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View Full Version : My Walker Fowler interview! 2011

09-18-2011, 08:43 PM
I am considering going into the career of, Reporter/interviewer if my mechanical career falls. So as one of my school projects, i had to interview someone who has a job that I want to have and ask them 5 question of my choosing. My my lucky day, i got to ask GNCC XC2 Class points leader, Mr Walker Fowler! All of these answers came straight from Mr Fowlers keyboard to my email, so if you dont believe that he actually answered these questions, its your problem.

1. ME-. At the beginning of the 2011 season you were still going to high school. Was it tough to balance schoolwork and a full time racing career? and Was Bill Ballance pretty strict on you about school?

WF- --It was pretty difficult to find a proper balance between my school career and professional racing career. My parents raised me with an understanding that school comes first and everything else follows. I had to really focus on not slacking off because if my grades dropped, it was more than likely caused by to much focus on racing and my parents made it clear that if my grades suffered, I wouldn't race. I maintained a 4.0 GPA my senior year and graduated with a 3.96GPA. Bill Ballance wasn't concerned with perfect grades, but he also made it clear that I couldn't be a drop out and I needed to give 100% effort on school just like racing and if a 4.0 came from it, then that's a bonus. My sponsors liked seeing the high grades also;it shows hard work.

2. ME- Some would say that Bithell and Mcgill run better when they hook up out in the woods. Do you think Kiser will benefit from having a teammate as another front runner next year with you moving up to the xc1 pro class?

WF- --I think we will both benefit next season with my moving up. When you ride and train together all the time you know someones style, what they do good and what they lack. On the race track, we can switch back an forth in areas where we know one of us is faster and try to catch the front group or pull away. Then on the last lap its every man for himself. But I think it will be good for both of us.

3. ME- About how much time per week do you have to train, and practice? Or are you more like Borich who just does seat time as training?

WF- --I usually go to the local gym 3-4 times per week. I'm there on average 2-3 hours. In that time I spend an hour doing cardiovascular exercises, and the rest of the time doing various strength training with free weights or machines. Each day I focus on a separate area of the body to work on and always switch it up so my body doesn't build a tolerance to certain exercises. Then I ride 2-3 times per week for an hour straight. Almost every weekend we will do a race, sometimes twice. And I try to focus my diet on healthy, low fat foods. Proteins and carbohydrates and lots of water! Haha

4. ME- What was your back up plan in case your racing career did not take off? (thank goodness it did)

WF- Well I didn't put much thought into it but I would have went to a local college probably for mechanical engineering. Like I said I haven't put much thought into it but I would probably further my education in some way.

5. ME- . It would seem that a lot of guys, who are getting into racing, go out and just worry about speed over precision. Do you think guys should work on precision and speed will come later on?

WF---To go fast, you have to have all of the racing/riding basics 100% mastered so they just become 2nd nature to you. Then speed follows because you don't have to use your brain to perform simple basic riding tasks, and you can think more on going fast and being in control and worry more about going through 58 inch wide trees at 50-60MPH! Yes precision builds speed, and also as a young rider myself coming up through the ranks, experience is also a key factor in speed.

Some of my questions could have been better but hey its my first interview and ITS WALKER FOWLER! lol Adam Mcgill will be my next target for a interview project, because i am sure i will have another!

Let me know how you guys think i did.
Priciate it :D We will see what type of a grade i get.

ATV Chic
09-18-2011, 08:56 PM
Pretty cool! I think you did an excellent job! Do you ever go to the GNCC race in Crawfordsville, IN? I think it is the weekend of 10/24, 25 this year.

09-18-2011, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by ATV Chic
Pretty cool! I think you did an excellent job! Do you ever go to the GNCC race in Crawfordsville, IN? I think it is the weekend of 10/24, 25 this year.

Oh yes! Of course! The atv race is the 22nd this year.. hope its not dusty like last year. I have atteneded the 2010 ironman (got me hooked on this GNCC stuff), then the INDY 100 in Gosport, and i will be at the Ironman, and lorretta Lynns this year as well!

Thanks! :)

ATV Chic
09-18-2011, 09:14 PM
Yeah that's awesome. We were at the 100 too and I got a lil stuck in my car lol This will be the first year that we will miss the Ironman in the last 5 due to us goin on vaca. Here's a couple picks I dug up that I took last year at the end of the race ;)




09-18-2011, 09:28 PM
Thanks for posting those pictures! Thats really cool, i like to see anything that has to do with racing. My biddies took me to the Ironman last year, and i didnt even know what GNCC was.

I knew who Ockerman was but i thats only because he lives ten minutes from my house, lol.

But the first time i saw Borich, and Mcgill and Kiser and everyone weaving in and out of trees about 55 MPH i was like holy crap this is awesome! I have had nothing but GNCC on my mind ever since. IM OBSESSED! hahaha

Thanks alot for the pics!

09-19-2011, 06:05 AM
Those are some great questions! Good job.

09-19-2011, 06:22 AM
Very good line of questions. Thats one thing about XC racing I have always liked, the ability to interact with the top riders. Most of them will tell you pretty much anything you want to know. Its been an honor watching Walker go from a mini quad to the Pro ranks (wont be long).

09-19-2011, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Very good line of questions. Thats one thing about XC racing I have always liked, the ability to interact with the top riders. Most of them will tell you pretty much anything you want to know. Its been an honor watching Walker go from a mini quad to the Pro ranks (wont be long).

Good job...but you didn't ask any Howard Stern-like questions. ;) I like getting some insight into the riders lives...often thinking that is the key part that has been missing in ATV racing.

I like watching the pro bike races because of the insight you get into the riders, etc. as much or more than actually watching the race itself. There has been a series on this year about the mx bike racers that involves very little racing. Same for the ATV 24/7 series. Hate to admit it but I like the soap opera stuff that goes on between the riders, their crews, etc. Makes it all more personal. I went to the Atlanta Supercross and didn't find it nearly as interesting as watching in on tv hearing the announcers.

09-19-2011, 03:38 PM
Thanks everyone, i really enjoyed doing this interview. I think it might be something that i want to do as a career just because i like interacting with all the top riders, and what not.

I actually learned some things from this interview also.

My next school project i have to do for an interview will either be with Adam Mcgill or Donnie Ockerman.

I like hearing your guys feedback so maybe for the next interview you guys may give me some ideas for questions.

My personal favorite was the question about when he moves up into XC1 if he thought Kiser would benifit from it.

And yes, it seems like all the GNCC top racers will help you out in anyway they can. I didnt really expect for Fowler to give me as much detail as he did in this interview. Seems like he has his head on pretty straight! lol

09-19-2011, 04:08 PM
Good Hustle