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10-16-2011, 08:35 PM
hey guys, i have had my R for awhile now, and for the longest time. i could not get it jetted right, the plug always looked rich and no matter what jets u put in it, it always ran like crap on top in every gear. so after about a month of me thinking i had it dialed in during the week and then going to tracks on the weekend and it running like crap i have realized that it is not the jetting but the ignition system. somewhere along the line there is either to much resistance or the stator is not kicking out the voltage and amperage to jump the gap on the plug hard enough to burn all the fuel so the plug just always gets loaded up and it runs like crap. so my question is if someone could point me in the right direction what to test... also if someone wants to really help me out and send me the service manual i would really appreciate it...oh and by the way its and 89 figure i should through that in there lol...anyway thanks in advance guys.

10-16-2011, 10:19 PM
here is a pic with the different resistance readings

10-17-2011, 08:35 PM
thanks i really appreciate it!!!

10-17-2011, 11:32 PM
I just replaced my coil with a new OEM Honda coil, cured my plug wetting. It had some Knock-off brand coil, Says TEC on it. Any way, it cured my problem.

10-18-2011, 10:45 PM
to be honest now that u say that i think my coil says tec on it too...this weekend in gonna test my coil primary and secondary resistance and and do an 8mm spark gap test to see what kinda shape the ignition coil is in.

10-19-2011, 09:25 AM
The coil could indeed be an issue.

Likewise, take your flywheel off and give it a real good shake and listen if the magnets are loose (or if you have the little holes around the edges, you might be able to see crack in the magnets). It's a real common problem with these motors, especially as they get older. These ignition systems suffer a weak spark in the higher RPM ranges anyways, even in perfect working order, and cracked or loose magnets might be enough to push it from barely functional to non-functional. You might have enough voltage at low RPMs, but not enough at high RPMs.

The other really common problem area with these ignition systems are the connections, clean them real good to try to eliminate that as a possible cause.