View Full Version : Lonestar DC-4 shock specs

D Bergstrom
12-06-2011, 09:02 AM
Figured I would post this in this section because I know the DC-4 swingarm was developed for hybrids. Can someone with a Lonestar no-link frame and DC-4 swingarm get me the extended eye to eye length and shaft travel of your shock? I just bought a new frame and swingarm from Lonestar for my 250R and plan on measuring everything to determine my own shock lengths, but I would like to see what others are running to see if what I come up with is close. I called Lonestar and they don't have the specs, or couldn't find them. (:rolleyes: ) They suggested I call Elka to get the info, which I will do if no one here can help.



12-06-2011, 03:28 PM
Call Wayne he will know. I'll be back by one with a DC4/PEP tomorrow if you don't have an answer yet. I'll check it out.

D Bergstrom
12-06-2011, 08:56 PM
Yeah, I didn't have a chance to call today. If you could take a look tomorrow it would be much appreciated.


D Bergstrom
12-13-2011, 06:58 PM
Contacted Elka and they list a 18.5" extended eye to eye length with 5.3" of shaft travel for the shock. Figured I would post my findings in case anyone else ever needs the info.


12-14-2011, 01:13 PM
Hey Doug, don't forget that tire size is also important. The smaller the tires, the longer the shocks I believe.

If you are setting up for 22" rears, it will be different than someone setting up for 18" rears.

D Bergstrom
12-17-2011, 10:38 AM
Yep, the taller the tires, the shorther compressed length you want. I just wanted those measurements to have something to compare to, then if I measured a 16" extended length I know I did something wrong! The specs I posted form Elka are all they make, doesn't matter if it is xc or mx, that is the only shock setup they build for this frame/swingarm. After measuring, I ended up with a 18" eye to eye extended length with 5.5" of shaft travel for my 22" rear tires. Plan on ordering up a Motowoz rear shock Monday, just want to double check my measurements one last time.


01-22-2012, 11:01 PM
my advice would be call PEP, or baldwin