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02-26-2003, 04:25 PM
Yessum the dude from K&K said it they have been bought out...They are gonna make parts for them again.

02-26-2003, 04:27 PM
sweet hopefully they can sell more quads so they can stay in buisness........... who bought the company?:confused:

02-26-2003, 04:31 PM
:huh :huh :)

02-26-2003, 04:31 PM
hmmm, theyll be the fastest stock quad again:p hahha i dont know if thats true or not, but they are the best mx *** kickers out there! :devil

02-26-2003, 04:42 PM
Yeah I'd like to know who bought them. Im hoping its not a bicycle company.

02-26-2003, 04:58 PM
You'll be surprised. The guy is a billionare. He loves quads. He is empolying same people to build the quad same parts he is just the CEO now.Yep it went up on the block startin for 25 mil. he did'nt say what the final bid was...Yes they will have all parts and motors back up...The company is running strong with the back of a billionare.:D

Guess what too. I traded off my LSR a arms for gibson put on a arens stem too and a HMF pipe..All in one night.:eek: getting it how I want it if I am spendin this type of cash ya know. oooooh yeah did you know elka has quad rates....I got them too. but for a discount.:eek2: they are awsome.

02-26-2003, 05:00 PM
lol thats great, Now we just gotta get one before the prices go back up. Does a cannondale axle work on a 400ex? I know the front ends do and they have the same bolt paters but i'm not sure about the axle. But i'm assuming it is because they use the honda style bolt pattern on the axle I thought so I was thinking it would be a 400ex axle.

lol, I some how hope that post makes sence.:huh

02-26-2003, 05:02 PM
wow thats great news! lol yeah no kidding nausty. just think w/o exriders we would have to most likely wait another month for dirtwheels to reveal this same info!:D :eek2:

02-26-2003, 05:03 PM
Thats what I did.......ya should get one before word spreads ya better, he said he would give me this deal because at the time he got it there was low prices he just got it too. and put it togather..It's diffrent then the one you see in the pictures too its gray with blue lights like the blue light covers. brand new never broke in!.......

C dale is back on the attack heard it right from K&K owner.

02-26-2003, 05:05 PM
Rookie lets see a pick of your new Dale.....

02-26-2003, 05:10 PM
Thats good. You know whats werid I didnt see a single thing in my 'ATV Action' about C-Dale shutdown or any problems, I saw reviews on C-Dale and stuff about Nacs C-Dale team getting ready for next year... Nothing about them going out of business? Werid... Maybe something in next months...

Glow Plug
02-26-2003, 05:12 PM
they were never out of bissness they were jusr bankrupt but it's great to see the best i mean one of the best atv manufacture's back in bissness :D

02-26-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Brit220
they were never out of bissness they were jusr bankrupt but it's great to see the best i mean one of the best atv manufacture's back in bissness :D

Actually they were out of business which they filed for bankrupcy (Pretty Sure). Otherwise they wouldn't have to sell.

I hope this is true information! If so, it is really great to hear Cannondale is back and running....And bought by an ATV fan :D . Let us know if you get any updates.

To bad I don't have the money right now to get a C-dale while they're cheap :o .

02-26-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by rookiex
You'll be surprised. The guy is a billionare. He loves quads. He is empolying same people to build the quad same parts he is just the CEO now.Yep it went up on the block startin for 25 mil. he did'nt say what the final bid was...Yes they will have all parts and motors back up...The company is running strong with the back of a billionare.:D

Now...... I told everyone to keep quiet about me buying cannondale!

02-26-2003, 05:42 PM
I think someone has some miss information here. They are sending out parts again, yes. But it's one guy in shipping just getting out the stuff they have in stock. The auction is in March.

02-26-2003, 05:42 PM
Yea call the dude at K&K he will tell you all about if you are interested.

I'll post pics of my dale as soon as I get it.

I still have to pick it up. It's mine don't get me wrong lol but I got to pick it up from Mass. and I am in Ohio.

02-26-2003, 06:36 PM
Did you buy it from K and K?

I can't wait to see it. I am so glad somone finally bought your Quad. You were seslling it forever...

02-26-2003, 06:39 PM
Yea Man k&k... its sick ,,,,,,,

02-26-2003, 06:42 PM
Well. I just went to K and K and checked it out. The only dale there that is 10.5 gs is the Red Cannible. Id that is the one you are talkin about I have had that on my desktop. Nice Quad....

02-26-2003, 06:52 PM
They have a bunch of them built just like that or the lone star and I just got the lone star one and modded it to how I like it thats why the price went up so much.

02-26-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by rookiex
Yeah its sick ,,,,,,,

Did it have it's shots and proper vaccinations???:huh

02-26-2003, 07:11 PM
LOL I hope so it might bite me!

02-26-2003, 07:11 PM
Yeha K&K can tell you anything they want, but nobody bought C-Dale YET. The Auction is March 22 I believe. It is going to start in the 58 mill range. 33million or so is to pay off the debt and the 25 million is for c-dale assets. There have only been rumors so far. The strongest one being RAD Co., but it is all rumors. K&K is just feeding you sh*T to make you buy the c-dale.

02-26-2003, 07:14 PM
O I flat out told him I did'nt care if they where shutting down.I wanted that dale

Geeze harsh :(

02-26-2003, 07:14 PM
And i just sold my dale 4 that reason!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-26-2003, 07:21 PM
I also heard the same thing from a dealer expo dude. He said they had not been boughten but SOMEONE WILL BUY THEM.

Now trust that they will, they will come back....I hear 2 diffrent storys and another from a polaris dealer that sounds the same as the K&K dude.

EX 80
02-26-2003, 07:22 PM
i saw the dale rookiex is talking about. Some times you don't see all of thier cannondales because they are in back. They can only put so many quads in the show room.

02-26-2003, 07:24 PM
It's nice too!

I added a few things on my own tho. had some extra cash.

02-26-2003, 07:39 PM
Didn't mean to sound harsh!! I totally agree someone will buy c-dale. That is why I bought a 2nd one. I have total confidence. It is just too good of a product to not be manufactured anymore. We will have to wait untill the end of March ntill we know the true fate.

02-26-2003, 07:40 PM
Tell me james just how nice is the dale!

02-26-2003, 07:52 PM
Yeah, the dealers don't know...heck, they didn't even call us to tell us they went belly up! The auction is on March 20th.....then and only then will we know the TRUE owner of Cannondale.....:ermm:

02-26-2003, 11:21 PM
if every one read right they would of know cannondale closed and was up for sale. ever one just went off saying cannondale closed. it did but might re-open only time will tell.

02-27-2003, 05:15 AM
Uh Uh Real Nice. Wait till you do some motor work. Then you will see what real power is all about.

02-27-2003, 07:07 AM
man i am having second thoughts about m 275r now think i should sell it and get a dale cheap? i like the way dales pull but everyone will say i will have more resale with a r than a dale is this true?:confused2

02-27-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by lil400exman
man i am having second thoughts about m 275r now think i should sell it and get a dale cheap? i like the way dales pull but everyone will say i will have more resale with a r than a dale is this true?:confused2

Sure, you are going to have alot better chance selling a R in the market today, but that is not to say that C-Dale will be the same with the years to come. I think it would be worth the chance tho.

02-27-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by lil400exman
man i am having second thoughts about m 275r now think i should sell it and get a dale cheap? i like the way dales pull but everyone will say i will have more resale with a r than a dale is this true?:confused2

:huh Noway a 88 275r with stock shocks is worth more than a dale..... Sell the R and pick yourself up a Dale. You'll never look back...

02-27-2003, 06:42 PM
Someone at the dealer here said that GE bought them?:eek2: :huh

02-27-2003, 09:54 PM
I just hope they open ya know. I do. :(

Dudes did you hear people thought I stole that quad from gallopolis in ohio :mad: man that fired me up!@

02-27-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by rookiex

Dudes did you hear people thought I stole that quad from gallopolis in ohio :mad: man that fired me up!@

Well did ya?


02-28-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
Someone at the dealer here said that GE bought them?:eek2: :huh
Hmmm...I wonder if they will come with an extension cord:devil :devil :D


02-28-2003, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by JOEX
Hmmm...I wonder if they will come with an extension cord:devil :devil :D

Joe LMAO!:blah I thought that was odd for GE to buy them..:huh This came from a dealer ,but who knows...has anyone else heard this?:confused:

03-02-2003, 11:41 PM
23 hrs left, come on....