View Full Version : Looking to buy a 400

10-02-2011, 10:37 AM
I'm trying to sell my mojave and buy a 400, I have found some within my price range and I was wondering if there is anything that I should look out for as in aftermarket parts that cause it to run bad or what to look out for on certain years, etc.

10-02-2011, 10:52 AM
If it has an aftermarket exhaust, make sure you find out if it has been jetted,

Listen for knocks in the motor.

MAKE SURE the shifter is not welded to the shaft.

Look and see that the bottom of the motor is not all beat up from running over stuff without skids.

If it has a high rise stem, or high rise handlesbars make sure it has +1 cables.

Check the rear hubs to make sure they are not welded or JB welded to the axle,

Ask when the last time they had the pivot (swingarm) bolt has been takin out. (rarely people take these out, and they are nearly impossible to get out if they dont get takin out every year.

Check for leaks. Start it up and let it run for about 10 minutes to ensure there are no leaks.

You are the buyer, they are the seller, YOU make the choice. If you see something you dont think is right, or dont like, LET THEM KNOW! Do not be scared to call people out on their B.S.

I never like to give them a price i am willing to pay until i get there because (im not influencing being a tire kicker) you can always!!!!! talk them down on the price.

I went to buy a yfz450 once for $2000 and got it for $1300 because they guy didnt know half as much as what he was talking.

Good luck and if you have ANY hesitation about something, dont be scared to ask the seller about it.