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View Full Version : oil feild scrap metal radioactive?

10-25-2011, 12:35 PM
my uncle has like 500 9ft by 3in steel pipe that is about 1/8 in thick and 200 brass pipes with same specs and about a 100 of stainless same specs and 200 of 3ft by 2in by 1/2 in thick spring steel pipe and about 15 lbs on tungston (sp?). what do you think it's worth roughly?

one concern we heard is that oil feild equipment is slightly radio active and they might not take it. is that true?

10-25-2011, 01:52 PM
Yep its true! Most scrap yards test it. If it’s above a given level they will reject it.
Here we have the same problem with water wells. There are many wells in my area that are radio active from natural deposits in the soil.

10-25-2011, 05:04 PM
I could see the steel absorbing natural radiation from being in the ground. If its never been in the ground then your probably okay.

Here are approximate weights for carbon steel wrought pipe. Brass and stainless are a little heavier than steel but it should get you in the ballpark.

2.875" x .125 wall = 3.67 pounds per foot

3.5" x .125 wall = 4.51 pounds per foot.

1.9" x .40" wall = 6.41 lbs/ft

2.375" x .436 wall = 9.04 lbs/ft

10-25-2011, 06:58 PM
I'll come pick it up for $50........:blah:

10-25-2011, 07:15 PM
Any place around here you pull onto the scale, they weight it and you toss it into the pile..no issues or problems. Later on they might reject it, but not when you drop it off-least around here.

10-25-2011, 09:10 PM
Take a small sample down there and see what happens. Could be they don’t check.

10-25-2011, 09:12 PM
yea most places check to see if it's hot. if it is it'll be turned away. little scrap yard up the road from one of our leases buys long steel (any size) for $100 per ton and preped (smaller than 3' long x 18" wide x 18" tall) goes for $200 per ton. so if you have a torch its worth it to prep it out..

10-26-2011, 07:12 AM
it has been in the ground and it had oil from deep under the ground pumped through it. past couple days i've been cutting it up in 3 foot lengths and didn't want to waste my time. we'll take some up there and see if it good to go.