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09-20-2011, 05:38 PM
whats your guys opinion on it? im thinking about doing it. school starts at 9am, ends at 230, you only have it mondays and fridays, minimal homework, you dont have to deal with bull**** teachers, free in the state of pa, they even supply you a laptop. seems like a good deal to me. i just hate the school im in, all the teachers are bull**** for the most part and class starts at 753 and ends at 304. the school im in is very "city oriented" lotta drugs happening, lot of kids runnin around town. not exactly ideal. im more into motocross and theyre all like skaters. im in the "popular" click. theres like so many fights to, more than i can keep up with. i love to have a good fight every now and then, but anymore its boring. im 6foot and 150lbs. so im not exactly weak or small. these kids dont really understand riding. ive got like 3friends that ride. other than that i hang out with the jocks, sport junkies, and the occasional skaters. kinda a tough decision, because i dont know how id like it. seems good, but ill be quite unsociable. im in 2 accelerated and struggling like hell and barely making it buy with B's, my parents wont let me go to academic. they hold me to an 85%+ standard or im grounded.

09-20-2011, 06:13 PM
I did it for a little while. I hated it..

Your just gonna have to suck it up .;)

09-20-2011, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts-suck
I did it for a little while. I hated it..

Your just gonna have to suck it up .;) it did? :/ i was hoping for a nice alternative than the ****ty school im in

09-20-2011, 06:24 PM
Honestly i have heard mixed opinions about it, In the last few years a lot of people i know have started it some love it some hate it.
I personally think i would hate it but i dont mind my school as it is most people get along OK. Id say about 75% of the people ride or have interests in riding, Along with offroading in general.

I have a few friends out your way and most of them really didnt have problems like it seems you are when they were in school.

Do you know anyone taking cyber school, Im sure there are a few people from your school that started taking it just talk to them about it see what they think of it.

09-20-2011, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by PaRedneckRiders
Honestly i have heard mixed opinions about it, In the last few years a lot of people i know have started it some love it some hate it.
I personally think i would hate it but i dont mind my school as it is most people get along OK. Id say about 75% of the people ride or have interests in riding, Along with offroading in general.

I have a few friends out your way and most of them really didnt have problems like it seems you are when they were in school.

Do you know anyone taking cyber school, Im sure there are a few people from your school that started taking it just talk to them about it see what they think of it. yeah, theres about 5% of people that have any interest of that in my school. yeah my buddy did it for a year, he didnt like it because it was boring. i dont think id mind it but idk. im actually thinking about going to the next school over, saegertown. its more country oriented and i already know a bunch oif kids there. a lot of them ride. ****in hate meadville though.

09-20-2011, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
whats your guys opinion on it? im thinking about doing it. school starts at 9am, ends at 230, you only have it mondays and fridays, minimal homework, you dont have to deal with bull**** teachers, free in the state of pa, they even supply you a laptop. seems like a good deal to me. i just hate the school im in, all the teachers are bull**** for the most part and class starts at 753 and ends at 304. the school im in is very "city oriented" lotta drugs happening, lot of kids runnin around town. not exactly ideal. im more into motocross and theyre all like skaters. im in the "popular" click. theres like so many fights to, more than i can keep up with. i love to have a good fight every now and then, but anymore its boring. im 6foot and 150lbs. so im not exactly weak or small. these kids dont really understand riding. ive got like 3friends that ride. other than that i hang out with the jocks, sport junkies, and the occasional skaters. kinda a tough decision, because i dont know how id like it. seems good, but ill be quite unsociable. im in 2 accelerated and struggling like hell and barely making it buy with B's, my parents wont let me go to academic. they hold me to an 85%+ standard or im grounded.

welcome to middle school/high school..

seriously dude...meadville (mhs), or conneaut, sagertown, where ever you go to school can honestly not be all that bad....i have friends who have all gone there and none of them had it any worse, any different, or any easier than myself or any other kids growing up in the area....id just suck it up dude.....your going to miss out on alot of important life experiences by bailing out of school now for something easier or for something jsut because no one rides :rolleyes:

also..honestly...i've known some ppl that have done cyber school, and while i don't have experience with it myself, they never really didn't anything with their lives once they got out.......i personally believe that you are not going to get the same attention and academic skills you would from a lap top than you would from one on one experience with a teacher, a book, and your peers...

i know at 13, or 14 its tough...but think about your future, not the present

09-20-2011, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by ben300
welcome to middle school/high school..

seriously dude...meadville (mhs), or conneaut, sagertown, where ever you go to school can honestly not be all that bad....i have friends who have all gone there and none of them had it any worse, any different, or any easier than myself or any other kids growing up in the area....id just suck it up dude.....your going to miss out on alot of important life experiences by bailing out of school now for something easier or for something jsut because no one rides :rolleyes:

also..honestly...i've known some ppl that have done cyber school, and while i don't have experience with it myself, they never really didn't anything with their lives once they got out.......i personally believe that you are not going to get the same attention and academic skills you would from a lap top than you would from one on one experience with a teacher, a book, and your peers...

i know at 13, or 14 its tough...but think about your future, not the present i go to meadville, whered you go? id like to go to saegertown. so many more people that ride, whether that matters or not, i hate meadville. cant stand it or the people in it. the teachers are bull**** here

09-20-2011, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
i go to meadville, whered you go? id like to go to saegertown. so many more people that ride, whether that matters or not, i hate meadville. cant stand it or the people in it. the teachers are bull**** here

i live 25 minutes down rt 19, work in franklin, and went to reynolds....

anyway...i know ppl that went to sagertown and even had one of their recently retired principals as a prof in college...its not a bad school...

but like any school...your gonna run into 1) stupid teachers 2)drugs 3) city kids (wiggers).....thats just high school in america these days....it'll only get worse in college..

if you think you'd like it go for it...im not trying to be harsh on you....but id hate to make my parents pay for school when they already pay school taxes, just because they didnt like a place..

i will say this about sager town....there are some dimes there...one of the absolute hottest chicks ive ever had the pleasure of knowing went ther :devil:

09-20-2011, 07:00 PM
i did it and it was like really easy i did 2 years of school work in 2 weeks 11-12 and i was done :p

09-20-2011, 07:07 PM
My friend did cyber school. They wouldn't let him in the navy becuase it is a tier 3 education. I think colleges feel the same way. They rate getting a GED tier 2 better than going to cyber school.

My opinion go to real school. I didn't learn any book smarts in school you learn how to deal with real life situations and interacting with people. All the stuff you said about your school guess what when you get out in the real world its the same thing you have to learn how to deal with it.

09-20-2011, 07:10 PM
i'm in the same boat man but try harder to have fun in highschool. these are some of the best years of your life and you gotta make em that way. doin any sports? if not then go for it. get social. i hang out with pretty much the same people as youand alot of my upper class men because im "mature":p haha and because i know em from sports. i'm almost 6 foot and like 148 and im #2 varsity for cross country running. if you are a good runner i highly suggest it!

09-20-2011, 07:27 PM
Have you ever taken a class online before ? I ask that because although I never took one in high school I have taken them in college because I was under the same impression that I wouldn't have to go to a set time frame multiple times a week etc. I ended up hating them, me personally I like the actual class room setting and learning from a teacher and the actual interaction. Ya you will get some d-bag people and/or teachers but I have also have teachers that have really changed me outlook or opinion on many things. Also its all part of the learning experience, for the rest of your life you'll most likely have to deal with people you don't like. Just keep at it in those accelerated classes and worry less about who rides. It will pay off when your going off to college to experience one of the best times of your life and others are stuck home doing the same old chit day in and day out.

Ruby Soho
09-20-2011, 09:09 PM
if you cant handle school i cant imagine what will happen when you hit the real world.

09-21-2011, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
if you cant handle school i cant imagine what will happen when you hit the real world.

its not that he cant handle it...its just tht he's lazy, and the teachers make him do work....

..plus, havent you been reading this thread....theres only "3" poeple in his school that ride....i mean, i dont know about you, but thats a solid reason to leave a school :rolleyes:

Ruby Soho
09-21-2011, 08:56 AM

well thats my point, if teachers make you do work, i wonder what your boss is going to make you do?:confused:

09-21-2011, 09:13 AM
Cyber school is the lazy way out.

School cant be that bad, go there do your time and be done with it. There was really no one I knew in school that rode, I basically lived in shop classes the whole time and I had few friends since where i live we have a ton of NYC transplants that (before the idiots at the jersey shore tv show came) acted like that.

Welcome to life, it dont get much better my friend. Work is even worse, imagine HAVING to do the activity or whatever because you need to do it and make money-yet you hate doing it? Im not gonna cry about it, but heres a taste of what you may get to do if you cant secure a real job that pays well:

I spent the better part of yesterday edging a lawn with a shovel (this isnt a neasy task btw in case you dont know) I also planted trees/shrubs, weeded a garden bed, moved 2 tons of dirt by wheel barrow and trimmed shrubs/trees. Oh, did I mention it was raining (nothard but enough to soak me after awhile). before tuesday I spent my entire weekend and monday night moving stone and building a retaining wall-we worked from 8 till 8 all weekend and then had to go back monday night and work till 9pm mostly in the dark. Or maybe you would like to drive a tow truck and crawl under cars in all manner of elements 12-18 hours a day, maybe being covered in grease and being a mechanics ok and burning yourself on hot cars, how about contracting, ever saw a finger off, lift heavy 2x4's on a ladder up a roof?

Trust me, your still a kid and you got plenty of time to take it easy-if I could do it all over again id do better inhigh school and get off my duff and go to college sooner and work harder. I realized that work sucks, specially when you cant make much money b/c you lack a degree, Im currently going back to school so I dont have to do the above Imentioned till I die.

Suck it up.

09-21-2011, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Ruby Soho
if you cant handle school i cant imagine what will happen when you hit the real world.

lol, awesome...

"i really dont like paying bills.....well and you know, none of the bill collectors ride, i mean im in the popular click with them you know, but they always fight."

09-21-2011, 11:26 AM
Yea bud, its clear by how youre speaking and talking about these situations that youre a little young and immature. No offense, but relish this point in your life. Before you know it you'll be sitting at a desk browsing atvriders.com dreaming of how much fun/easy high school and college was. Im speaking from personal expericence. Just graduated from Purdue in Dec 2010 and have been working as an accountant. M-F 8-5. Sounds sweet right?....My life is over :eek:

09-21-2011, 04:18 PM
wow, i didnt know that about cyberschool. but im not taking the easy way out? haha. i have absolutely no fun in school. i know schools not supposed to be fun but your still supposed to have some right? finster yeah i play sports, i play soccer and volleyball and track. i talked to my buddy that did cyberschool for a year, hes pretty much determined me that i dont want to do it. im not lazy, if i was id be in straight general classes. i make an effort? i get my working papers in 3months, ive already got a set spot at a restaurant after school. which is gonna still leave minimal time to ride :/ but oh well. haha

09-21-2011, 06:43 PM
Every kid that i've known that goes to cyberschool ends up being a complete bumass.

09-21-2011, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
wow, i didnt know that about cyberschool. but im not taking the easy way out? haha. i have absolutely no fun in school. i know schools not supposed to be fun but your still supposed to have some right? finster yeah i play sports, i play soccer and volleyball and track. i talked to my buddy that did cyberschool for a year, hes pretty much determined me that i dont want to do it. im not lazy, if i was id be in straight general classes. i make an effort? i get my working papers in 3months, ive already got a set spot at a restaurant after school. which is gonna still leave minimal time to ride :/ but oh well. haha

if your asparations are to do something that doesnt require and education ( like working a dead end job with no money to ride ) then youll be right on track!

09-25-2011, 07:33 PM
Everyone I know who has been homeschooled slowly ends up losing all of their friends and ends up with nothing to do ever, and it drops your chances on having a successfull future pretty low