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View Full Version : 400ex sprocket clip on axle

01-06-2012, 05:45 PM
I recently bought a new axle, however I decided to paint the sprocket hub. The hub slid down real easy and I was able to remove the retaining clip underneath it.

Well now I am trying to put everything back together and I don't feel comfortable with that retaining clip. Before I tighten the axle nut on the brake side, I noticed the retaining clip under the sprocket hub is able to move it around (not flush in the grove). I am able to tightn the axle nut and everything feels tight, but I just have a bad feeling about that clip.

I did some research but nothing definative. One site said you have to "press the sprocket. Hub off" but I didn't have too. Was easy

I am thinking about taking everything apart and try to make that retaining clip little smaller so it fits flush in the grove.

Any suggestions or comments.

01-06-2012, 10:42 PM
does it happen to be the G force axle? If so.. id send it back..

01-06-2012, 11:36 PM
It is g force axle. I figured I bent the retaining clip to much. With the sprocket hub off the copper looking retaining ring that sits in the grove has some play. However push the sprocket hub back up and the ring sits nice

The retaining clip that is on the brake side sits tight in the grove (but is smaller)

Sorry I am not mechanically inclined but have questions.

01-06-2012, 11:41 PM
are you tightening the axle nut correctly and tight enough? if not I'd prob send that one back.. theyll send you a new one.. they sent me 2 lol