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08-31-2011, 04:03 PM
Wow... so back in late July I went into the doctor for a physical before I headed off to college, and he was asking me how my grades were doing. I told him okay, but could be better. He asked me if i though i had ADD, i said that its possible that i might. He put me on a 5mg dose of a prescription drug to take only while at school. Well I was talking to my recruiter for the National Guard, apparently ( which I had no clue about, and wasn't warned about this by my doctor either, and I did express interest in the military to him. ) I was AUTOMATICALLY disqualified because I had ADD/ADHD. I was stunned.... I have functioned for years with passing grades and I have performed more than excellent at all of my jobs that involved extrememly meticulous work under some high stress situations. Not to mention a year of college behind me with passing grades. I am feelin very upset about this... i mean I am very physically fit, i have a completely clean record, not even a parking ticket. I've never drank a sip of alchohol or even been around somebody smoking a joint, much less smoked one. So because my doctor recommened i take an ADD med, that i have only taken a few times, and I have the meds and the bottles to prove that, I can no longer pursue the military career that I have been dreaming about since a kid. Any words of advice or names of people I could talk to?

08-31-2011, 04:07 PM
BTW, I have the full force of my family and friends behind me, not to mention several police officers who have decades of special forces experience who could verify that I am more than fit to perform the duties. I just laugh at the fact that i could be a " liability ".... I quit taking the meds and am going to see my doc to yell at him on friday.

08-31-2011, 07:08 PM
Talk to another recruiter, that doesnt make any sense at all. DQ for ADD...right, they DQ for alot of things, but Ive never heard of ADD.

08-31-2011, 07:08 PM
talk to your doc, it seems like he didnt even diagnose you and just gave u the meds. and correct me if im worng but add and adhd do NOT disqualify you for joining the military. i am 100% positive i know someone who has joined with adhd with no problems. but it wasnt the national guard.

08-31-2011, 07:11 PM
Founds this: http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/a/asthma.htm

You can always get a waiver, its a somewhat lengthy process but it means they wotn DQ you.

For the record I was DQ b/c I have pins in my wrist from an accident. Somehow or another I apparently wont be able to serve fully despite my wrist being fine?

08-31-2011, 07:16 PM
Well i was told that without waivers, by the Army, National Guard, and Navy that unless i was off the meds for 2 years and had a Meps and my doctor clear me, and a waiver i wouldn't be able to join. They pretty much said, end of story goodbye. they already closed my online application.

08-31-2011, 07:30 PM
Thats just a lazy recruiter not wanting to do the proper paperwork. I know plenty of people in the military with ADD. I am a Staff SGT in the army reserves and have been in for going on 9 years now. One of my best friends has ADHA and has been in just as long. Tell them to get off there ***** and do there job!! If not you will find a different branch willing to take you.

Just my 2 cents

08-31-2011, 08:59 PM
I am sure hoping and praying that this all works out. I am going in to see my doctor on friday to get him chewed out about putting this on my record when he said it was only a trial on the drugs and that he wouldn't confirm it until we wanted a second prescription.

Feelin really bummed, just hoping i can get it all worked out. I was planning on spending a few years doin this before i come back home for Police Academy, which doesn't DQ you for having ADD.

08-31-2011, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by flint250trx
Thats just a lazy recruiter not wanting to do the proper paperwork. I know plenty of people in the military with ADD. I am a Staff SGT in the army reserves and have been in for going on 9 years now. One of my best friends has ADHA and has been in just as long. Tell them to get off there ***** and do there job!! If not you will find a different branch willing to take you.

Just my 2 cents

So you are saying that a person with ADD/ADHD could get in?

08-31-2011, 10:26 PM
hell ya man that is absolute crap that they would tell you that. As long as you score well on the ASVAB test why wouldnt you be able too. I have seen convicted felons join so your telling me someone with ADD cant get in. Thats just rediclious.

I would do a little more research on it. I will also call my local recruiter whom i have workerd with before at my reserve center and see what he has to say about it.

08-31-2011, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by flint250trx
hell ya man that is absolute crap that they would tell you that. As long as you score well on the ASVAB test why wouldnt you be able too. I have seen convicted felons join so your telling me someone with ADD cant get in. Thats just rediclious.

I would do a little more research on it. I will also call my local recruiter whom i have workerd with before at my reserve center and see what he has to say about it.

Please do it!! Been making some calls myself, not getting anywhere, but did get one Navy Recruiter to say that he thought it was crap and that i should come in in november and we would get some stuff worked out.