View Full Version : New hybrid/ switching gears

08-30-2011, 06:40 PM
Well I bought this project Ltr for my girl.. (kind of thinking.. hey practice bike.. right?) I started tearing into it to give it a little face lift and powder.. pretty it up for her.. Then I decided.. this is BORING. So I have my favorite trusty 06 yzf 450 sitting on the bench and decided man that thing would really clean this bike up. No oil tank, starter, battery, radiator fan, gobs of electronics etc.. Not to mention the yzf is built and strong.. so now here is the run down.. of whats about to happen.
Ltr frame gusseted, cleaned converted to yzf
walsh flows on the way, w fox
walsh savior on the way w fox
walsh stem on the way.
got new beadlock,
got new plastic
got new tires
got new nerfs..
I think this thing is going to shape up sweet... Gonna start mocking it up here this weekend. I'll get some pics shortly..
I've been kind of bored with the R hybrids still ticking away at my crf got alot of cool **** happening with that soon though. This should be fun. Stay tuned.

08-30-2011, 06:51 PM
I started reading this thread and i was like damn this guy sounds rather ambitious i hope he can pull this off. Then i looked over to the left at the name of who posted and realized this thing is gonna probably be so nasty cause it has to sit next to the CRF-EFI :)

08-30-2011, 07:08 PM
haha thanks.. yea it should be trick.. always have to up the bar..

09-07-2011, 07:38 AM
definitely subscribing to this. Should be a great end product.

09-20-2011, 02:36 PM
hows this workin out, i like this

09-20-2011, 04:35 PM
I'm getting close to starting the frame. I'm basically just finding and stock piling the parts I need. Once I'm set I'll dig in. Trying not to drag this one out too long. Gonna need it soon for some dune riding.