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View Full Version : Speeding Ticket question in Illinois

09-11-2011, 07:03 PM
Hey guys I got a speeding ticket 2 weeks ago and I was wondering if you all could help me out with the price of supervision. I live in Illinois, menard county, the ticket was in sangamon county. I was doing 45 in a 35 zone and I'm 16, only been driving 2 months too....well I learned not to speed now. However I'm kinda worried how much my supervision will be. My ticket is 120 dollars, I have that covered but idk about supervison. Could anyone help me of what to do? I have money to pay it but I wanna take enough to court with me. And will I have to pay for a traffic course?

09-11-2011, 07:41 PM
You should not even need to goto court. Just pay the fine. Its not even worth getting it off your record, even if you goto court to get it off, future employers can still see it anyways.

09-11-2011, 07:50 PM
I dont want my insurance to go up thats why I want supervision

09-11-2011, 08:16 PM
hmm. I have had around 5 speeding tickets in 5 years since getting my license and have never had my insurance go up. Even had a claim.

09-12-2011, 10:51 AM
go to the court, you dont have any fees to pay as long as it doesnt go in front of the judge. I had a ticket and they lowered it and I got points back from it. It wont hurt anything, that will be on your record for at lest2 years and then it will be on your record but it wont effect your insurance or at least thats how mine worked.

09-12-2011, 10:50 PM
I'd say go to court, thats what I did with my speeding tickets, I think supervision is like 125 now? But If your insurance does go up (which my cousins did after his speeding ticket) it will cost you more in the long run. His was like 10 a month, so 12 months time 10 equals your supervision money lol Just my opinion on whats worked for me.