View Full Version : *Title Removed*

08-12-2011, 07:24 PM
Your information in this post has been deleted as it has been deemed advertising for which you are not entitled to do. Only paid advertisers of this site may openly advertise their products and or services. If you would like to become an advertiser on this website, please contact webmaster@atvriders.com via email.

While it is not our intention to prevent information on this website, we have to protect those that support our endeavors through payment for the right to advertise here. Your company doesnt exist on giving your product or service away for free, just as ours doesnt operate without expenses therefore we can not allow free advertising.

For a reminder to you, our rules are listed at the bottom of every page. Thank you for your understanding.

5. No commercial advertising of any sort, except for advertising for our sponsors/paid advertisers - including banners in posts, avatars, or signature lines, website addresses, phone numbers, or messages (public or private). This includes users advertising for different shops or companies. We enjoy all shops taking part in ATVriders but no contact information, including websites or phone numbers. The administrator alone will make the final decision on what is advertising but as a simple rule it covers all retail shops, chop shops, and product manufacturers big and small. Manufacturers are strongly encouraged to post information on their own products, but please no ads or prices. Violation of this rule will result in one warning and then a permanent ban.

08-13-2011, 10:45 AM
looks like nice gear they build

08-13-2011, 06:08 PM
What were they selling??

08-13-2011, 09:33 PM
[QUOTE]If you would like to become an advertiser on this website, please contact webmaster@atvriders.com via email. [QUOTE]

I don't think he was advertising, he was simply reccommending a company that makes nice parts that he liked.
why is there no name of the mod who deleted his post?

08-13-2011, 10:50 PM
Yep that is all I was doing trying to help one of my local shops out.

Most people dont know about them, they make great products.

just go to *name deleted on google and you will find them there, shop out of deleted

I did have it where you could just click on a link and it would send you right to their site.

But atvriders must say you can't do that I don't know why, on all the other forums you can.

08-14-2011, 04:29 AM
they make some pretty nice a-arms and also make frames and subframes it looks like. not enough info on the website it shows a pic of trx chassis doesn't say trx450r or trx400ex or trx700xx cause they do stuff for the utility crew too.

08-14-2011, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by trx250racer
I don't think he was advertising, he was simply reccommending a company that makes nice parts that he liked.
why is there no name of the mod who deleted his post?

I didn't think it needed a name, 90% of the edits in this section are done by me.

And saying "Hey, check out XYZ shop, here's their website" is indeed advertising. In case you missed it, I'll post the rules again.

5. No commercial advertising of any sort, except for advertising for our sponsors/paid advertisers - including banners in posts, avatars, or signature lines, website addresses, phone numbers, or messages (public or private). This includes users advertising for different shops or companies. We enjoy all shops taking part in ATVriders but no contact information, including websites or phone numbers. The administrator alone will make the final decision on what is advertising but as a simple rule it covers all retail shops, chop shops, and product manufacturers big and small. Manufacturers are strongly encouraged to post information on their own products, but please no ads or prices. Violation of this rule will result in one warning and then a permanent ban.