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10-29-2011, 09:58 AM
when your trying to sell something, ever get the ignorant people? i do a bit. its quite annoying. ive sold a lot of things on cl. ive gotten some real nice , polite people. ive gotten the real cool chill ones that you can keep a conversation with for an hour. then i got the *******s. i was selling a pair of thor quadrant boots. i was asking 75, the 15year old kid tried offering me 30bucks. im like haha , no. then it was 40, im like 80. finally we settled on 60, i just wanted them gone. he kept pissing me off, offering me less. im like dont even come then haha, im not selling them less than 60. hes like fine and asks if him and his mom can come get them thursday. im like yeah sure, i wait around all night with plans in mind and hes just like we couldnt make it tonight can i come tomorrow? im like sure whatever. hes coming from an hour away, i forgot all about it and me and my dad left and went to check out his buddies new bodyshop. he texts me and says hes almost there. im like oh ****, and call my mom and told her they were there and to give the kid the boots and get $60 no less. she was pissed thinking some 40year old guy was gonna shop up and take her. im like chill its a 15year old kid with his mom. my mom said, when they got there they wouldnt get out of the car, made her walk down and give them the boots, and they gave her $51. it was the 15year old kid and some other kid i guess. then they start whistling at her, and my mom is rrather young. then my mom went in, and they stayed there. they started to get out and my mom hurried up and locked the doors. then they left. the nerve of the douche? give me $51 then go try and rape my mom.

10-29-2011, 10:08 AM

I refuse to sell stuff for less than the price I want usually. I usually put in there: Dont even bother offering me less, it wont happen.

Had a guy try and whittle me down once on a truck. he comes, DOESNT listen to my directions to get there then calls me like 10x cause he got lost. Finally gets there and goes "oh you got a shop, can you run my amex card I dont have cash" Im like WTF I said CASH ONLY. This moron drove all the way back and came back next week with cash and then tried to offer me 500 when i wanted 650. I refused..he gave me 650 and this time he didnt have a trailer so he had to drive a truck illegally home with bad brakes, bad body mounts, messed up shifter etc (was selling for the engine).

Another time I had a rolling chassis old suzuki quadsport w/new motor in parts. Guy comes with his kid, looks it over for so long I gave up standing there and went inside. Came out like 20 mins later and he says nah IDK its a bit to much work. WTF I made it CLEAR the thing needs to be redone. He drove off, calls me 4 hours later, comes back and offers me $75 from $150. I had no other interest and was losing cash but I just let it go. Also the guy professed he couldnt afford more and it was for his kid and blah blah. I felt bad so I let it go. Then I see it on CL 3 months later redone for 1200..

10-29-2011, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by CJM

I refuse to sell stuff for less than the price I want usually. I usually put in there: Dont even bother offering me less, it wont happen.

Had a guy try and whittle me down once on a truck. he comes, DOESNT listen to my directions to get there then calls me like 10x cause he got lost. Finally gets there and goes "oh you got a shop, can you run my amex card I dont have cash" Im like WTF I said CASH ONLY. This moron drove all the way back and came back next week with cash and then tried to offer me 500 when i wanted 650. I refused..he gave me 650 and this time he didnt have a trailer so he had to drive a truck illegally home with bad brakes, bad body mounts, messed up shifter etc (was selling for the engine).

Another time I had a rolling chassis old suzuki quadsport w/new motor in parts. Guy comes with his kid, looks it over for so long I gave up standing there and went inside. Came out like 20 mins later and he says nah IDK its a bit to much work. WTF I made it CLEAR the thing needs to be redone. He drove off, calls me 4 hours later, comes back and offers me $75 from $150. I had no other interest and was losing cash but I just let it go. Also the guy professed he couldnt afford more and it was for his kid and blah blah. I felt bad so I let it go. Then I see it on CL 3 months later redone for 1200.. wow.. i make a lot of cash on the side from buying and selling things. like last week i bought a phone from my buddy for 20bucks and soldf it for 120. $100 proffit, fair enough. bought another phone for 50bucks and sold it for 130. i do a lot of things like that. i just wanted these boots gone, he said he couldnt afford more. then said he rides a crf250 and is going to get a 450. go figure. now i need to get a new cylinder for a cr125. i cant help but get ignorant back when they try and get ignorant first.

10-29-2011, 10:26 AM
Thats why usually I wont even deal with them if they are stupid. Ive turned people away before numerous times.

My problem these days is I got nothing much of value I want to sell lol. I rather make money scrapping metal. 2 weekends so far of maybe 2-4 hours of work (including driving to the scrapyard 30 mins away) and I have made 350 bucks.

10-29-2011, 11:32 AM
thats not bad, one my dads buddies does that. he always brings cars over for my dad to crush with the backhoe

10-29-2011, 11:50 AM
I know a guy that was selling a shot gun, the guy showed up and offered him half of his asking price, he put it in a vice, cut it in half with a hack saw then threw it in the trash.

10-29-2011, 11:51 AM
woah^ haha

10-29-2011, 12:19 PM
When I post something for sale I have set the price at what I think is fair.
If they start low balling the price I have put on an item I start going up on my price.lol
That shuts them down pretty quick.

10-29-2011, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
When I post something for sale I have set the price at what I think is fair.
If they start low balling the price I have put on an item I start going up on my price.lol
That shuts them down pretty quick. thats what i usually do to haha

10-29-2011, 12:34 PM
hate low ballers. had my 450r up for sale a few years ago for 3k firm and didnt have a single reasonable offer when people came to look at it. 2k and less. had receipts from a brand new axle carrier and bearings didnt even have an hour on it plus about every other bushing and bearing.

looked like this with brand new razr mxs rear and razr cross fronts at the time


then when i parted it out i sold the axle carrier to a guy. he called me up a few day after he got it said when he installed it the bearings were still tight kind of hard to spin and didnt have any side to side play. he wanted a refund because the bearings were junk. i couldnt help but laugh :p

10-29-2011, 03:01 PM
I had 2 nearly new YZ85s...only one for sale at the time. I usually sell low so the first person usually buys my stuff. Guy walked not wanting to pay the asking price which was really too low to start. His 12 old son was pissed. His mom calls in about 4 days wanting to know if I still had it. I said nope, sold it later that day. She said, do you still have the other. I didn't...sold it to somebody else. She said how much? I said asking price on the 1st one and went up $200 on the 2nd one. Now she was pissed at her husband. :)

Had another guy dick around with calls and offers for a few days on a Kawi 300. He finally decided to take it. Told him I really didn't want to sell it to him and told him if he showed up a penny short he'd be leaving without it. He came with the whole amount. It was an uncomfortable situation. I really hate selling stuff outside of ebay.