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View Full Version : ice racing set up

12-19-2011, 12:14 PM
to all you ice racers,

Ive recently ordered a pair of cheng shin ice tires for racing this year, but i am not sure what is a good way to stud them ive been hearing 2 studs on each lug, or one on each with the stud up on the front of the lug. which would be a better way to go ?

any info will be appreciate and a big help


12-19-2011, 12:45 PM
check your series
i know here in the upper midwest
the classes are split up not only by cc but also stud count

12-19-2011, 12:57 PM
as far as i know there isnt a limit on how many studs you have. not for sure though its the stud club series up in MN

mx Eli
12-19-2011, 05:11 PM
2 rows on the RIGHT side should be doubled, placed diagnally (bottom stud towards outside, top stud towardss inside) on the knobs. then one row of doubled on the LEFT side of the tire with top stud towards inside of knob and bottom on the outside. rest of the rows leave with one stud, to many studs cuases a loss of traction.
if you want i can email pictures and it would be alot simpler

12-19-2011, 07:53 PM
if you could email me some pics that would be great!!

my address is ryansantikko@yahoo.com

also what would you recommend for the front as far as what tire to stud and how to stud them? some kids i know stud the maxxis razr mx front idk if that be a good way to go

thanks again

mx Eli
12-19-2011, 08:07 PM
alot of ppl use razr mx and alot use fast tretters. tomrrow i will snap some pictures of all my tires

mx Eli
12-19-2011, 08:07 PM
also what part of wisconsin are you in?

12-19-2011, 09:17 PM
ok thanks, i am up in northern wisconsin by like superior. what part are you in what series do you race?

mx Eli
12-20-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm down in waukesha, I race the SWIRA series,ud prollyhave t check the NWIRA website for rules,im at schoolright now but will get pictures when im home

backwoods 400ex
12-20-2011, 09:28 PM
i race CWIRA but i do rubber but a buddy of mine uses sand stars in the front and they worked great for him last season

12-30-2011, 08:10 AM
Hey man did you figure your tires out yet if not i might be able to help you out ive done a lot of ice racing in the stud club series. Are you related to mike santiko by any chance. anyway here is how i like my rears setup. i would use 1 inch screws, no point in using 1 1/4 just extra weight. Put one stud in each lug. Turn all of the screws perpendicular to the direction of travel except for the outside row or two on each side of the tire. Turn the outside screws at either a 45 or parallel to direction of travel. Also it make a big difference if you cut the four corners off of each lug or ( pyramid ) the tires, this helps the tires get down to the ice quicker if you hit some snowdust. Another thing that i like is suzuki wheels, they are light and have the rolled bead like honda but come in 8 inch.

mx Eli
12-30-2011, 08:24 AM
hey did you ever get those pictures i sent? if I need to send em again i will