View Full Version : Not Another Polishing Question!

Team Outlaw #34
02-24-2003, 06:49 PM
Hey guys....

you guys are probly sick of polishing questions....but.....

I was wondering what kinds of wheels you put on your buffer that is good for aluminum?

And what compounds to use with them?

thanks a lot....

02-24-2003, 06:57 PM
get a dremel....if your a beginger they work great...they should come with 2 different sized wheels...4 of each..the small ones are harder...use those first to get most of the polishing done....then go to the bigger one for more polish....make sure there it pllenty of polish on whatever your polishing and dont press too hard .....if you feel you want even more of a shine....go to lowes and pick up a polishing kit for a dremel....it comes with the 2 sizes of wheels you got with the dremel...plus an even bigger one for even better mirror...and it comes with a small tube of compound.... you can either use mothers or a compound...both work good....and the finished prodeuct should lok something like this

02-24-2003, 07:49 PM
lrdrider has got it covered pretty good!!!

02-24-2003, 08:15 PM
Go to www.eastwoodcompany.com order yourself the polishing kit... they have 4 inch buffing wheels... (loose and spiral) and the kit has the most important compounds. (tri poly, white rouge) Then get your drill out and your all set.


02-24-2003, 08:58 PM
Heres what I did to all my parts to get a mirror like finish, and its easier than you may think!
1. Remove the paint with a good paint stripper if its not already bare.
2. Sand smooth with 180 grit
3. Sand some more with 220
4. Then 320.
5. 00 steel wool
6. This is the most important part, apply polish with 000 or 0000 steel wool and let it sit for a few minutes.
7. Rub more polish on with soft cloth
8. Polish with a buffing wheel or dremel, (rag and hand is very hard work)
9. Polish untill the desired shine level is reached
10. Watch all your friends drool over your *bling* *bling*

Team Outlaw #34
02-25-2003, 02:16 PM
Yeah....I have a 1/4th horse bench grinder that is turned into a buffer....i think i have the wrong wheels....i also have a dremel...

you know the wheels that are hard packed that come with the dremel they work really really well....does anyone know what those wheels are called cause i want to get some for the bench grinder....
