25 AM
If we had England's gun laws we would expect 375 gun homicides each year—97% less than we have. England's gun laws are based on protecting public safety, ours on maximizing sales for the gun industry

Law abiding citizens aren't the ones shooting people. Hell, I think there was this many murders in North St. Louis in December 2011.

*North St. Louis is 100x worse than East St. Louis*

01-29-2012, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
I laughed at that with several of my buddies who i read that to here in the Barracks... ha ha First off, Starbucks could make a rule saying no guns, but its merely a rule, they can't stop you... Its a constitutional right, the only place you can't carry is a city/county/state/ or federal buildings... so that sum's it up!!! Unless its one of the above, feel free to legally open carry, or concealed with a permit wherever you'd like.

laugh all you want, the majority of states have laws against carrying in corporate stores.

01-29-2012, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Aarons 01 400EX
Law abiding citizens aren't the ones shooting people. Hell, I think there was this many murders in North St. Louis in December 2011....

Exactly! All of these anti-gun activsts think that a new law is going to fix the problem, but most of the guys killing people especially gang related didn't buy the gun legally in the first place. There is no common sense at all nowadys, people just try to control everything thinking it will fix the problem when it just makes things worse. If a criminial knows it's illegal for me to have a gun in my house for example, he is obviously much less intimidated of breaking into my house and using his illegally purchased gun.

01-29-2012, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
laugh all you want, the majority of states have laws against carrying in corporate stores.

Maybe in California??? or D.C.??? or some other liberal states... Now some store chains reserve the right to ask you to leave if that is the case, they have that right, just like they can ask anybody to leave the store. There is no laws against carrying into the store, and if you have a concealed carry, like i said earlier the only places you aren't allowed to carry is in City/County/State/Federal buildings. These are Missouri's Laws... Trust me I know them.

01-29-2012, 10:28 PM
Read the 2nd Amendment then look up your states Open Carry and CCW laws... I'm sure it ranges state by state... But thankfully missouri is one of the most relaxed states with Gun laws...

BTW, I've lived in Kansas City and St. Louis.... KC is getting worse by the minute... I would say it will soon be worse than St. Louis... Homeless people everywhere and those god damn gangsters and ghetto rollers are everywhere all the time, no matter what neighbor hood. I lived in a pretty High Class neighborhood with a friend and we still had shooting down the street. That is one thing you don't have in STL, the ghetto rollers don't cross there lines, in STL.

06 Honda 450R
01-30-2012, 12:35 AM
The thing that caught my eye was their reasoning for deaths by guns comparing the US and Britain, I have looked up the populations of the US and Britain, (roughly) US = 313 million, Britain = 62 million. By them saying that Britain only had 375 homicides compared to the US's 12,000 is bs, there are WAY more US citizens than Britain, they said that there were 97 % less homicides in Britain than the US, they didnt factor in the whole population.

I think it is all bs, I think good people who have taken the required courses to carry will make the right decisions and not go mass murdering. Bad guys will always have guns no matter what.

Heck, you can take away legaly owning guns, and let us have sticks to kill eachother with, but bad guys will always get guns in an illegal way.

(if some of this doesnt make sense, its late lol)

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people.

01-30-2012, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by 06 Honda 450R
The thing that caught my eye was their reasoning for deaths by guns comparing the US and Britain, I have looked up the populations of the US and Britain, (roughly) US = 313 million, Britain = 62 million. By them saying that Britain only had 375 homicides compared to the US's 12,000 is bs, there are WAY more US citizens than Britain, they said that there were 97 % less homicides in Britain than the US, they didnt factor in the whole population.

I think it is all bs, I think good people who have taken the required courses to carry will make the right decisions and not go mass murdering. Bad guys will always have guns no matter what.

Heck, you can take away legaly owning guns, and let us have sticks to kill eachother with, but bad guys will always get guns in an illegal way.

(if some of this doesnt make sense, its late lol)

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

And believe it or not California still has their open carry laws in affect, at least for now...