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View Full Version : needs a rebuild

07-18-2011, 12:05 PM
ok so i blew my motor up this weekend at the track. i over shot a jump landed hard and knocked my carb off at the intake tube alittle. well took it apart and it leaned out and got hot. i was running a cp piston 416 12.5.1. now i have to go up one so 426 . they dont make them anywhere at 12.5.1. i did find one at je piston it is a 426 13.1 your thoughts please.

07-18-2011, 12:23 PM
You were already using 100+ octane, .5 higher compression really wont make that insane a difference imho.

Its either that or do a new sleeve.

07-18-2011, 12:56 PM
yes i was do u think i will see a diff with power going from a 416 12.5.1 to a 426 13.1 piston. should i get a bigger cam i have a sparks cam now. and i am realling thinking of a port polsh job on the head so i will not have to rip it back down. hear of anyone good in jersey