View Full Version : Christmas Eve 2011

12-24-2011, 07:41 PM
Well I have always wanted a German Sheppard so tonight the family and I went and picked up the addition to the family. HE is a 7 week old pure bread German Sheppard. He is adjusting well.

Also is a picture of my wife and son playing pop the pig. We always let him open one gift on Christmas eve. I will be sure to post picks and videos tomorrow of him getting his new arctic cat z 120. Should be fun to see the expression on his face.



12-24-2011, 09:16 PM
Our beaglier puppy just turned 10 weeks, get ready for a handful :D he's aquired quite the liking for wraping paper...i better get up some pictures too! A dog in the family is always nice.

12-24-2011, 09:36 PM
Awesome dog! I bet your son will be blown away when he sees his new sled :cool:

12-24-2011, 11:37 PM
Such a cute dog, your son is a good looking kid as well. I bet hes super happy he now has a dog :)

12-25-2011, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by CJM
Such a cute dog, your son is a good looking kid as well. I bet hes super happy he now has a dog :)

Thank you. I got lucky with the boy hes a great kid. And hes having a blast trying to get the pup to sit shake and roll over all ready..lol..

12-25-2011, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by flint250trx
Thank you. I got lucky with the boy hes a great kid. And hes having a blast trying to get the pup to sit shake and roll over all ready..lol..

That dog has no idea just how much hes going to be having from now till whenever lol.

12-25-2011, 12:22 PM
well the boy got his sled and man is he having a blast with it. He jumped right on it like he has rode one his entire life. Even took it through his mothers garden lol. let me know what you guys think.



12-25-2011, 05:27 PM
tearing up gardens...he sounds like a Goon rider! haha

12-25-2011, 05:32 PM
Thsoe shoes look warm enough for riding! HA But a nice looking pup and little sled.

12-25-2011, 06:09 PM
HAHA cant get the kit out of crocks so we bought a warm set. He wasnt out there long seems how he also got like 5 WII games and a nintendo DS and a razor 360 trike for x mas. Our only kid so i guess its ok to spoil him lol.

12-25-2011, 06:11 PM
tell him to enjoy his snowmobile! looks fun for sure.


12-25-2011, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by flint250trx
well the boy got his sled and man is he having a blast with it. He jumped right on it like he has rode one his entire life. Even took it through his mothers garden lol. let me know what you guys think.


http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee231/flinter42/000_0034.jpg i had one of those when i was kid!! i loved it! he will have a blast!

12-25-2011, 07:09 PM
Definatly fun. I am calling D&D racing on tuesday. Looking for a pipe and the hop up kit for it. Tops out at 7 mph and with a kit will bump it too close to 27mph looking forward too it.

12-25-2011, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by flint250trx
Definatly fun. I am calling D&D racing on tuesday. Looking for a pipe and the hop up kit for it. Tops out at 7 mph and with a kit will bump it too close to 27mph looking forward too it. my dad did something to the engine on mine that bypassed the safety stuff, idk what it was i was like 7 or 8