View Full Version : Suzie Homemaker

01-03-2012, 08:54 PM
A few weeks back, my brother picked up a little Chinese quad that didn't run. Who better to fix it? Lucky me.

One of the many problems it had was the netting on the nerf bars. It's one thing to slip off the pegs and get your foot caught under the tire, I think most of us have done that at one point or another, it just drags you off the quad. But if the nerf bars are in place, but no netting, it's not as simple as getting dragged off the quad. You foot will be caught, and could result in a severe broken leg if your foot is trapped and you fall off.

So I pulled out my wife's sewing machine and made new nets. The nylon strap was only $1.50 total, the thread was kinda expensive at $3.50 because it's heavy-duty thread that's UV resistant for outdoor use. Sewing needles for the heavy-duty thread added another $3 to the project. I'm under $10.

01-03-2012, 08:57 PM
go into buisness making custom nets! haha if you made some ty-dy ones that held up i'd rock em!

01-03-2012, 09:15 PM
The old ones had deteriorated to nothing. If you got your foot caught in there at speed, you'd be in a world of hurt. I don't trust a little kid to handle a situation like that.

01-03-2012, 09:16 PM
The new ones look nice.

I knew these Chinese quads were junk, but I never realized just HOW bad. These things are absolutely worthless. If you notice in the first picture, the netting isn't perfectly symmetric, and that's not an accident. The nerf bars aren't symmetric. Garbage.

01-04-2012, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by finsteratv
go into buisness making custom nets! haha if you made some ty-dy ones that held up i'd rock em!

Not enough money in it for an actual business. But it ain't rocket science, you could probably order the strap and do it yourself.


01-06-2012, 06:15 PM
thinking that on my black 450 along with chrome might give me some duning pop...

01-06-2012, 06:36 PM
not to be a buzzkill but the chinese do down right suck! have 3 setting outside (one brand new ) and they all wont run and have problems. (none of them are mine) but i work on them from time to time and when you get it running and send it up the trail somthing else breaks usaly the carb or shocks or chain or brakes. but yea nice nets id like to make some half red half black ones!!!

01-06-2012, 08:16 PM
If you really want it to pop, it's the subtle details that you see when you get up close that really make a quad stand above the rest.

I'm thinking contrasting colors for the stitching, I almost did black nets with yellow stitching, it's the kind of detail that really pops when you get close. The reason I didn't do it was because my machine, and my sewing skills, just aren't up to par for detail like that. I would need to go really slow, count all my stitches to make sure everything is uniform, and my machine isn't capable of that slow speed.

Black nets with a bright red stitching would look awesome. Or, in the case of chrome, you don't have to match it exactly. A silver, or even a white stitching would accent really nicely on black nets.

01-06-2012, 08:23 PM
thats what i was thinking but then again would they get trashed color wise in the trails?

01-06-2012, 11:14 PM
The nets do seem to hold dirt, not only because it's a cloth, but also because of their proximity to the dirt and the wheels.

However, I am constantly washing my tie-down straps (not on purpose, but simply because I don't have a lawn or even a driveway to clean my quads, so I trailer them to the carwash). My tiedown straps always look brand-new when I'm done. If that is any indication, I bet your nerf netting will pop once again as soon as you clean your quad.

I'm thinking your nets will be dirty whenever your quad is dirty, and your nets will look clean and brand-new once your quad is clean and looking new as well.

01-07-2012, 10:41 PM
Lol chineese stuff is normally junk. My brothers mini bike is a huge pos barley ever starts. But my pitbike and my gokart have accually did pretty good for chineese crap. Hell that bike is pretty tough too i beat the crap out of it for 5 years and nothing has ever went wrong with it, ever.

01-08-2012, 08:14 PM
Actually, I don't think the motors are all that bad. They're a little underpowered for 150cc, but I really haven't heard too many bad things about this particular motor. As I understand, they were originally designed as scooter motors, and they even have hop-up kits for them (stupid, if you ask me).

This particular motor fires right up really easy, even has a backup kick starter. The motor is easily the best part of this quad, the chassis and suspension are absolutely garbage.

01-08-2012, 08:28 PM
Accually that sounds about the same as my dirtbike. It wasnt started for a month and it was around 15 outside, started 1st kick. But the rear shock is going to s***, the brake pedal is bent up from idk what, and it blew a spoke from a little wee stick.