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View Full Version : 100 Low Lead Aviation Gasoline?

12-10-2011, 12:55 PM
Anyone runnig it staright full time as an alternative to higher cost racing fuel? Results? Downsides to running a leaded fuel in general?

12-10-2011, 01:02 PM
Leaded fuel is probably better for the engine. Provides extra lubrication and some say runs a touch cooler. So, if you need higher octane its a good option.

12-10-2011, 03:01 PM
The lead is great for your top end... It lubes the valves and guides. It's a great alternative to race gas if you don't need more then 104 octane. No down side to running it.

There will be those that say it doesnt run well in high RPMs or on the ground... They haven't done there research. It's a great fuel.

12-10-2011, 03:07 PM
This is a quick write up I did on another forum about the subject...

So I spent most of the day researching this 100LL...

As far as a deposit build up and eating you engine? I understand it was a problem on old cars that had been running leaded fuel all their life. They had build up on the valves. As for the amount of fuel you would run in an ATV, you don't have to worry about it. Basically your going to rebuild before you get to that point anyhow... LONG before you get to that point.

The term "dry" is used with 100LL because it is a light lead fuel. Dry meaning it had less lead than other leaded fuels at the time making it "dry" on lead... It has nothing to do with drying out your engine. You might have to bump up a jet or 2 but that's with any race fuel.

If you're built to the hilt you're going to want to run race fuel for the octane but for a stock motor you're fine with running the 100LL. I read that it's basically a 105 octane. It's a middle of the road fuel between pump gas and race gas. Allot of people say it's not a race gas only because it doesn't say "race gas" on the label.

The lead will act as a lubricant for your valves, guides and seals. This will prolong the life of you top end. Some people are mixing it with Klotz or even mystery oil. No one seems to know why. I couldn't find an actual reason... There are just as many people running it straight with out issues. (Obviously I'm talking 4 stroke here) Apparently from what I understand, you can run the 100LL up to a 13:1 comp set up with out an issue.

We all know 100LL is used for aviation and we all know aviation is held to a higher standard than the automotive world... If it's good enough for them it's good enough for us... I read about how octane ratings react different at altitude and 100LL is made for high altitude. A plane has to take off from the ground. That's where the most load is on the engine is. After a plane levels out and is cruising the pilot can lean out the fuel to conserve fuel. There was some talk about the fuel being used for low rev engines and not liking the high revs. That was put to rest when I read about turbo powered planes running the fuel and the wide range of RPMs different planes run at.

There was some complaint about snappiness of throttle response with 100LL compared to race gas. Apparently it may seem to lag a little compared to a race gas? Again that's compared to a race gas. Compared to a pump gas it burns faster, cleaner, and cooler.

If you built to the wall and have the need for a race gas then run that... If have a mild to stock build and you're looking for a cooler cleaner fuel that will lube your valve train, run 100LL.

VP is running some where around $9 bucks a gallon, 100LL is on average $4.52 a gallon... The 93 is almost $3 a gallon around me... If you think about how much fuel you burn in a weekend it might cost you an extra $4 or $5 bucks? You can buy it at a local airport, aperantly some even have a self serve pumps that you can swipe a card and fill up at...

I can't find one story of it being bad... Other than the one guy that put it in an old car that had been sitting for ever and it leaked from the fuel lines, gas tank and carb all at the same time... Sounds like that would have happened if he put anything in it...

Long story short... I can't find a reason not to run it.

I hear it smells good too... I'll find out this weekend.

12-10-2011, 03:41 PM
I ran it for several years in my EX, great fuel and cheaper than race gas. Smells great and burns very clean.