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View Full Version : Where did summer go....

07-20-2011, 02:18 PM
Here i am just 4 weeks out from starting the fall semester... I move to KC,MO in Early August... I got absolutely nothing done this summer except make money and argue with my girlfriend.... The EX has been sitting for 2 months and the KX250 is still sitting in a million pieces. I haven't driven the old resto car since june. God this summer sucked... I am thinking about F-ing the world and staying up for 4 days straight and finishing all my projects and going to the beach with friends for a week. Anyone elses summer pretty much been a wash???

07-20-2011, 02:24 PM
i dont know how old you are but best i can say is get used to it. Im 25 and my summer goes nowhere anymore. 5 years ago i spent every weekend at a track somewhere riding. Now if i ride once a month i am lucky and all my best friends that i rode with sold their stuff 2 years ago. After moving out of mom and dads i never have time to do what i want anymore. My riding now consist of jumping in the rzr on saturday night after all the chores are done and riding the local trails until everyone gets tired.

07-20-2011, 02:28 PM
Yeah man... i am 19. Working 62 hours a week on average and its 102 degrees F here with 85% humidity... Pretty trashy... I think that a-lot of it is just being emotionaly drained from the constant tending to my GF's needs for everything... She's pretty selfish and in-secure... its a major killer. Worst part is that it didn't really surface until recently when i started wanting to spend more time by myself....

07-20-2011, 02:31 PM
Once you get out of school, summer is nothing more than warmer weather.

07-20-2011, 02:52 PM
Same boat makes you wish that you were back in high school. The way I see it is its all down hill from here unless you can roll in the money which isn't an easy task. I haven't persay had a summer since Jr year and wish I would of spent more time having fun than growing up. Granted I make it a goal to ride every weekend but usually its every other nd have been fortunate enough to make all the local races. Summer classes are a pain because there always on your mind and the school I'm attending makes going threw college so damn difficult. But when I look at it this summer seems worse because of the heat. It makes things more irritable and makes tempers flair up a lot easier.

07-20-2011, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Scro
Once you get out of school, summer is nothing more than warmer weather.
Trailrider i thought you planned on racing most of this summer?

07-20-2011, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by evan402
Trailrider i thought you planned on racing most of this summer?

I had... but the season was pretty much a wash beacause of the half of our races being cancelled and I took my two available throw out races because I was flooded in... So i DNF'ed because of clutch issues in the first race and then there was no chance of recovery after that for my points. I don't have time to do it... My passion is plumb well drained out because of exhaustion... To be honest i always had great summers when i wasn't with this girl... I'm gonna break it off for sure and enjoy the rest of my summer.

07-20-2011, 04:08 PM
The older you get the quicker they go.

07-20-2011, 04:45 PM
Its called getting old brotha!

07-20-2011, 05:04 PM
Im 16 and my summer is work, work and work. Not that it bother me, I get up at 5a.m. and go get on a bus to go to a corn field in the middle of Illinois And work in the 110 degree heat!!:D

07-20-2011, 05:20 PM
if im not at work im working on the quad if im not working on the hybrid im riding it if im not riding it im sleeping lol

07-20-2011, 05:27 PM
i feel ya man, ive been working anywhere from 12-14 hours a day landscaping in this heat since june 13th, thats when my school ended. i get to do it until my first day next year, and im 17. my summers should still be fun. im making money but theres a problem when u work so much you dont have time to spend any :(

Aarons 01 400EX
07-20-2011, 05:44 PM
I'm off for the summer... :D :D :D But i work my butt off from August-June

07-20-2011, 05:56 PM
But wait!
You said you still have 4 weeks to go till school starts, so that means you still have half of it to go. What are you complaining about?
Stop *****in and go out and do something. Besides getting older has its perks, no one ever tells me what to do or when I can do it. I have to take care of more things as a grown up but making my own decisions makes it all worth it.

07-20-2011, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
Yeah man... i am 19. Working 62 hours a week on average and its 102 degrees F here with 85% humidity... Pretty trashy... I think that a-lot of it is just being emotionaly drained from the constant tending to my GF's needs for everything... She's pretty selfish and in-secure... its a major killer. Worst part is that it didn't really surface until recently when i started wanting to spend more time by myself....

If thats how you feel about her then it sounds like you shouldn't be with her. That should free up some time. At 19 you shouldn't be getting emotionly drained from you GF. Hell you shouldn't even have a GF.

Problem solved.

07-20-2011, 06:52 PM
Welcome to the rest of your life pretty much.

During the summer I used to work 90+/hrs a week being a mechanic/tow truck driver. I basically slept in the truck, at the shop or perhaps my bed for a few hours. Rolled in the dough but like an idiot I spent most of it and burned myself out.

I now work maybe 4-5 days a week sweating my arse off doing landscaping. Mechanic work was actually cleaner. I dont get paid nearly as much but at least its the same routine every day pretty much, I get to go home and I work with my friends.

I go back to school in september. Been working at get my BS for years now. I cant recall exactly, but I think I have about 20-30 creds left, its still a long road and Im 26 already. Then of course once Im done I hope I can find a job lol.

On top of everything I used to work anywhere from 20-40 hrs a week during school up until this past semester when I got fired from the one job. Lemme tell you what-was nice not having to do anything but school again-sucked cause I had no cash tho.

As I believe: Life sucks then you die, so make the damn most of it you can. Save some cash but spend some too-you cant take the greenbacks with you!

07-20-2011, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
If thats how you feel about her then it sounds like you shouldn't be with her. That should free up some time. At 19 you shouldn't be getting emotionly drained from you GF. Hell you shouldn't even have a GF.

Problem solved.

X2 you have the rest of your life to deal with that crap. Your only young once live it the heck up. When you get to be 40 you will look back and go what was I thinking.

07-20-2011, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
If thats how you feel about her then it sounds like you shouldn't be with her. That should free up some time. At 19 you shouldn't be getting emotionly drained from you GF. Hell you shouldn't even have a GF.

Problem solved.

Agreed: You’re the one that puts up with her crap. If you don’t like it, move on. Trust me; there are lots of nice girls out there. You just gotta weed through all the bad ones.
I’ll take a nice girl with a great attitude that doesn’t look all that great, over a hot chick with a chip on her shoulder any day. It’s not about looks as much as character.

07-20-2011, 08:21 PM
It's my last summer before university starts... so far it has been pretty good. Finished my CR125, and have been to see relatives in Alberta and Chicago. Most of my time is now spent getting my Acura Legend running... hopefully in the next 10 days haha.

07-20-2011, 08:29 PM
i dumped mine just for that reason, well..and she cheated on me haha. b****s. all about the fwb's :chinese: and kicking it with the guy friends.

Tommy Warren
07-20-2011, 09:12 PM
if you chick has low self esteem she will look for love wherever she can get it....whether she is with you or not....Coming from a 26 year old..HAVE FUN!!! in 7 years it won't be possible at all.

MX MaNiAc 06
07-21-2011, 09:01 PM
Easy fix bro.. ditch the chick, fix the quad. Ride the quad when you aren't working.. Party and chase tail by night. It's so easy a caveman can do it!

07-21-2011, 09:27 PM
Put the oil cooler back onthe EX and rode it around this afternoon!!! ;)

Tommy Warren
07-22-2011, 12:09 AM
I went and looked at a 400ex last night but it was chit....the front sprocket was welded on the carrier was busted it hd a wild knock and all the bearings where shot.....so I bought a crf 250r on the way home :)

07-22-2011, 04:00 PM
A few guys mentioned it already, and they're right... As soon as schools over the year just blends together. I kind of miss it and wish I took better advantage of the time to do road trips or more riding but it is what it is.

I don't even have much time for any hobbies anymore.. I'm trying to get back into mountain biking but can't seem to get motivated to get out there and build some jumps. Seems like after work all I want to do is come home and listen to music and surf the web :p