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09-15-2011, 09:59 AM
So this might be a stupid question, but I have a friend who races, but he doesn't maintain his own bike. He basically rides someone's bike and races for someone else. The people just want their bike and their name out there.

I'm wondering if this is an unusual thing...and if it's not how do I get into this?! My family is not very into quads or riding but I absolutely love it. It's hard, however, to race without someone supporting me who know's what they're doing.

Any information people could give me on this would be amazing. Thanks.

09-15-2011, 10:10 AM
very rare...this is what you would call real sponsorship. Most people have discount sponsorships where they are given a discount on purchases. Real sponsorship is someone who gives you their products or services for free and hopefully at some point an actual salary for racing for them. I am thinking Josh Upperman is fully sponsored by Baldwin Racing. I really doubt that Josh pays Mark a dime when he blows a motor, etc.

09-15-2011, 10:12 AM
ask your friend how he got into that. But unless you have your own bike and have proven yourself a excellent rider. they are not going to throw money away to someone who isnt a proven winner. No one is going to just give you a bike and say "have fun".

09-15-2011, 10:13 AM
correction to my post. Some parents will do that.

09-15-2011, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by evan402
correction to my post. Some parents will do that.

I am guiltily of that! :devil:

09-16-2011, 11:43 AM
Most of your top Pro riders have pretty unique set-ups with their sponsors. Many of them have a bike strictly for practice and another for racing purposes only. The rider would do maintenace on their practice bike as they may not live next door to the shop, but race bikes are usually kept with the title sponsor, Can-Am, Baldwin, etc.

Salaried paid riders are getting slim... Factory Can-Am, Yamaha, and Honda for this past season (ATV MX nationals). There are contingencies paid to the riders via their sponsors, Goldspeed, Maxxis, DWT, Can-Am, ITP, etc. Take a look at what parts you have, then go on their respective websites (maxxis, etc) and look into their contingency programs. Earning $100-500 from racing a National is pretty nice.

Get to know your local motor shop or parts shops. After riding and racing you may "earn" a discount and the occasional freebie. Over the season(s), you work to develop a good relationship with them. As your skill level progresses and you race more places or Nationals with a proven record (top 3 or top 5) you can get better discounts and/or land sponsorships with other manufacturers. It takes time, but Uppy didn't get where he was overnight. I know he works his @$$ off everyday to get where he is at.

To start you will only get % off parts and such but look into mysponsorhouse.com - I think