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View Full Version : Need a copy of a Purchase agreement for Real Estate

02-25-2003, 04:56 PM
I have found a property that I want to buy, I need to get a copy of a purchase agreement and am having a hard time finding one. Does anyone know where I can get one or do any of you have a document that I can use to make my offer? Please send it to

joshuahallett@hotmail.com or let me know on here. Thanks

02-25-2003, 05:02 PM
Josh - I am sure you can find something on Findlaw.com but it will take some digging. If this is a big money deal I recommend you hire a lawyer to draft you a contract to be on the safe side :)


02-25-2003, 05:10 PM
A lot of office supply stores will have standard land/real estate contracts. I used one to sell a house once.

02-25-2003, 05:11 PM
I have been looking on findlaw but could not dig anything up. I have talked to a lawyer and I am leaning towards doing that, however I wanted to try this route first, whereever I can save the money will be good if you know what I mean.

02-25-2003, 05:37 PM

I am a real estate agent myself. Is the house that you are looking at listed through a Realtor or a private party? I think that I can send you over a P.A. through Adobe. I will need some more information from you though. And also, my forms are approved through the MAR (Minnesota Association of Realtors).

02-25-2003, 05:39 PM
It is a Investment property (Duplex) that is FSBO. What othe kinda info would you need? Thanks for helping.

02-25-2003, 05:44 PM
I E-mailed you.