View Full Version : Muscle milk.

12-13-2011, 05:24 PM
I finally decided to try a protein supplement because i've been doing sports year round and figured it be good for my muscles..I ended up buying some choclate muscle milk and surprisingly i like it! haha..i almost want to drink it like choclate milk...Does anyone know if you can possibly over do it on protein? I'd really like to drink more but i dont wanna throw some nutritional stuff outta wack..thanks!

12-13-2011, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
I finally decided to try a protein supplement because i've been doing sports year round and figured it be good for my muscles..I ended up buying some choclate muscle milk and surprisingly i like it! haha..i almost want to drink it like choclate milk...Does anyone know if you can possibly over do it on protein? I'd really like to drink more but i dont wanna throw some nutritional stuff outta wack..thanks!

no, you cant over do it on protein.....whey protein, and the protein found in eggs is the only protein the human body can absorb 100%, and the human body can and will in times, if needed, absorb up to 500 grams of protein in a 24 hours period....

..now thats not always going to happen because that is dependent on how active you are and how many calories you burn in a day...the average person only needs 2000-3000 calories a day...however, someone that is very active, such as a runner, or a lifter, or a swimmer, like michael phelps for example consumes some 8000+ calories a day...thats because he is so physically active and burns that many calories..

i cannot think of the number off the top of my head, but a vast majority, and i mean vast, of americans do not meet their daily need of protein intake. id probably say that its a safe guesstimate that the average american eats 3-5 times as much carbohydrates as protein per day....american food is largely carbohydrates and thats a main reason why america is by far, the fastest nation in the world...that and we have extremely large meal sizes and very lethargic, non active citizens.

a good rule of thumb is that the average joe should eat no less than 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.....if your a runner, or a performance athlete looking to maintain weight, you should eat no less than 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.....if your a lifter and are trying to put on muscle, or are and extreme athlete like michael phelps, then you definitely want to try and eat at least 2 grams per pound of body weight..

also with that being said, if you take in more than you need, two things are going to happen, 1) you'll **** out the excess that you dont need, or 2) the more likely scenario, depending on your body composition and metabolism, you'll store the excess as fat..

also, its good to take weigh, but that should not be your only source of protein....look into eating eggs( yes, if your active you can eat more than just two whole eggs a day), chicken and turkey breast meat, lean red meats like certain steaks and such, certain pork cuts like pork chops, fish, and nuts like almonds and cashews (yes peanuts have the same amount of protein, but they are a legume, and the body treats the carbs from them like sugar)....

12-13-2011, 05:47 PM


12-13-2011, 05:49 PM
also, muscle milk is an excellent product with great taste, but is essentially a weight gainer...

..if you want a leaner whey that tastes just as good if not better, then try optimum nutrition 100% whey in the future..

..its the #1 selling exercise supplement on the market

12-13-2011, 05:55 PM
Man thanks! Runner is what im aiming to get a scholarship for but right now im doing swim (winter) and Lacrosse and maybe track this spring..with lacrosse a little extra muscle wouldnt be bad..i just dont want to gain alot for running considering im built like a runner..i weighed in at like 153 last time i checked and im about 6foot lean and mean.

12-13-2011, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
Man thanks! Runner is what im aiming to get a scholarship for but right now im doing swim (winter) and Lacrosse and maybe track this spring..with lacrosse a little extra muscle wouldnt be bad..i just dont want to gain alot for running considering im built like a runner..i weighed in at like 153 last time i checked and im about 6foot lean and mean.

at that height and weight, your definitely and ectomorph and id say that putting on muscle is probably really hard for you...

so if you aint lifting and eating like yoko zuna, chances are your just gonna burn muscle....

12-13-2011, 06:04 PM
all i know is i hate milk lol guess thats why i workout and am still 6ft 1-2 and weigh 175 haha

12-13-2011, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by ben300
at that height and weight, your definitely and ectomorph and id say that putting on muscle is probably really hard for you...

so if you aint lifting and eating like yoko zuna, chances are your just gonna burn muscle.... yeah thats just kinda how i am is lanky but strong, more tone than defintion. I guess we'll see how this muscle milk works with swim! i've def feel like i've been eating too many carbs..

12-13-2011, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by finsteratv
yeah thats just kinda how i am is lanky but strong, more tone than defintion. I guess we'll see how this muscle milk works with swim! i've def feel like i've been eating too many carbs..

tone and definition are the same thing holmes...but i understood what you meant