View Full Version : IMac +Sony NEX 5n video = WTF?

12-26-2011, 06:08 PM
I got an IMac a few weeks ago and also got a Sony NEX 5N camera. I recorded 2 videos on the camera and could never get them to upload with the pictures.

I read that you have to open iMovie. Well I did that and got them onto the computer but Its through the PITA iMovie. I just want to watch it not edit the thing! What do I do??
Also I tried uploading one to youtube and it took like 30 mins then said "failed" "unable to convert video file"

Don't know what I need to do.
Damn technology :p

12-26-2011, 07:19 PM
You should see the icon in the finder menu that looks kind of like an external HD. In that, there should be like a .mov or .mp4 or what ever. The video file should be there, at least thats how my camera works....

12-26-2011, 08:41 PM
In finder it says "no name" in device. I click on it and there are "DCIM" "MISC" "MP_ROOT" and "private" folders

DCIM folder has a folder called 100MSDCF in it and I click on it and it has all the pictures but no videos.

MISC folder is empty
MP_ROOT is empty
Private is also empty.

But I can watch the videos on the camera.... :confused:

12-26-2011, 09:02 PM
Download StreamMPEG and convert it to a mov. avi. or mp4 file. I know in finalcut if you go to file>export>quick time, and its in one of the formats above it will convert for you. However, im not sure about imovie.

12-27-2011, 10:39 AM
Thanks ill try that out. :)