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View Full Version : Med school?

07-29-2011, 10:50 PM
Well, I'm only on my first year of school and am trying to get a BS in mechanical/aerospace engineering, but recently have started thinking about trying to go onto med school after. I know I would have to take some extra classes before doing so but I don't mind, at least not as of right now haha. I'm just not sure if I want to be in school for so long plus the cost is ridiculous(even though it would pay off pretty quickly).. Is anyone here done with/ doing med school? I'm just trying to get some opinions on the idea. Like I said, I just started thinking about it and have more than 3 years to decide.

07-29-2011, 11:31 PM
I think being a Dr these days is kinda over rated. my mom worked for an orthopedic surgeon and between idiots suing him for not getting better (he advised them exactly what to do, thier own fault if they did), medical malpractice and the downturn int he economy (plus he was already thinking of retiring) he said eff it and closed shop.

Now, if you want to do it b/c thats what you want do to remember its insanely hard to do and not for the weak at all. Many attempt and just never finish or flunk due to the amount of work, time and effort you gotta put in. But if its something you always wanted let nothing stop you besides the huge cost of schooling you gotta pay when your done.

If the above doesnt discourage you and you have the will and the brains I say go for it. Certainly will not b an easy path but if you really want it-do it!

On the other hand 4 years getting a mech eng degreeand you can come out making 40-50k easy to start and in 2-3 years be making 60k+??

07-30-2011, 12:49 AM
Well I don't have one of those "I've always wanted to be a Doctor" stories. I've never even thought of being a doctor before. There are a couple reasons that brought the career to my attention though.
1. I crashed a couple months ago tearing my LCL, ACL, and damaging a nerve. I had to get surgery done and after the whole experience I realized that I would like to be the guy who stitched me back together for people that are in my shoes now. I looked into it more and found it to be an interesting field. You don't really choose your specialty until later on, but I figure if Orthopedics interests me that many of the other specialties will too.
2. We have had a lot of Doctors in my family. I always thought I would be different but here I am thinking about it haha. So I guess that is another reason that influenced me to want to do it.
3. And the last reason is school itself. I kind of enjoy it, and I like how much I'm learning. Math has always been my strong point and I loved designing stuff. This is what made me want to go the engineering route and is why I plan on finishing this degree instead of switching over to a medical related one. I guess I'm just not sure what I want to do just yet, but I want to get as much from school as I can so that I can do anything I want when I get out. I feel like I've wasted time all through out high school and am starting to regret it, so now I am trying to use all of my potential and see where it takes me.
Maybe I should just try to forget about it for now and see where I stand in a couple years. I hate not having a plan though haha.

07-31-2011, 04:22 AM
Hell if I were motivated a little more I'd go back to school for anesthesia or if I already had my bachelors ortho surgeon isn't too bad of a job. I'd only do knees and hips though. Hands and shoulders can get kinda tricky.