View Full Version : 36 or 38

12-26-2011, 08:12 PM
I know I might be in the wrong section, but, its a Honda motor... I'm about to order a new carb for my lt-cr hybrid, its the one in my sig. 260cc cr motor, the old Mikuni from the Suzuki motor is driving me nutts because its constantly vibing the screws out... Weird... I'm looking at getting a new TMX, really only trail ride, and drag race now and then. What would be better, 36mm or 38mm? Really, I'm not too interested in making it any faster, its already too fast for my Hunny to keep up, just want it too be reliable, and start easily..

12-26-2011, 10:21 PM
If memory serves, the CR250 came stock with a 38mm carb for most years, so I don't see any problem with sticking with that.

In theory, the 38mm will give better top-end performance and horsepower, which might be what you want for the occasional drag race. The 36mm, however, will give better throttle response and low to mid-range power, great for trails and most recreational riding.

12-27-2011, 05:14 AM
That's what I was figuring. It runs great as is, but mostly just at top end. Tends to overrev too quickly though. Still have to rework the gearing too...