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View Full Version : 2011 Ironman Gncc!!!

09-29-2011, 09:41 PM
Im 16, i just built a 426ex. I am really wanting to race. All my friends race and i have been to every local race around for the last 2 years now.

Last year my friends took me to the ironman and i saw twin hills, ironman wall, and even watched them come down the original IRONMAN hill. I know what im up against, I finally got my quad all built, and now the only local upcoming race is the ironman. Should i race it?

Im nervous but not scared. I mean if i start on the toughest race there is, (as many pro's would say) it will make most of the other locals seem like cake.

Lol many would say im dumb, (like my friends) but i am just going out to have fun. I probably wont even look at where i finish. Heck i may stop and take a break half way through it. I am predicting it to be super muddy this year. I sure hope its mud to the extreme rather than a foot of silt/dust everywhere like last year.

I know the Ironman is known for being muddy, and i LOVE to ride in the mud. Love it.

What do you guys think i should do? Wait for the local race November 13th, or race the Ironman october 22nd?? :) thanks!

09-29-2011, 10:33 PM
Race the Ironman!!!

09-29-2011, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by jesshamner
Race the Ironman!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I WANT TO! lol just didnt know if it was a good idea or not.

09-29-2011, 10:40 PM
Why not?

09-29-2011, 10:42 PM
since they say its the toughest race and its my first one. All my buddies say i need to get the feel of racing before i hop into a GNCC

09-29-2011, 11:07 PM
IRONMAN isn't the hardest GNCC. My first GNCC was in the PM at IRONMAN in 2008 on a stock Raptor 350....

09-29-2011, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by XCRacer236
IRONMAN isn't the hardest GNCC. My first GNCC was in the PM at IRONMAN in 2008 on a stock Raptor 350....

My biggest thing is, i seriously put a boat load of work into this quad, and i dont wanna see it tumble down ironman hill (im predicting alot of mud this year) is there a easier way around?

09-30-2011, 06:05 AM
my first gncc style race was the rocky mountain ridge gncc in pa...
you will have a blast! Race it! :D

09-30-2011, 07:40 AM
Race it. You only live once, and you won't want to look back down the road and say, "man I wish I would have done that." Just ride at YOUR pace, keep your head on a swivel for good lines, get out of the way of faster riders, don't second guess a hill before starting up it, and straddle the ruts! Also, don't go into the race thinking you have to finish first in your class. This is going to be a survival so just worry about seeing that checkered flag. One last thing, when you see a group of guys holding beer cans and a camera DON'T GO WHERE THEY ARE POINTING YOU TO!

Good luck and ride smart!

09-30-2011, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by woodsman250r
Race it. You only live once, and you won't want to look back down the road and say, "man I wish I would have done that." Just ride at YOUR pace, keep your head on a swivel for good lines, get out of the way of faster riders, don't second guess a hill before starting up it, and straddle the ruts! Also, don't go into the race thinking you have to finish first in your class. This is going to be a survival so just worry about seeing that checkered flag. One last thing, when you see a group of guys holding beer cans and a camera DON'T GO WHERE THEY ARE POINTING YOU TO!

Good luck and ride smart!

LOL! yea they usually point ya to the nastiest lines. Probably the fastest but there aint any way i am trying ironman wall lol i think i will do it as long as i can afford to.

09-30-2011, 09:19 AM
You're not looking very hard if you can't find another race between now and then. lol. Between KCCR, OMA, MSXC, IXCR, MWXC, and MAXC, you can find a race nearly every weekend if you're up to the travel. I'm assuming at 16, you're pretty limited at travelling. No, Ironman is definately not the toughest race. That honor is usually given to snowshoe GNCC, although I think there are local races that are tougher than any GNCC.

I don't see any problem with this being your first race except not knowing how the whole racing game works. In a nutshell, ask around and find out how the scoring works. As far as the racing goes, race to finish. Don't demolish your bike on the first lap or wear yourself out so that you can't finish. And lastly, when someone comes up behind you that is yelling or you can tell they are moving way faster than you are, MOVE OVER!

09-30-2011, 12:43 PM
The worst thing about racing Ironman as your first race is that you have to wait all winter for another national it will be agonizing because you'll be hooked.

09-30-2011, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by jesshamner
The worst thing about racing Ironman as your first race is that you have to wait all winter for another national it will be agonizing because you'll be hooked.

LMAO...thats exactly what I was thinkin!:D

09-30-2011, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
You're not looking very hard if you can't find another race between now and then. lol. Between KCCR, OMA, MSXC, IXCR, MWXC, and MAXC, you can find a race nearly every weekend if you're up to the travel. I'm assuming at 16, you're pretty limited at travelling. No, Ironman is definately not the toughest race. That honor is usually given to snowshoe GNCC, although I think there are local races that are tougher than any GNCC.

I don't see any problem with this being your first race except not knowing how the whole racing game works. In a nutshell, ask around and find out how the scoring works. As far as the racing goes, race to finish. Don't demolish your bike on the first lap or wear yourself out so that you can't finish. And lastly, when someone comes up behind you that is yelling or you can tell they are moving way faster than you are, MOVE OVER!
Lol well the reason i said, the only other race besides the ironman is because thats the next race my sisters boyfriend and his brother are going to (AKA my buddies) is November 13th. and i would like to race with them just so i know somebody out there. and we are typical riding buddies.

and yea i completely understand the "MOVE OVER!" thing because i would hate for Dave Simmons and Tracy Cecco to kick my as* lol!

09-30-2011, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by dxcody

and yea i completely understand the "MOVE OVER!" thing because i would hate for Dave Simmons and Tracy Cecco to kick my as* lol!

They won't kick your ***, they will bump you til you move. But it very well be Swift or Beasley, and they can run you over.

09-30-2011, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
LMAO...thats exactly what I was thinkin!:D

It sucks doesn't it.

09-30-2011, 05:35 PM
Race it! The track is not that hard, just take the easy lines up the hills if you are nervous about that. Hands down it is the MOST FUN xc track you will ever race!!! DO IT!!! :macho

09-30-2011, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
They won't kick your ***, they will bump you til you move. But it very well be Swift or Beasley, and they can run you over.

Swift brushed me at Somerset.....WFO:chinese:

He said he saw everyone running except me LOL....I dont move:scary: 800 pounds @ 70MPH brushing my pants. Too close for me but I trust them. Ofcourse....one bad bounce and im history:blah:

09-30-2011, 06:14 PM
Ironman hill is no slouch, but just if you want to hit it don't let your self second guess, pin it and go with it.

I wouldn't say it's the toughest race, I really enjoy it actually. Snowshoe seemed tougher to me, but none are that bad. Remember they have to make it race-able for atleast most of the people that show up. There are plenty of lines around the hill as well.

09-30-2011, 07:48 PM
There's a way around IRONMAN hill. Last year the only people that hit IRONMAN hill were Borich, Kiser, Ballance, Hoyland, Fowler, and a couple others. All the rest went around.

09-30-2011, 09:07 PM
I have been to the Ironman as a spectator quite a bit. I was always under the impression that the big hill on the other side of the field was Ironman hill. Is that true? Or is there another hill that I don't know about. I know there is a hill climb on the other side of the creek that hasn't been used in a couple years.

09-30-2011, 09:36 PM
Ive never seen or been to the ironman gncc, but I youtubed ironman hillclimb. The videos make the hill look better than it is-but ive climbed far worse on a blaster than it would seem if the videos are accurate.

09-30-2011, 09:49 PM
Well when i went, i saw 3 sets of hills that made me nervous. I will go in order as to how bad i think they are. 1 as the worst and 3 as not so bad.

1. Ironman Wall. INSANE! But i may try it, im nuts. epecially if someone tells me i wont. I know im dumb.

2. The "ironman hill" that they have used for multiple years except last year (to my understanding.. thats what i was told anyways.)

3. Twin hills. The one where you come out of the creek, and then ride down a trail for like 100 yards, and to the right there is about 19 different ways up this long ridge/hill. (the hill gets easier the farther you go down.)

I will probably take the first line up Twin hills, i saw a 350 raptor do it, so that gives me enough confidence to do it without much hesitation. Maybe not the first lap tho. I will probably be so pumped/shook up the first lap i will just go around.

Ironman wall or Ironman hill may be questionable as the race goes on.

I want to go and camp there friday so i can walk the whole track to get a decent feel of it. Donnie Ockerman told me, walking the track gives you a HUGE advantage over a guy that doesnt.

I actually know donnie pretty well and he has gave me some great advice, but seriously, i dont care if i come in last. I just wanna go out and have a good time with my friends. I always say after every race i go to, "man i wish i would have raced..." because it always looks so fun. But i get the extreme jitters before i do anything i havent ever done before. lol.. :ermm:

09-30-2011, 09:59 PM
Climbing a hill during a race, and climbing the same hill just out playing is two totally different things. When you walk up to a hill before a race, it doesn't look near as tough as when your sucking air. :p

Walking the track can give you an advantage as long as you can remember it. If you're like me, you don't remember anything about the track that you walked the day, or even that morning before.

09-30-2011, 10:11 PM
I get you guys, just the videos I did find it look pretty easy.

For reference till they removed it I climbed this sucker. This is an older video, the hill before it was removed recently was much more vertical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c7GMj3fgA0

Remember its all loose/semi packed sand too and I did it with plain old tires, no paddles-paddles do help tho.

09-30-2011, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I get you guys, just the videos I did find it look pretty easy.

For reference till they removed it I climbed this sucker. This is an older video, the hill before it was removed recently was much more vertical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c7GMj3fgA0

Remember its all loose/semi packed sand too and I did it with plain old tires, no paddles-paddles do help tho.

lol thats a big hill the good thing about the ironman is you only have to make it 1/2 way up the hill and fans pull you the rest of the way if you get stuck lol.

Ironman wall is nuts. Lets put it this way, Taylor kiser got stuck every time he hit it last year lol

09-30-2011, 10:30 PM
Yea its a huge hill huh? They took it down (its in a local sand quarry) since someone busted a hip on it. Took the entire front of it off so its a solid wall really now.

But you know us lol, we made climbs up it anyways.

09-30-2011, 10:43 PM
400's are absolutly perfect for climbing hills i think, smooth enough power gain that it doesnt break loose easy, but plenty of power to make it to the top.

"but you know us lol, we made climbs up it anyways"
Lol thats where your signature statement comes into play huh?

haha! :cool:

09-30-2011, 10:55 PM
Yep. Ive never actually rolled down a hill really. Same hill I hit in 3rd once and wasnt going fast enough, stalled right at the top and rolled it down till I fell off like with 20feet left. The quad just rolled down on its wheels tho.

But yes, Ive had my fair share of falls, scrapes, bumps, bruises and crashes. Lets make a thread about them..

09-30-2011, 10:58 PM
You start it and i will come! lol

09-30-2011, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by dxcody
You start it and i will come! lol


Ask and you shall receive.

btw I have never seriously injured myself despite quite a few spills.

09-30-2011, 11:38 PM
me either luckly. No broken bones or stitches!

10-02-2011, 07:35 PM
Twin hills are not bad at all. My 8 year old can climb them. The ironman wall is alittle crazy but not much of a time savings to be worth the risk. Every big hill has an easy line around. My first race was the ironman and I got hooked.

10-11-2011, 09:21 PM
well i think i'm going to make this trip as well my first GNCC race i'm really nervous and excited. lol

10-12-2011, 05:39 PM
Stop by and say hi to me and my brother. We will be there racing my Rzr again. We will be in a white 24' trailer with Wolfpack Racing and a quad painted on the sides.:D