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02-24-2003, 07:02 PM
Well im gonna make a long story short :o .

Well my neighbor "Steve" Has made up a petition this year to stop the Snowmobiling coming through parts of "Pine Island." Well he went around asking a couple people to sign it and my mom ended up signing it :rolleyes: . She figured since I always get harrassed by all the cops and some of the other Snowmobilers it would be alright to sign this fourm.
These guys go to the local bar near my house, drink up, and go riding again. They come flying past our house drunk and actually beginning to tear up the lawns. Whats funny is some of the guys are cops who yell at me for riding the quad around :rolleyes: . This year there has been more then ever and they are starting to do a good sum of damage.
I usually get harrassed since I ride a quad around :grr . My neighbor has been taking notice to the amout of damage that the snowmobiles are making and started to take action. I could really care less since most of those guys are always yelling at me and they could sew me if they did fall on my property..............
My mom was working and a guy came up to her and said, "So uhhh, you didn't sign that petition did you?" Obviously he was a Snowmobiler who rides through Pine Island. She simply replied "No" To see what he would say. Then he said "If you do sign that petition then im going to have a petition on quads and have your sons atv impounded and he will never ride around here again :grr ."

What do you think about all of this? What do you think is right? Im just really sick of all this crap and sooner or later no one will be able to ride on this land. Its a real shame and its begginning to really bug me. Tell me what you all think :confused: . Thanks.

02-24-2003, 07:06 PM
im just glad i dont live in warwick. i dont have to worry about that. that really sucks :mad:

02-24-2003, 07:12 PM
you know what, your totally right ryan...anyone ever notice every snowmobile trail leads to a bar? my freinds dad owns alot of land and they have a trail through there....we passed a group once all drinkin.....most of em dont know how to ride...they dont want us on thier trails but they dont even ask us to ride on ours.....sleds are fun but those drunken nascar wanan bes who dont know how to ride piss me off , they shouldnt even have trails... u ever notice they put no motor vehicle signs on thier trails so quads wont go through....thier not considered motored vehicles for some reason....quads dont have motors...they have engines:rolleyes:

02-24-2003, 07:14 PM
around here you would get your house burned down and your @ss kicked for signing or making a petition... everyone snowmobiles and the cool thing is its illegal to ride on the snowmobile trails in our county but if they see you out there they just wave and are nice about it. and the other cool thing is around here you could get a banshee or something with really loud pipes and go screaming down the road going 90 and no one would blink and eye. lol but if they are threatining your quad then hide next to the trail and show them some nice quad roost! :blah

02-24-2003, 07:18 PM
LOL freeride. I know exactly what you mean. Half of the trails I am forbidden to go on and all the snowmobilers are aloud to ride on. Even if there is snow on the ground :rolleyes: . These guys park their sleds right out in front of my house and drink up some beers if the bar is closed, it rediculous.

I bet if there were more ATV riders it would probably be the same way. Alot of guys on atvs also spoil all the fun for those of us who do follow the rules and ride slow where we are supposed to.

But yeah if they wanna mess..... There gonna get a mouth full of my roost :D !

02-24-2003, 07:26 PM
yeah also we rode through a area when there was about 1 ft base....few weeks late it meleted.....snowmobilier wen through and tore it all up....next snowfall we go to go back through and people come out yellin and stuff

02-24-2003, 07:28 PM
yeah, that sucks

02-24-2003, 09:21 PM
I am an avid snowmobiler, and think that it's a great sport. I'm sorry you have so many problems with the snowmobilers Ryan. It's the few idiots out there who ruin a sport for everybody. I know there are problems in Michigan where I ride b/c of people riding on private property. I'd never do this because we farm and my dad hates it when somebody drives across our farmland. And yes, it's sad that so many people drink and ride, this goes for snowmobiles and atv's.

02-24-2003, 09:50 PM
alot of times here a snowmobiler just rides right through town with no particular place to go and the cops might or might not stop him when they see him but when they do all that happens is a little slpa on the wrist and tell him to be on his way and the city ordinance is the exact same for ATV's and snowmobiles but if a guy on an ATV was driving through town a cop wouldent think twice about stopping him and impounding his 4 wheeler.. i think its a bunch of bs

02-25-2003, 07:07 AM
Alright, this is just my opinion on the matter..WE snowmobile every winter, and we go through property and everything. and snowmobilers dont want atv's on their trails because atvs put ruts in the snow and make snowmobiling through these trails a nightmare. the snow is only around for a few months, and you pay $8000 for a snowmobile. let them have their fun. So what if they go drinking and then riding. at least they are not riding around with no helmets on. Most of them know when to stop drinking anyways. and another thing is. even if the snowmobiles were to run through the snow down to your grass it wont do any damage. because the ground is frozen. The grass will actually grow back greener in that spot than the year before. We always get a little itchy when winter rolls around and we take the sleds out for a few grass runs in our field. well if a mxzx800 with picks in the track and roughly 145hp doesnt hurt the grass I dont think the sleds in the winter will.. I am not trying to argue with anyone. maybe somehow your property might have gotten damaged. I am not saying it didnt. But I do know that it is pretty hard to tear up property with the sleds. And they are just looking out for their sport. if you help them out they will help you out. about 90% of the guys that ride around here are the nicest people around and would help you out with anything. they are just fellow riders trying to save their sport. so cut them a little break. There is always that 10% of stupid people tho, and they do ruin it for everyone else. but you have to live with that. thats life...
And I dont want anyone to take this the wrong way. I dont mean to argue or flame in any way its just my .o2 cents :rolleyes:

02-25-2003, 07:27 AM
Dont sign petitions for stuff liek that. We are all on the same team.


02-25-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
Dont sign petitions for stuff liek that. We are all on the same team.


On the same team... Yeah I guess you could say that. But however I didn't sign anything. I think this hole thing is stupid but I doubt it will pass over :o .

02-25-2003, 07:03 PM
yeah its a 2 way street , they wanna use are trails in the winter and we cant use thiers in the sumemr ha...yeah ok:rolleyes: thier gonna have to deal with some small ruts and learn how to ride if they wanna use trails we cut and clear .....bs if u ask me

02-26-2003, 05:02 AM
when you stereotype snowmobile riders as a bunch of 'drunks' your judging the group on a select few morons..

essentially the same thing as the folks who consider all ATV riders to be outlaw punks..

All the OHV groups need to come together and support each other if there is ever to be a decent trail system in many areas.. and by all I mean ATV'ers, Snowmobile riders, Horse riders, Mountain bikers, Jeep'ers, etc...

There is a battle raging in upstate NY as we speak in most areas (NY had the 3rd highest number in new model ATV sales last year, second only to CA and TX).. It seems that the $1.2 million or so the state raised from ATV registrations last year along with the $19 million or so in state and local sales tax, is starting to get some attention.. That and the $2.5 million or so they LOST from all the ATV's that are estimated to be unregistered in the state.. I just got the renewal form for the quad.. They can bite me there not getting any of money this year..

Unfortunately the snowmobile / atv / mountain bike / truck groups all fight against each other and just can't seem to come together and find some common ground.. <sigh>


02-26-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
yeah its a 2 way street , they wanna use are trails in the winter and we cant use thiers in the sumemr ha...yeah ok:rolleyes: thier gonna have to deal with some small ruts and learn how to ride if they wanna use trails we cut and clear .....bs if u ask me

I am not talking about the summer riding. the trails fill back up with snow in the winter and they are fine. The ruts I am talking about are from people riding their atvs in the winter on the trails just spinning and getting stuck

02-26-2003, 12:51 PM
I snowmobile and I used to quad, but my parents sold my quad.....but before that I snowmobiled in the winter and quad all year round :D

02-26-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by TRX250X
I am an avid snowmobiler, and think that it's a great sport. I'm sorry you have so many problems with the snowmobilers Ryan. It's the few idiots out there who ruin a sport for everybody. I know there are problems in Michigan where I ride b/c of people riding on private property. I'd never do this because we farm and my dad hates it when somebody drives across our farmland. And yes, it's sad that so many people drink and ride, this goes for snowmobiles and atv's.

i couldn't of said it any better myself:)

02-26-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Leo
when you stereotype snowmobile riders as a bunch of 'drunks' your judging the group on a select few morons..

essentially the same thing as the folks who consider all ATV riders to be outlaw punks..

All the OHV groups need to come together and support each other if there is ever to be a decent trail system in many areas.. and by all I mean ATV'ers, Snowmobile riders, Horse riders, Mountain bikers, Jeep'ers, etc...

There is a battle raging in upstate NY as we speak in most areas (NY had the 3rd highest number in new model ATV sales last year, second only to CA and TX).. It seems that the $1.2 million or so the state raised from ATV registrations last year along with the $19 million or so in state and local sales tax, is starting to get some attention.. That and the $2.5 million or so they LOST from all the ATV's that are estimated to be unregistered in the state.. I just got the renewal form for the quad.. They can bite me there not getting any of money this year..

Unfortunately the snowmobile / atv / mountain bike / truck groups all fight against each other and just can't seem to come together and find some common ground.. <sigh>


Well Leo you make good points. I know there are alot of cool guys out there on snowmobiles. Im refering to this group near my house. The problem has to do mostly with "Drunks" And how these guys ride right through your lawns. Its alot different if they were actually able to be riding in these properties.... Not to mention being drunk half the time. I've seen more sled crashes this year then ever. Last guy was driving his sled "Drunk" and he ran into a barb wire fence which cut his head completley off. I don't know the hole story so don't quote me on that one.

I wish we could all get along but unfourtunitly that just never happens :( .

02-28-2003, 02:02 PM
those snowmobilers can go su** balls i mean if they get drunk and ride its aganst the law and if it is cops doing it just call ur town police station and have them go patrol around there a few times a day and hope they catch some of these people that really sucks that they r doing that

02-28-2003, 03:06 PM
im not trying to make a stereotype about all snowmobilers but i think that it sucks how they can be so 2 faced about things like that, i have a neighbor the same way,,, he complains b/c of the noise and stuff in the neighborhood from my 4 wheeler but its ok for him to fly up and down the road on a snowmobile wtf???

02-28-2003, 03:14 PM
i no. that is just messed up if he complains about ur 4wheeler complaine about his sled. i no they r loud my bro has an exciter and that is loud.